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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Threatened Loss Pertamina Rp 1 Trillion

Commissioners will be asked for an explanation of directors.

Refineries owned by PT Pertamina death row throughout the last two months Since December 2016, there were at least ten times more damage and potentially harm the company's financial state-owned oil and gas was Rp 1 trillion more. Sources Some of the upper layers of the company as well as practitioners refineries calculated the potential losses derived from the lost revenue because refineries do not produce fuel oil.

Whereas fixed costs continue to come out "employee salaries must still be paid. Damage most often occurs in Balikpapan refinery or Refinery Unit V2: three times in two months. On 2 December, the refinery in the city in East Kalimantan was extinguished completely because the generator was broken. Outages affecting the operations of a number of units, such as facilities refiners of crude oil, crude distillation unit, and a hydrocracking unit.

The new refinery is operating normally three weeks later, on December 25, 2016. After that, the refinery several times broken again. On January 15, 2017, the refinery outages total return; Also due to damage plants. This time the cause was a leaky steam pipe. Some refinery facilities must also be turned off. The units are turned on and the new normal operations on Saturday, January 21 last.

Damage also occurred at the refinery in Cilacap (Central Java) and Dumai (Riau). Balikpapan refinery as very strategic because it is a supplier of fuel oil in Indonesia's second largest, after the Cilacap refinery. The plant includes two units and is able to process 260 thousand barrels of crude oil per day. One of the main products are solar as much as 125 thousand barrels per day. Pertamina processing director, Toharso, dismiss the potential loss of trillions of rupiah. According to him, the company only loses potential profits refinery. "Margin refinery was not great," he said

Pertamina Commissioner will call the board of directors to seek clarification cause damage to the refinery sequential. "Today we will call the directors to explain the cases of interference and the burning of the refinery," said the Commissioner, Mr. Abeng. Toharso said it is not aware of it.

In repeatedly stopped operating because of damage.

December 2, 2016
Balikpapan refinery: There was an emergency shutdown due to power failure.

December 4, 2016
Balongan refinery: Supply of raw materials at the refinery residue catalytic cracking unit. (RCC) of oil residue processing stopped.

December 7, 2016
Dumai Refinery: Unit HCU HCU 211 and 212 die because of interference with the uninterruptable power supply.

December 11, 2016
Balikpapan refinery: Unit HCU B stop operating because of a problem in the recycle gas compressor.

December 17, 2016
Dumai Refinery: distillate hydrotreating unit (DHDT) stop operating due to leaking tube furnace convection section.

December 20, 2016
Refinery Plaju: Unit FCCU normal operations, delayed from the original target of December 12th. CDU Unit VI delayed from the original schedule November 28th.

December 25, 2016
Refinery Kasim: Unit CRU die because of the failure of the operation K-0-01B. While the CDU and NHT unit die because of the constraints of supply of fuel gas to the heater.

January 15, 2017
Balikpapan refinery: There was an emergency shutdown due to power failure.


Pertamina Terancam Merugi Rp 1 Triliun

Komisaris akan meminta penjelasan direksi.

Sejumlah kilang minyak milik PT Pertamina mati berturut-turut sepanjang dua bulan terakhir Sejak Desember 2016, terjadi setidaknya sepuluh kali kerusakan dan berpotensi merugikan keuangan perusahaan minyak dan gas milik negara itu Rp 1 triliun lebih. Sejumlah Sumber dari lapisan atas perusahaan itu serta praktisi kilang menghitung angka potensi kerugian berasal dari pendapatan yang hilang karena kilang tidak menghasilkan bahan bakar minyak. 

Padahal biaya tetap terus keluar “Gaji pegawai harus tetap dibayar. Kerusakan paling sering terjadi di kilang Balikpapan atau Unit Refinery V2 yakni tiga kali dalam dua bulan. Pada 2 Desember lalu, kilang di kota di Kalimantan Timur itu padam total karena pembangkitnya rusak. Pemadaman mempengaruhi operasional sejumlah unit, seperti fasilitas penyuling minyak mentah, crude distillation unit, dan hydrocracking unit.

Kilang baru beroperasi normal tiga pekan kemudian, yakni pada 25 Desember 2016. Setelah itu, kilang beberapa kali rusak lagi. Pada 15 Januari 2017, kilang kembali padam total; juga akibat kerusakan pembangkit. Kali ini penyebabnya adalah pipa uap bocor. Beberapa fasilitas kilang pun harus dimatikan. Unit-unit dihidupkan dan baru beroperasi normal kembali pada Sabtu, 21 Januari lalu.

Kerusakan juga terjadi di kilang Cilacap (Jawa Tengah) dan Dumai (Riau). Kilang Balikpapan tergolong sangat strategis karena merupakan penyuplai bahan bakar minyak terbesar kedua di Indonesia, setelah kilang Cilacap. Kilang ini meliputi dua unit dan mampu mengolah minyak mentah 260 ribu barel per hari. Salah satu produk utamanya adalah solar sebanyak 125 ribu barel per hari. Direktur Pengolahan Pertamina, Toharso, menampik potensi kerugian mencapai triliunan rupiah. Menurut dia, perusahaan hanya kehilangan potensi keuntungan kilang. “Margin kilang itu tidak besar,” kata dia 

Komisaris Pertamina akan memanggil jajaran direksi untuk meminta penjelasan penyebab kerusakan kilang yang berurutan itu. “Hari ini kami akan panggil direksi untuk menjelaskan kasus gangguan dan terbakarnya kilang," ujar Komisaris Utama, Tanri Abeng. Toharso mengatakan belum mengetahui rencana ini.

Secara bertubi-tubi berhenti beroperasi karena rusak.

2 Desember 2016
Kilang Balikpapan : Terjadi emergency shutdown karena power failure.

4 Desember 2016
Kilang Balongan : Suplai bahan baku kilang pada unit residue catalytic cracking. (RCC) pengolah residu minyak disetop.

7 Desember 2016 
Kilang Dumai : Unit HCU 211 dan HCU 212 mati karena gangguan pada uninterruptable power supply.

11 Desember 2016
Kilang Balikpapan : Unit HCU B stop operasi karena ada masalah pada recycle gas compressor.

17 Desember 2016
Kilang Dumai : Unit distillate hydrotreating (DHDT) stop operasi karena tube convection section furnace bocor.

20 Desember 2016
Kilang Plaju : Unit FCCU beroperasi normal kembali, molor dari target semula 12 Desember. Unit CDU VI terlambat dari jadwal semula 28 November.

25 Desember 2016
Kilang Kasim : Unit CRU mati karena kegagalan operasi K-0-01B. Sedangkan unit CDU dan NHT mati karena kendala supply fuel gas ke heater.

15 Januari 2017
Kilang Balikpapan : Terjadi emergency shutdown karena power failure.

Koran Tempo, Page-1, Tuesday, Jan, 24, 2017

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