, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The majority of the 200 foreign workers working in the Oil and Gas Company - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The majority of the 200 foreign workers working in the Oil and Gas Company

    When the fuss about the supervision of foreign labor [TKA] in some areas, it turns throughout 2016 and there are about 200 foreign workers who worked in Bojonegoro. Most of the foreign workers working in several oil and gas companies. Section Head Employment Department of Labor [Disnaker) Bojonegoro, Endang Ramis said, the foreign workers who work in Bojonegoro comes from Japan, India, Europe, and the US.

    Most of the US. They work in the oil and gas company Banyu Urip. Cepu, said Endang. Currently, there TKA in Bojonegoro, ie 24 people. According to him, license for employing foreign workers (IMTA) is also valid for one year.

    IMTA must be updated annually. The TKA in Bojonegoro mostly worked in the oil and gas companies, such as Banyu Urip, Cepu operated by ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL). Besides in Cepu, the foreign workers working in the field of oil and gas well managed Sukowati Joint Operating Body Pertamina PetroChina East Java (JOB PPEJ).

    While PR EMCL, Rexxy Mawardijaya said as many as 93 percent of Exxon Around 570 workers in Indonesia is the son of Indonesia's best sons. While 7 percent from other countries working in Bojonegoro and Jakarta. Said Rexxy, Indonesian workers who work in EMCL plays an important role, since they have a variety of skills, ranging from technicians, operators, up to the level of managerial and leadership of the company. The latest data in October 2016, there are 570 workers (from Indonesia and abroad), but at much reduced per January 2017 this


Mayoritas dari 200 TKA Bekerja di Perusahaan Migas

    Ketika ribut soal pengawasan tenaga kerja asing [TKA] di beberapa daerah, ternyata sepanjang 2016 lalu ada Sekitar 200 TKA yang bekerja di Bojonegoro. Sebagian besar TKA itu bekerja di beberapa perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi. Kepala Seksi Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Dinas tenaga Kerja [Disnaker) Bojonegoro, Endang Ramis mengungkapkan, para TKA yang bekerja di Bojonegoro berasal dari Jepang, India, Eropa, dan AS.

Paling banyak dari AS. Mereka bekerja di perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi Lapangan Banyu Urip. Blok Cepu, kata Endang. Saat ini masih ada TKA di Kabupaten Bojonegoro, yakni 24 orang. Menurutnya, lzin mempekerjakan tenaga kerja asing (IMTA) juga masih berlaku selama satu tahun.

    Setiap tahunnya IMTA harus diperbarui. Para TKA di Bojonegoro kebanyakan bekerja di perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi, seperti lapangan Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu di operasikan oleh ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL). Selain di Blok Cepu, para TKA juga bekerja di lapangan migas Sukowati yang dikelola Joint Operating Body Pertamina PetroChina East Java (JOB PPEJ).

    Sementara Humas EMCL, Rexxy Mawardijaya mengatakan sebanyak 93 persen dari Sekitar 570 tenaga kerja Exxon yang ada di lndonesia merupakan putera putera terbaik Indonesia. Sedangkan 7 persen dari negara lain yang bekerja di Bojonegoro dan Jakarta. Kata Rexxy, tenaga kerja Indonesia yang bekerja di EMCL berperan penting, mengingat mereka memiliki beragam keahlian, mulai dari teknisi, operator, hingga tingkat manajerial dan pimpinan perusahaan. Data terakhir Oktober 2016, ada 570 tenaga kerja (dari Indonesia maupun luar negeri), tetapi berkurang banyak per Januari 2017 ini

Surya, Page-4, Wednesday, Jan, 4, 2017

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