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Thursday, January 5, 2017

Upstream Oil and Gas Industry Momentum

Indonesia Oil Prices Rise
Indonesia's trade in oil prices in December 2016 rose to 51.09 dollars per barrel compared to November 2016 amounted to 43.25 dollars per barrel. Indonesia is expected to use the momentum of the rise in oil prices. In an announcement submitted Oil Price Team Indonesia, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Wednesday (4/1), in Jakarta.

Price increases triggered by the agreement of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) reduced oil production of 1.2 million barrels had started in January 2017. In addition, non-OPEC countries, such as Russia, Mexico, and Oman, are also willing to reduce crude oil production their 558,000 barrels per day starting in January 2017.

According to the teaching of Trisakti University, Jakarta, Pri Agung Rakhmanto, in addition to the factors of production reduction policy, the policy of US President elect Donald Trump is expected to take effect in the future. Trump policy with the countries of major oil producers can influence the price of oil. In addition to fundamental factors, political factors also have a strong influence.

The political tension fueled by Trump in the Middle East, Russia, and China will have an impact on prices. However, on average, the possibility of oil prices less than 60 US dollars per barrel this year, '' said Pri Agung. Pri Agung added that in the country, the increase in oil prices had a positive impact for companies, especially companies that can implement efficiencies in the midst of low oil prices.

Therefore, the surge in oil prices is like incentives for companies to successfully implement efficiency. Prices above 50 dollars a barrel is psychologically positive impact for the company. Most importantly, the government should be able to take the momentum of this price increase, especially those related to upstream oil and gas sector in the country.

With a price like this, how does the government plan to increase oil and gas reserves and production, "said Pri Agung. For the results of House Commission VII member Satya Widya Yudha, argue, essential oil price increases in the components of oil and gas revenue sharing between the state and the contractor, At the time of low oil prices, part of the contractor plus. Conversely, when oil prices are high, the enlarged part of the country.

With the profit-sharing scheme flexible correlated with oil prices, this would be some sort of incentive for investors, "says Satya. Based on data from the Ministry of Energy, oil and gas sector reduced state revenues in 2016 to Rp 110 trillion. In 2015, state revenue from oil and gas Rp 136 trillion.


Momentum Industri Hulu Migas

Harga Minyak Indonesia Naik

Harga minyak Indonesia untuk perdagangan Desember 2016 naik menjadi 51,09 dollar AS per barrel dibandingkan dengan November 2016 sebesar 43,25 dollar AS per barrel. Indonesia diharapkan bisa memanfaatkan momentum kenaikan harga minyak tersebut. Dalam pengumuman yang disampaikan Tim Harga Minyak Indonesia, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Rabu (4/1), di Jakarta, 
Kenaikan harga dipicu kesepakatan Organisasi Negara-negara Pengekspor Minyak (OPEC) mengurangi produksi minyak 1,2 juta barrel per had mulai Januari 2017. Selain itu, negara-negara non OPEC, seperti Rusia, Meksiko, dan Oman, juga bersedia mengurangi produksi minyak mentah mereka 558.000 barrel per hari mulai Januari 2017. 

Menurut pengajar Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Pri Agung Rakhmanto, selain faktor kebijakan pengurangan produksi, kebijakan Presiden Amerika Serikat terpilih Donald Trump diprediksi akan berpengaruh pada masa mendatang. Kebijakan Trump dengan negara-negara produsen utama minyak bisa memengaruhi harga minyak. Selain faktor fundamental, faktor politik juga punya pengaruh kuat. 

Ketegangan politik akibat kebijakan Trump di Timur Tengah, Rusia, dan Tiongkok akan berdampak terhadap harga. Namun, secara rata-rata, kemungkinan harga minyak kurang dari 60 dollar AS per barrel pada tahun ini,”`kata Pri Agung. Pri Agung menambahkan, di dalam negeri, kenaikan harga minyak berdampak positif bagi perusahaan, terutama perusahaan yang bisa menerapkan efisiensi di tengah situasi harga minyak yang rendah. 

Sebab, lonjakan harga minyak ini ibarat insentif bagi perusahaan yang berhasil menerapkan efisiensi. Harga di atas 50 dollar AS per barrel secara psikologis berdampak positif bagi perusahaan. Yang terpenting, pemerintah harus bisa mengambil momentum kenaikan harga ini, terutama terkait kebijakan di sektor hulu migas di dalam negeri. 

Dengan harga seperti sekarang ini, bagaimana pemerintah membuat perencanaan untuk meningkatkan cadangan migas dan produksi,” ujar Pri Agung. Bagi hasil Anggota Komisi VII DPR Satya Widya Yudha, berpendapat, kenaikan harga minyak penting dalam komponen bagi hasil migas antara negara dan kontraktor, Pada saat harga minyak rendah, bagian kontraktor ditambah. Sebaliknya, saat harga minyak tinggi, bagian negara yang diperbesar. 

Dengan skema bagi hasil fleksibel yang dikorelasikan dengan harga minyak, hal ini akan menjadi semacam insentif bagi investor,” kata Satya. Berdasarkan data Kementerian ESDM, penerimaan negara sektor migas berkurang pada 2016 menjadi Rp 110 triliun. Pada 2015, penerimaan negara dari migas Rp 136 triliun.

Kompas, Page-17,Thursday, Jan, 5, 2017

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