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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Steam Pipe Leaks, Balikpapan Refinery Off

For three days, refineries are not able to produce solar

The City of Balikpapan, East Kalimantan were struck by a burst of fire as high as tens of meters from the chimney refinery owned oil company PT Pertamina on Sunday, January 15, 2017, at around 00:15 pm. Residents panicked because they thought Balikpapan refinery with a capacity of 260 thousand barrels of oil per day it was on fire.

Fire alarming residents of Kampung Baru that was caused by the leaking steam pipe to the refinery plant. As a result of refinery operations halted. "The leaking pipe pressure drop. Then the turbine shut down, "said Director of Pertamina Processing Toharso. Because the vapor pressure leak, one of the five turbines not spinning, no electricity, all die eventually. Toharso explained, a steam pipe leak as obsolete." Mounted in 1948. Turbine old, in check. That is, the leak is less detectable from the beginning, because the old, "he said.

Bursts of fire coming from the rest of the steam is channeled into the pipe chimney fire. "Once the blackout, all the wasted gas into the chimney. So, the fire was very great, "said Toharso. According to him, the cause of disturbance refineries are maintenance problems." For example, the pump bearing heat, overheat, and then stuck, "he said. Toharso stated, repairs refineries can not quickly." It takes time. Later found out next year."

As a result of the disorder, the potential revenue Balikpapan refinery on January 15, 2017 is estimated to be lost approximately US $ 37.5 million, or Rp 505.2 billion. "The potential is lost because refineries could not produce fuel for a few days. After the outage, the refinery can not operate fully. "It takes time, because the operation of the refinery should be gradual and can not immediately step on the gas," he said.

He showed daily production statistics Balikpapan refinery decreased. Production Premium, a day after the event, can not be done. On January 17 Premium production can be done. But the production of these fuels fell in the 20 to 21 January. "There was a drop in production of 28.5 percent, or only 114 thousand barrels in the seven days," he said.

Average production of Premium in normal conditions during the week was 160 thousand barrels. Balikpapan refinery production of diesel fuel after the incident on January 15 can only be conducted on January 18. For three days, refineries are not able to produce diesel. Production of diesel fuel for 15 to 22 January drop 66.4 per cent of the normal standard of 898 thousand barrels to 302 thousand barrels.

The production of jet fuel after a total blackout last week experienced the sharpest decline. "Production of a new aviation fuel can be conducted on January 21," he said, During the 15- January 22, aviation fuel from the refinery's production dropped 94.8 percent from 95 thousand barrels to 5,000 barrels. The inability of refineries to produce a number of products fuel approximately causing loss of potential income US $ 37.5 million or around Rp 506 billion. Toharso denied the potential loss of income of the refinery. According to him, the day after the outage, the refinery operates directly. Not full capacity. approximately 70-80 percent, "he said. Toharso explains, Balikpapan refinery extinguished completely, the supply of fuel supplied from refineries from other regions, there are no imports.


Pipa Uap Bocor, Kilang Balikpapan Padam

Selama tiga hari, kilang tidak mampu memproduksi solar

Warga Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur dikejutkan oleh semburan api setinggi puluhan meter dari cerobong kilang minyak milik PT Pertamina pada Minggu, 15 Januari 2017, sekitar pukul 00.15 Wita. Warga sempat panik karena mengira Kilang Balikpapan dengan kapasitas 260 ribu barel minyak per hari itu terbakar.

Kebakaran yang mencemaskan warga Kampung Baru itu ternyata disebabkan oleh bocornya pipa uap ke pembangkit kilang. Akibatnya operasi kilang terhenti. “Satu pipa bocor tekanannya drop. Lalu turbin mati dengan sendirinya," kata Direktur Pengolahan Pertamina Toharso. Karena tekanan uap-nya bocor, salah satu dari lima turbin tidak berputar, listrik tidak ada, akhirnya mati semua. Toharso menjelaskan, pipa uap bocor karena sudah usang. “Dipasang pada 1948. Turbin sudah tua, di cek. Artinya, kebocoran ini dari awal kurang terdeteksi, karena tua,”kata dia.

Semburan api berasal dari sisa uap yang dialirkan ke pipa cerobong api. “Begitu blackout, semua gas terbuang ke cerobong. Jadi, apinya besar sekali," ujar Toharso. Menurut dia, penyebab gangguan kilang adalah masalah perawatan.“Misalnya, pompa bearing panas, overheat, lalu macet,”tuturnya. Toharso menyatakan, perbaikan kilang tidak bisa cepat. “Butuh waktu. Nanti ketahuan tahun depan.”

Akibat gangguan tersebut, potensi pendapatan Kilang Balikpapan pada 15 Januari 2017 diperkirakan hilang sekitar US$ 37,5 juta atau Rp 505,2 miliar. “Potensi yang hilang itu karena kilang tak mampu memproduksi bahan bakar selama beberapa hari. Setelah pemadaman, kilang tidak bisa beroperasi penuh. “Butuh waktu, karena pengoperasian kilang harus bertahap dan tidak bisa langsung tancap gas,” kata dia.

Dia memperlihatkan statistik produksi harian Kilang Balikpapan yang menurun. Produksi Premium, sehari setelah kejadian, tidak bisa dilakukan. Pada 17 Januari produksi Premium bisa dilakukan. Tapi produksi bahan bakar ini kembali anjlok pada 20-21 Januari. “Terjadi penurunan produksi 28,5 persen atau hanya 114 ribu barel dalam tujuh hari,” ujarnya. 

Rata-rata produksi Premium dalam kondisi normal selama sepekan adalah 160 ribu barel. Produksi solar dari Kilang Balikpapan setelah kejadian pada 15 Januari baru bisa dilakukan pada 18 Januari. Selama tiga hari, kilang tidak mampu memproduksi solar. Produksi solar selama 15-22 Januari drop 66,4 persen dari standar normal 898 ribu barel menjadi 302 ribu barel.

Adapun produksi avtur setelah blackout total pekan lalu mengalami penurunan paling tajam. “Produksi avtur baru bisa dilakukan pada 21 Januari," ujarnya, Selama kurun 15- 22 Januari, produksi avtur dari kilang ini melorot 94,8 persen dari 95 ribu barel menjadi 5.000 barel. Ketidakmampuan kilang memproduksi sejumlah produk bahan bakar menyebabkan hilangnya potensi pendapatan sekitar US$ 37,5 juta atau sekitar Rp 506 miliar. Toharso membantah potensi hilangnya pendapatan kilang tersebut. Menurut dia, sehari setelah pemadaman, kilang langsung beroperasi. Tidak full capacity. Sekitar 70-80 persen,” katanya. Toharso menjelaskan, saat Kilang Balikpapan padam total, pasokan bahan bakar di suplai dari kilang-kilang dari wilayah lain, tidak ada impor.

Koran Tempo, Page-4, Tuesday, Jan, 24, 2017

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