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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Prevent Production Decline, Transition Coming Prepared

Termination Oil Block

Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) immediately prepare a transition period transition operatorship for eight oil and gas blocks assigned to PT Pertamina. The transition period is necessary in order to block the eighth oil and gas production is not in free fall. Head of Public Relations SKK Migas Taslim Z Yunus said, it was with Pertamina now seeking termination block operatorship transition mechanism that is faster than the Mahakam block. One way to do that is to allow Pertamina to invest in the block ahead of the termination of this despite formally transferred operatorship yet. "Drilling of his was that later ordered Pertamina to spend the funds, the drill operator that now," he said

Related to the changes in types of cooperation contracts (production sharing contract / PSC) on gross cost recovery be split, he called not a barrier. Because it had been decided on long ago that the contract be converted into gross split, then it and the contractor can pay attention to the potential investment costs that can not be depreciated (unrecovered cost) from now. It might, he continued, it became unrecovered cost calculation in the determination of profit sharing (split) in the next contract. "So now again split its calculated gross, so that Pertamina faster into the (block termination)," said Taslim.

This is in contrast with the signing of the contract gross PSC split the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). Changes contract raises their costs that can not be depreciated (undepreciated cost) due to use gross split decision comes ahead of the contract is up. Taslim added, it will prepare the transition operatorship for eight oil and gas blocks assigned to Pertamina better again. In addition to drilling early, permits required in operating activities will also be prepared earlier. Later, it also will soon set up a new PSC contract from now, not sudden as happened in ONWJ.

Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam said, the problem of transition ownership of oil and gas blocks termination became the focus of the company to be resolved. Because the eighth oil and gas blocks this contract will expire next year. The change of the contract of PSC gross cost recovery be split, he admitted making the transition process is more complicated. "Our proposal, if use gross split, we must be evaluated first. As in ONWJ, we still have to discuss whether the work plan and budget its still the same as before their gross split. Because on the one hand, we must be responsible to the shareholders of our activities is quite economical or not, "he said.

According to him, Pertamina has a number of options for the transition operatorship eighth oil and gas blocks so that production is not in free fall. However, it requires a legal framework in order to enter into a termination block, Just like in the Mahakam block. "We hope as soon as possible, when it comes under the surface it's not easy," he added. Taslim continued discussion of the transition out of contract block has already begun at SKK Migas. Legal protection transitional period will be in the form of an agreement made by SKK Migas, the existing operator, and the operator to continue operations in the block. "Now it has been discussed in management meetings (SKK Migas). It will be much more detail later clauses discussed, more intense, "he explained.

Hold Production

With these measures, Taslim hope there will be no decline in production in the contract runs out eight blocks. Because, from this time also, it continues to cooperate with the existing contractor and Pertamina in order to maintain oil and gas production, at least equal to the previous year. Alam added that oil and gas production can not be ascertained directly down towards the completion of contract.

Although the risk of worst decline in oil production it could indeed happen. The decline in new oil and gas production occurs when the existing contractor did not perform investment activities. The trick, he explained, Pertamina as early as possible will prepare programs that show results quickly (quick result). One of them is by increasing the number of wells drilled, reproduce, re-work activities (work-over) wells, or other. The key is in transition.


Blok Migas Terminasi

Cegah Produksi Turun, Masa Transisi Segera Disiapkan

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) segera menyiapkan masa transisi peralihan operatorship bagi delapan blok migas yang ditugaskan kepada PT Pertamina. Masa transisi diperlukan agar produksi migas kedelapan blok ini tidak terjun bebas. Kepala Hubungan Masyarakat SKK Migas Taslim Z Yunus mengatakan, pihaknya bersama Pertamina kini tengah mengupayakan mekanisme transisi operatorship blok terminasi yang lebih cepat dari Blok Mahakam. Salah satu caranya yakni dengan mengizinkan Pertamina menanamkan investasi di blok menjelang terminasi ini meski operatorship belum dialihkan secara resmi. “Pengeboran-nya nanti kan disuruh Pertamina yang keluarkan dananya, yang mengebor operator yang sekarang,” kata dia 

