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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Upstream Investments In Eyes $ 13 Billion

Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) projects investments upstream oil and gas this year reached USD 13 billion, up 7% from 2016 USD 12.015 billion  prognosis. Head of Public Relations SKK Migas Taslim Yunus explained that the biggest investment obtained through the production activities accounted for 75% of total investment.

While the largest contribution others have been obtained from development activities are estimated to contribute 10% of the investment target. Another contribution is from the administrative activities accounted for 8% and the last exploration accounted for 7%. According to him, the target upstream oil and gas investment consensual agreement Contractor Cooperation Contract (PSC).

SKK Migas together PSC agreed on some of the work program on the exploitation of the working area of ​​the drilling of new development wells in 2232, lower than that proposed by the PSC as many as 245 wells, and drilling on the exploitation wells of 25 wells, lower than the proposed PSC as many as 35 wells.

While improvement activities (work over) and maintenance of wells each of 860 wells as well as 57 512 wells. The 3D seismic survey activities in the year 2795 km2 agreed, the rate is higher than the proposed KKK Syakni 1,747 km2. He said that until November 2016 the realization of investment in upstream oil and gas field still stands at USD10,43 billion.

The figure was sustained by production activities amounted to USD7,814 billion, well development activities of USD 1.043 billion, the administration of USD 839 million, and exploration activities valued at USD 732 million. The low realization of investment due to the amount of some of the activities carried out not according to plan. The breakdown is the realization of a new exploration well drilling recorded 43 units from the 67 units. Until the end of 2016, (realization) of investment could reach $ 12.015 billion.

On the other hand, Taslim also said oil and gas production ready for sale (lifting) in 2016 exceeded the target set in the State Budget Amendment (APBN-P), 2016. Oil lifting in 2016 has reached 820 300 barrels per day (bpd), more higher than the target of APBN-P 2016 amounted to 820,000 bpd. While lifting the gas to reach 1181.5 million barrels of oil equivalent per. day or 2% higher than the target of 1,150 million barrels of oil equivalent per day.

One of the biggest contributions came from the oil lifting Banyu Urip, Cepu. Meanwhile, another major contribution from Rokan Block, Pertamina EP Mahakam, and the Offshore Northwest Java (ONWJ). While the five largest contributors to gas is the Mahakam block, Berau, Pertamina EP Corridor, and Senoro-Toili. The production originated from the 67 oil and gas working areas are already in production.

Most of the oil and gas fields in the areas of work has been categorized as an old field with production continues to decline naturally. The PSC is working on this working area undertake three major programs to reduce the rate of natural production decline among development well drilling, reworking, and treatment wells (well service).

For exploration activities, from January to November 2016, the contractor has conducted seismic surveys 10, 11 non-seismic surveys, drilling 36 exploration wells and three exploration wells re-entry. SKK Migas head Amien previous Sunaryadi also said optimism lifting target surpassed this year by 815 000 bpd. SKK Migas targets the oil lifting this year to reach 825,000 bpd.

The target of 825,000 bpd set by the internal SKK Migas with the Ministry of Energy. Based on the agreement between the government with House of Representatives Commission VII, lifting targets oil in the state budget in 2017 amounted to 815 000 bpd, while the lifting gas is set at 1.150 million, of oil equivalent per day (BOEPD). We were offered a refund would suppress the upstream oil and gas operating costs or raising the lifting. I choose to raise lifting. Not easy, but it should be tried, "he said.


Investasi Hulu Di Targetkan USD 13 Miliar

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) memproyeksikan investasi hulu minyak dan gas bumi tahun ini mencapai USD13 miliar, naik 7% dari prognosa 2016 USD 12,015 miIiar. Kepala Bagian Hubungan Masyarakat SKK Migas Taslim Yunus menjelaskan investasi terbesar diperoleh melalui kegiatan produksi yang berkontribusi sebesar 75% dari total investasi.

Sedangkan kontribusi terbesar lainnya diperoleh dari kegiatan pengembangan ditaksir menyumbang 10% dari target investasi. Kontribusi lain yaitu dari kegiatan administrasi menyumbang 8% serta terakhir eksplorasi menyumbang 7%. Menurut dia, target investasi hulu migas didasarkan atas kesepakatan bersama Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS).

