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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Shifting the Cepu Block oil Chevron

Average lifting of oil during the first two weeks in 2017 amounted to 620 888 barrels per day (bopd). Has yet to reach the target set by the government, which is 820,000 barrels. Likewise lifting gas, on average, reached 3,623 mmscfd, far from the target of 6643 MMSCFD. The largest contribution comes from the oil lifting Mobil Cepu Ltd which became a contractor Banyu Urip Field in the Cepu Block. While the largest contribution came from Pertamina gas, which is a combination of Pertamina EP and Pertamina Hulu Energi.


Minyak Blok Cepu Menggeser Chevron

Rata-rata lifting minyak selama dua pekan pertama tahun 2017 ini sebesar 620.888 barel per hari (bopd). Masih belum mencapai target yang ditetapkan pemerintah, yaitu 820.000 barel. Demikian juga lifting gas, secara rata-rata baru mencapai 3.623 mmscfd, jauh dari target yaitu 6.643 mmscfd. Kontribusi terbesar lifting minyak berasal dari Mobil Cepu Ltd yang menjadi kontraktor Iapangan Banyu Urip di Blok Cepu. Sedangkan kontribusi gas terbesar berasal dari Pertamina, yaitu gabungan Pertamina EP dan Pertamina Hulu Energi.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

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