Terkait adanya perubahan jenis kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/ PSC) dari cost recovery menjadi gross split, disebutnya tidak menjadi hambatan. Lantaran sudah diputuskan dari jauh-jauh hari bahwa kontrak diubah menjadi gross split, maka pihaknya dan kontraktor dapat memperhatikan adanya potensi biaya investasi yang tidak dapat disusutkan (unrecovered cost) dari sekarang. Bisa saja, lanjutnya, unrecovered cost ini menjadi perhitungan dalam penentuan bagi hasil (split) di kontrak berikutnya. “Makanya sekarang lagi dihitung gross split-nya, supaya Pertamina lebih cepat masuk ke dalam (blok terminasi) ,” jelas Taslim.

Hal ini berbeda dengan penandatanganan kontrak PSC gross split Blok Offshore North West Jawa (ONWJ). Perubahan kontrak menimbulkan adanya biaya yang tidak dapat disusutkan (undepreciated cost) lantaran keputusan menggunakan gross split muncul menjelang kontrak habis. Taslim menambahkan, pihaknya akan mempersiapkan peralihan operatorship untuk delapan blok migas yang ditugaskan ke Pertamina dengan lebih baik lagi. Selain pemboran lebih awal, perizinan yang diperlukan dalam kegiatan operasi juga akan disiapkan lebih awal. Kemudian, pihaknya juga akan segera menyiapkan kontrak PSC yang baru dari sekarang, tidak mendadak seperti yang terjadi di Blok ONWJ.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam menuturkan, masalah transisi kepemilikan blok migas terminasi menjadi fokus perusahaan untuk segera diselesaikan. Pasalnya, kontrak kedelapan blok migas ini bakal berakhir pada tahun depan. Adanya perubahan kontrak dari PSC cost recovery menjadi gross split, diakuinya menjadikan proses transisi lebih rumit. “Usulan kami, kalau menggunakan gross split, kami harus evaluasi dulu. Seperti di Blok ONWJ, kami juga masih harus membahas apakah work plan and budget-nya masih sama dengan sebelum adanya gross split. Karena di satu sisi, kami harus bertanggung jawab ke pemegang saham kegiatan kami cukup ekonomis atau tidak,” kata dia.

Menurutnya, Pertamina telah memiliki sejumlah opsi untuk transisi operatorship sehingga produksi kedelapan blok migas ini tidak terjun bebas. Namun, pihaknya membutuhkan payung hukum agar bisa masuk ke blok terminasi, Seperti layaknya di Blok Mahakam. “Kami berharap secepatnya, kalau bicara bawah permukaan itu kan tidak gampang,” tambahnya. Taslim melanjutkan, pembahasan soal peralihan blok habis kontrak ini telah dimulai di SKK Migas. Payung hukum masa transisi nantinya dapat berupa perjanjian yang dibuat oleh SKK Migas, operator eksisting, dan operator yang melanjutkan operasi di blok tersebut. “Sekarang sudah dibahas di rapat pimpinan (SKK Migas). Nanti akan lebih detail lagi klausul-klausul yang dibahas, lebih intens,” jelasnya.

Tahan Produksi

Dengan langkah-langkah ini, Taslim berharap tidak akan ada penurunan produksi di delapan blok habis kontrak tersebut. Pasalnya, dari saat ini pun, pihaknya terus bekerja sama dengan kontraktor eksisting dan Pertamina supaya menjaga produksi migasnya, setidaknya sama dengan tahun sebelumnya. Alam menambahkan, produksi migas tidak dapat dipastikan langsung turun menjelang kontrak selesai.

Meskipun risiko terburuk penurunan produksi migas itu memang dapat terjadi. Penurunan produksi migas baru terjadi jika kontraktor eksisting tidak melakukan kegiatan investasi. Caranya, jelas dia, Pertamina sedini mungkin akan menyiapkan program-program yang menunjukkan hasil dengan cepat (quick result). Salah satunya yakni dengan menambah sumur yang dibor, memperbanyak kegiatan kerja ulang (work over) sumur, atau lainnya. Kuncinya ada pada transisi.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Feb, 1, 2017

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