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Monday, January 30, 2017

Pertamina Request Additional splitt ONWJ

PT Pertamina already getting for great results in the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) on January 18, 2017 upon signing the contract extension. However, Pertamina still return for incentives in the form of additional revenue for the ONWJ. Actually, for the results to Pertamina from ONWJ is already greater than the revenue-sharing government property.

Under the new contract with gross schemes split, for the results obtained Pertamina oil reached 57.5% and the gas yield of 62.5%. While the government only get oil revenue by 42.5% and for gas by 37.5%. However, Pertamina claims, there is still the cost recovery of unpaid government. Therefore, Pertamina requested that cost recovery can be paid, an additional form for the results obtained by Pertamina.

President Director of Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Mount Sardjono Hadi said the cost recovery of unpaid government totaled $ 453 million. "The proposal we could get compensation from the government, in the form of an additional split," said Mount Sarjono Hadi.

Meanwhile, Minister Ignatius Jonan said unpaid cost recovery is indeed an asset for Pertamina to be taken into account. Jonan not specify the additional split it. But the chances of getting an extra split the PHE ONWJ as ONWJ operator could occur. "It is possible that additional incentives right. But it must first audit," said Jonan.

As is known, in the new contract, the government is targeting PHE ONWJ ONWJ achieve crude production in 2017 by 36,000 bpd and gas amounted to 172 MMSCFD. The figure was raised from the realization of production in 2016, which is 36,000 bpd of crude and about 164 MMSCFD gas.


Pertamina Minta Tambahan Splitt Blok ONWJ

PT Pertamina sudah mendapatkan bagi hasil besar di Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) pada 18 Januari 2017 saat penandatanganan kontrak perpanjangan. Namun, Pertamina masih kembali meminta insentif berupa tambahan bagi hasil untuk Blok ONWJ . Sebetulnya bagi hasil untuk Pertamina dari Blok ONWJ sudah lebih besar dibandingkan bagi hasil milik pemerintah.

Dalam kontrak baru dengan skema gross split, bagi hasil minyak yang didapat Pertamina mencapai 57,5% dan bagi hasil gas sebesar 62,5%. Sementara pemerintah hanya mendapatkan bagi hasil minyak sebesar 42,5% dan untuk gas sebesar 37,5%. Namun, Pertamina mengklaim, masih ada cost recovery yang belum dibayarkan pemerintah. Untuk itu, Pertamina meminta agar cost recovery tersebut bisa dibayarkan, berupa tambahan bagi hasil yang didapat oleh Pertamina.

Presiden Direktur Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Gunung Sardjono Hadi mengatakan, cost recovery yang belum dibayarkan pemerintah mencapai US$ 453 juta. "Usulan kami bisa mendapatkan kompensasi dari pemerintah, yaitu berupa tambahan split," kata Gunung Sarjono Hadi.

Sementara itu, Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan mengatakan, cost recovery yang belum dibayar tersebut memang menjadi aset bagi Pertamina yang bisa diperhitungkan. Jonan belum menentukan tambahan split itu. Namun peluang mendapatkan tambahan split kepada PHE ONWJ sebagai operator ONWJ bisa terjadi. "Dimungkinkan tambahan insentif kalau betul. Tapi pasti audit dulu," kata Jonan.

Seperti diketahui, dalam kontrak baru, pemerintah menargetkan PHE ONWJ mencapai produksi crude ONWJ tahun 2017 sebesar 36.000 bph dan gas sebesar 172 mmscfd. Target tersebut naik dari realisasi produksi tahun 2016, yaitu crude 36.000 bph dan gas sekitar 164 mmscfd.

 Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Jan, 30, 2017

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