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Thursday, January 19, 2017

Wait government assessment results Inpex

The government is still waiting for the completion of the study Inpex Corporation conducts pre-Front End Engineering Design (FEED) for the Masela block. Inpex Corporation is a company managing the construction of liquid gas plant natural gas / LNG Plant Masela. The government predicts the time it takes investors completed the pre-FEED for more than six months. The phase includes determining the location, the capacity of the refinery, to the development plan concerning the petrochemical industry.

After the pre-FEED, FEED and the process continues to delivery of the Final Investment Decision / PID scheduled for 2019 so that the first gas production (on stream) can run in 2026. "We are waiting for them (Inpex) completed pre-FEED, from there it will be seen how the direction development. Pre-FEED as soon as possible, may be more than six month, "said Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar

Changes in development schemes liquefied natural gas originally known floating into land-based impacts on the addition of corporate capital spending and a project that is considered delayed. Therefore, Inpex has proposed several incentives to the government that sparked hard of debate. One of them is the increase in the refinery capacity of 7.5 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) to 9.5 MTPA plus gas production of 150 million cubic feet per day (MMSCED).

Meanwhile, the scenario offered by the government is 7.5 MTPA plus 474 MMSCFD gas production. "Inpex want to 9.5 MTPA to be exported. Meanwhile, we have a scenario of 7.5 MTPA to advance downstream, "said Senior Arcandra Communication Manager Usman Slamet Inpex Corporation declined to comment further. "We asked for 10 years calculated from the first time the government approved for development in the sea in 2007 until 2017," said Usman


Pemerintah Tunggu Hasil Kajian Inpex

Pemerintah masih menunggu Inpex Corporation melakukan penyelesaian kajian pre-Front End Engineering Design (FEED) untuk Blok Masela. Inpex Corporation merupakan perusahaan pengelola pembangunan kilang gas liquid natural gas/LNG Plant Blok Masela. Pemerintah memprediksi waktu yang dibutuhkan investor merampungkan pre-FEED lebih dari enam bulan. Fase tersebut mencakup penentuan lokasi, kapasitas kilang, hingga rencana pengembangan yang menyangkut industri petrokimia.

Setelah pre-FEED, proses berlanjut ke FEED dan penyampaian Final Investment Decision/PID yang dijadwalkan 2019 sehingga produksi gas pertama (on stream) dapat berjalan pada 2026. “Kita tunggu mereka (Inpex) selesaikan pre-FEED, dari situ akan terlihat bagaimana arah pengembangannya. Pre-FEED as soon as possible, mungkin bisa lebih dari enam bulan,” ujar Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar

Perubahan skema pengembangan kilang gas alam cair yang semula terapung menjadi berbasis darat diketahui berdampak terhadap penambahan belanja modal perusahaan dan masa pengerjaan proyek yang ditengarai molor. Maka dari itu, Inpex telah mengajukan beberapa insentif kepada pemerintah yang memantik perdebatan yang keras. Salah satunya mengenai peningkatan kapasitas kilang dari 7,5 juta ton per tahun (MTPA) menjadi 9,5 MTPA ditambah produksi gas 150 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMSCED).

Adapun, skenario yang ditawarkan pemerintah ialah 7,5 MTPA ditambah produksi gas 474 MMSCFD. “Inpex ingin 9,5 MTPA agar bisa diekspor. Sedangkan, kita punya skenario 7,5 MTPA untuk memajukan hilirisasi,” ujar Arcandra Senior Communication Manager Inpex Corporation Usman Slamet enggan berkomentar lebih jauh. “Kami minta 10 tahun dihitung dari pertama kali pemerintah menyetujui untuk pengembangan di laut pada 2007 sampai 2017,” ujar Usman

Media Indonesia, Page-17, Wednesday, Jan, 18, 2017

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