SKK Migas bersama KKKS menyepakati beberapa program kerja pada wilayah kerja eksploitasi yakni pemboran 2232 sumur pengembangan baru, lebih rendah dari yang diusulkan oleh KKKS sebanyak 245 sumur, serta pengeboran pada sumur eksploitasi sebanyak 25 sumur, lebih rendah dari usulan KKKS sebanyak 35 sumur.

Sementara kegiatan perbaikan (work over) dan pemeliharaan sumur masing-masing sebanyak 860 sumur serta 57.512 sumur. Adapun kegiatan survei seismik 3D pada tahun ini disepakati 2.795 km2, angka ini lebih tinggi dari usulan KKKS yakni 1.747 km2. Dia mengatakan, hingga November 2016 realisasi investasi di bidang hulu migas masih berada di angka USD10,43 miliar.

Angka tersebut ditopang dari kegiatan produksi sebesar USD7,814 miliar, kegiatan pengembangan sumur USD 1,043 miliar, kegiatan administrasi USD 839 juta, dan kegiatan eksplorasi senilai USD 732 juta. Rendahnya realisasi investasi disebabkan jumlah beberapa kegiatan yang dilakukan belum sesuai rencana. Adapun rinciannya adalah realisasi pemboran sumur eksplorasi tercatat baru 43 unit dari target 67 unit . Hingga akhir 2016, (realisasi) investasi bisa mencapai USD 12,015 miliar.

Di sisi lain, Taslim juga menyebutkan, produksi minyak dan gas siap jual (lifting) 2016 melampaui target yang ditetapkan dalam Anggaran Pendapatan  dan Belanja Negara Perubahan (APBN-P) 2016. Lifting minyak 2016 telah mencapai 820.300 barel per hari (bph), lebih tinggi dari target APBN-P 2016 sebesar 820.000 bph. Sedangkan lifting gas mencapai 1.181,5 juta barel, setara minyak per. hari atau 2% lebih tinggi dari target sebesar 1.150 juta barel setara minyak per hari.

Salah satu kontribusi terbesar lifting minyak berasal dari Lapangan Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu. Sedangkan kontribusi besar lain dari Blok Rokan, Pertamina EP Mahakam, dan Offshore Northwest Java (ONWJ). Sedangkan lima kontributor terbesar untuk gas adalah Blok Mahakam, Berau, Pertamina EP Corridor, dan Senoro-Toili. Produksi tersebut berasal dari 67 wilayah kerja migas yang sudah berproduksi.

Sebagian besar lapangan migas pada wilayah-wilayah kerja tersebut sudah dikategorikan sebagai lapangan tua dengan produksi yang terus menurun secara alamiah. Adapun KKKS yang mengerjakan wilayah kerja ini melakukan tiga program utama untuk menekan laju penurunan produksi alamiah di antaranya pemboran sumur pengembangan, kerja ulang, dan perawatan sumur (well service).

Untuk kegiatan eksplorasi, dari Januari sampai November 2016, kontraktor telah melakukan 10 survei seismik,11 survei non-seismik, 36 pengeboran sumur eksplorasi dan tiga re-entry sumur eksplorasi. Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi sebelumnya juga mengatakan optimismenya melampaui target lifting tahun ini sebesar 815.000 bph. SKK Migas menargetkan lifting minyak pada tahun ini mencapai 825.000 bph.

Adapun target 825.000 bph ditetapkan oleh internal SKK Migas dengan Kementerian ESDM. Berdasarkan kesepakatan pemerintah dengan DPR Komisi VII, target liffing minyak dalam APBN 2017 sebesar 815.000 bph, sedangkan lifting gas ditetapkan sebesar 1.150 juta, setara minyak per hari (BOEPD). Kami ditawari mau menekan pengembalian biaya operasi hulu migas atau menaikkan lifting. Saya pilih menaikkan lifting. Tidak mudah, tetapi harus dicoba,” katanya.

Koran Sindo, Page-8, Monday, Jan, 9, 2017

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