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Monday, January 16, 2017

Signing Wait Government Offer

PT Pertamina is still waiting for terms and conditions offered in the scheme for gross proceeds (gross split) for oil and gas contracts the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) new. Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam said, in accordance with the direction of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), a new contract ONWJ will use the gross scheme split.

Related to the new contract signing when considering the old contract expired on January 17, his office could not confirm it. On the other hand, the rules concerning the details of the scheme's gross split until now has not been published. However, Alam optimistic ONWJ signing of the contract will not be breaking the law.

We are ready for any mechanism to be decided by the government. Regarding the legal basis, I think the government is unlikely to decide something without any legal basis, he said. Related new contract ONWJ, Senior Vice President Business Development Pertamina Upstream Denie Tampubolon added, now being compiled with government.

He said he wants a new contract can be signed before the old contract was completed on 17 January. "It should be before 17 January," he said. As to the details of the scheme gross split, Denie admitted could not talk much. It also can not say whether the scheme's gross split would be more profitable for the company or not. Because, Pertamina also do not know the terms and conditions of this contract with the scheme.

We are still waiting for its terms are set by the government, "said Denie. Previously, Denie had said, the company does not matter the type of contract oil and gas which will be used. For Pertamina, the commercial calculations of ONWJ that matters. He hoped no effect and the use of the scheme's gross split on commercial calculations required. "We wants no influence, not to change the (commercial) production continues uninterrupted. So contractual talk about, which is important not interfere with continued investment and production, "said Denie.

Split different scheme for calculating gross profit-sharing government rations and the contractor. If using a cost recovery scheme, a new split were divided after the acceptance cut First Tranche Petroleum (FTP), income taxes, and the cost recovery or cost-refundable. As for gross split, divided according to the reception immediately split the government and the contractor.

Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar added, gross schemes split the government arranges provide certainty for the results count. Because the determination of the result will be determined by certain variables, where more and more difficult oil and gas fields are developed, the greater the revenue-sharing oil and gas contractors. Determination of the split will be carried out in three stages, before the exploration, after being discovered oil and gas reserves, and after production.


Penandatanganan Tunggu Tawaran Pemerintah

PT Pertamina masih menunggu terms and condition yang ditawarkan dalam skema bagi hasil kotor (gross split) untuk kontrak migas Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) yang baru. Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, sesuai dengan arahan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), kontrak baru Blok ONWJ akan menggunakan skema gross split. 

Terkait kapan penandatangan kontrak baru mengingat kontrak lama berakhir pada 17 januari ini, pihaknya tidak dapat memastikannya. Di sisi lain, peraturan mengenai rincian skema gross split ini sampai sekarang belum juga diterbitkan. Meski demikian, Alam optimis penandatanganan kontrak Blok ONWJ tidak akan melanggar hukum. 

Kami siap mekanisme apapun yang diputuskan pemerintah. Mengenai dasar hukum, saya kira pemerintah tidak mungkin memutuskan sesuatu tanpa ada dasar hukumnya, kata dia. Terkait kontrak baru Blok ONWJ, Senior Vice President Upstream Business Development Pertamina Denie Tampubolon menambahkan, kini sedang disusun bersama pemerintah. 

Pihaknya menginginkan agar kontrak baru ini dapat ditanda tangani sebelum kontrak lama selesai pada 17 Januari ini. “Harus sebelum 17 januari,” ujarnya. Sementara soal rincian skema gross split, Denie mengaku belum bisa bicara banyak. Pihaknya juga belum dapat menyatakan apakah skema gross split ini akan lebih menguntungkan bagi perseroan atau tidak. Pasalnya, Pertamina juga belum mengetahui terms and condition kontrak dengan skema ini.

Kami masih menunggu terms-nya ditetapkan oleh pemerintah,” tutur Denie. Sebelumnya, Denie sempat menuturkan, perseroan tidak masalah jenis kontrak migas mana yang akan dipakai. Bagi Pertamina, hitungan komersial dari Blok ONWJ lah yang penting. Dia berharap tidak ada pengaruh dan penggunaan skema gross split ini terhadap hitungan komersial yang dibutuhkan. “Kami maunya tidak ada pengaruh, jangan sampai mengubah (komersial) terus produksi terganggu. Jadi kontraktual bisa dibicarakan, yang penting tidak mengganggu kelangsungan investasi dan produksi,” kata Denie.

Skema gross split berbeda untuk penghitungan bagi hasil jatah pemerintah dan kontraktor. Jika menggunakan skema cost recovery, split baru dibagi setelah penerimaan dipotong first tranche petroleum (FTP), pajak penghasilan, dan cost recovery atau biaya yang dapat dikembalikan. Sementara untuk gross split, penerimaan langsung dibagi sesuai split pemerintah dan kontraktor.

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar menambahkan, skema gross split yang disusun pemerintah memberikan kepastian hitungan bagi hasil. Pasalnya, penentuan bagi hasil akan ditentukan oleh variabel-variabel tertentu, di mana semakin sulit blok migas dikembangkan, semakin besar bagi hasil kontraktor migas. Penentuan split akan dilakukan pada tiga tahap, sebelum eksplorasi, sesudah ditemukan cadangan migas, dan setelah produksi.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, Jan, 16, 2017

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