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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

So ONWJ Block First Take Gross Split

Desire Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) immediately apply the gross scheme split in new oil and gas contracts will be realized. One of the new contract were confirmed using gross schematic block split is a new contract Offshore North West Java (ONWJ).

Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources IGN Wiratmaja Puja said that the management is left to the oil and gas block Pertamina 90% and the remaining 10% is given as a participating Interest to the government-owned enterprises in West Java. The new contract ONWJ has decided to use the scheme gross split.

Office of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Whereas until now the rules regarding the production sharing contracts with gross schemes split has not been published. While the new contract ONWJ should soon be signed, at least before the contract expires ONWJ ie on January 17, 2017. To that end, the government will soon issue regulations on gross Minister split. The rule was finalizing, "said Wiratmaja.

Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam explained that Pertamina is ready with whatever scheme will be selected by the government in ONWJ, whether it is a gross scheme split or keep the production sharing contract cost recovery. Pertamina is ready with a scheme which will be selected by the government, he said


ONWJ Jadi Blok Pertama yang Memakai Gross Split

Keinginan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) segera mengaplikasikan skema gross split di kontrak-kontrak migas baru bakal segera terwujud. Salah satu kontrak baru yang dipastikan menggunakan skema gross split adalah kontrak baru blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ).

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM IGN Wiratmaja Puja mengatakan, pengelolaan blok migas tersebut diserahkan kepada Pertamina sebesar 90% dan 10% sisanya diberikan sebagai participating Interest kepada BUMD milik Pemda Jawa Barat. Kontrak baru Blok ONWJ telah memutuskan menggunakan skema gross split.

Kantor Kementerian ESDM. Padahal hingga saat ini aturan mengenai kontrak bagi hasil dengan skema gross split belum terbit. Sementara kontrak baru Blok ONWJ harus segera ditandatangani, paling lambat sebelum kontrak Blok ONWJ berakhir yaitu pada 17 Januari 2017 mendatang. Untuk itu, pemerintah akan segera menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM tentang gross split. Aturannya sedang dalam finalisasi," kata Wiratmaja.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam menjelaskan, Pertamina siap dengan skema apapun yang akan dipilih oleh pemerintah di Blok ONWJ, apakah itu skema gross split atau tetap menggunakan kontrak bagi hasil cost recovery. Pertamina siap dengan skema yang akan dipilih oleh pemerintah, kata dia

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Jan, 10, 2017

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