The oil giant is eyeing assets in various countries.
Oil companies world abuzz for mergers and acquisitions, after the industry experienced a decline in the last year. This time, large companies choose to master wells for exploration and development of smaller oil reserves in order to hoist each.
Data from Reuters said, since November 2016, there were 11 mergers and acquisitions worth a total of US $ 31 billion average oil company disbursed US $ 500 million for each transaction and akuisisi.Yang sizeable merger is a transaction between British Petroleum (BP) and Kosmos Energy for US $ 1 billion in Mauritania and Senegal; BP and ENI worth US $ 375 million in oil field Zohr, Egypt; and the acquisition of Total on land owned by Statoil in Brazil.
As for the data research firm Energy Market Square mention, last December, the total value of the acquisition of oil and gas fields has tripled compared to the previous month. Transaction value equivalent to one quarter of last year. This condition coincides with the agreement of member countries of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting (OPEC) to cut production in order to hoist the price.
That trend was continued in the first quarter of this year. In the midst of his flagging oil prices, large companies choose to control assets "half finished" than dealing with exploration contracts are costly and risky. One of them who had mastered Total assets of Tullow Oil in Uganda worth US $ 900 million. Exxon and Noble Energy also completed transactions valued at US $ 10 billion to the control wells in the Permian Basin, one of the largest oil and gas fields in the United States.
According to the Chief Executive of Premier Oil, Tony Durrant, the average oil and gas company is looking for loopholes to re-accumulate assets. Moreover, the average field experience penurnman oil reserves of up to 10 percent per year. Expectations came true when the players were met with mediocre oil and gas operators who are in debt. "After a long wait, now they like sharpening a pencil," he said.
Co-Manager of Guinness Global Oil and Gas Exploration Trust, Sachin Oza, said the opportunity to acquire bigger if the projected increase in oil prices is really happening and significant value this year. According to him, the oil companies had only one choice to be able to hoist the performance but still save on capital expenditure of up to three years. "Instead of spending five years of development, there is only one choice. Just buy a ready-made, "he said.
Now, the "seller" and "buyer" amid strong race. The vendor intentionally wasting time by prolonging the negotiations, hoping the transaction will be realized when oil prices are at high levels. Instead, the buyers bid over backwards and seeks a merger acquisition before oil prices began to skyrocket.
Analysts from Morgan Stanley, Martijn Rats, said the average transaction occurs when oil prices are at $ 60-65 per barrel. Still well below the long-term forecast
Akuisisi Ladang Migas Semakin Ramai
Raksasa minyak mengincar aset di berbagai negara.
Perusahaan minyak dunia beramai-ramai melakukan merger dan akuisisi, setelah industri ini mengalami kelesuan dalam setahun terakhir. Kali ini, perusahaan besar memilih menguasai sumur-sumur eksplorasi dan pengembangan yang lebih kecil guna mengerek cadangan minyak masing-masing.
Data dari Reuters menyebutkan, sejak November 2016, ada 11 merger dan akuisisi senilai total US$ 31 miliar Rata-rata perusahaan minyak mengucurkan dana US$ 500 juta untuk setiap transaksi merger dan akuisisi.Yang cukup besar adalah transaksi antara British Petroleum (BP) dan Kosmos Energy senilai US$ 1 miliar di Mauritania dan Senegal; BP dengan ENI senilai US$ 375 juta di ladang minyak Zohr, Mesir; serta akuisisi Total atas ladang milik Statoil di Brasil.
Adapun data firma riset Energy Market Square menyebutkan, Desember lalu, total nilai akuisisi ladang-ladang migas melonjak tiga kali lipat dibanding bulan sebelumnya. Nilainya setara dengan transaksi satu kuartal tahun lalu. Kondisi ini bertepatan dengan kesepakatan negara-negara anggota Organisasi Eksportir Minyak (OPEC) untuk memangkas produksi demi mengerek harga.
Tren itu pun berlanjut pada kuartal I tahun ini. Di tengah lesu-nya harga minyak, perusahaan-perusahaan besar memilih untuk menguasai aset “separuh jadi” daripada menangani kontrak eksplorasi yang membutuhkan biaya besar dan berisiko tinggi. Salah satunya Total yang berhasil menguasai aset Tullow Oil di Uganda senilai US$ 900 juta. ExxonMobile dan Noble Energy juga menyelesaikan transaksi senilai US$ 10 miliar untuk penguasaan sumur di Permian Basin, salah satu ladang migas terbesar di Amerika Serikat.
Menurut Kepala Eksekutif Premier Oil, Tony Durrant, rata-rata perusahaan migas tengah mencari celah untuk kembali menumpuk aset. Apalagi rata-rata ladang mengalami penurnman cadangan minyak hingga 10 persen per tahun. Harapan terwujud saat para pemain besar bertemu dengan operator-operator migas medioker yang tengah terlilit utang. “Setelah lama menunggu, kini mereka seperti mengasah pensil,” kata dia.
Co-Manager Guinness Global Oil and Gas Exploration Trust, Sachin Oza, mengatakan peluang untuk mengakuisisi bertambah besar jika proyeksi kenaikan harga minyak benar-benar terjadi dan nilainya signifikan tahun ini. Menurut dia, perusahaan minyak hanya punya satu pilihan agar bisa mengerek kinerja tapi tetap menghemat belanja modal hingga tiga tahun ke depan. “Daripada menghabiskan lima tahun pengembangan, hanya ada satu pilihan. Beli saja yang sudah jadi,” ujarnya.
Kini, para “penjual’ dan “pembeli” tengah adu kuat. Para penjual sengaja membuang-buang waktu dengan memperpanjang negosiasi, berharap transaksi akan terwujud saat harga minyak berada di level tinggi. Sebaliknya, para pembeli menawar sekuat tenaga dan berupaya mewujudkan merger akuisisi sebelum harga minyak mulai meroket.
Analis dari Morgan Stanley, Martijn Rats, menyatakan rata-rata transaksi terjadi saat harga minyak berada di level US$ 60-65 per barel. Masih jauh di bawah harga perkiraan jangka panjang
Koran Tempo, Page-18, Friday, Jan, 20, 2017
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