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Thursday, January 26, 2017

We Have Standard Operating

Deputy CEO Ahmad Bambang charge of two important parts at once in the company of the state-owned oil and gas processing and marketing it. He also had to take care of consecutive blackout that could potentially harm the company's financial Rp 1 trillion more. Robby Irfany of Tempo interview number two at the Pertamina yesterday.

Really potential losses due to refinery disruptions During December 2016-January 2017 more than Rp 1 trillion? Calculated loss was not to see the potential for lost revenue. In no fee revenues. Count Processing Director Toharso, the potential loss of all 2016 US $ 70 million (about USD 900 billion).

It was in all the refineries? Yes. When not optimum, a negative margin. In 2015 and 2016 also. As Refinery Kasim, would however definitely negative, if only operates 15 thousand barrels per day. Capacity of 10 thousand barrels per day, but operations 9,000 barrels, it was 15 days. Not to mention the high cost of his travel.

Why refineries often broken? In the past the problem of unplanned shutdown-stop operating without a plan is not open at all. I was also surprised, this morning read Koran Tempo. Data is loaded it actually is not opened. But how ya know, a special December-January? Why did not know that before? It was great. Koran Tempo source means has specialized in Pertamina.

What causes disruption Balikpapan refinery? Electricity supply is interrupted from the power generator. That's because the steam pipe leak was known as black out. The solution imports of diesel sudden decision? Decision import diesel due to rising industrial demand. That meeting results optimization. We have operational standards. If Premium, we can be operating for 17 days, why can not solar? Because Premium is channeled to the General Fuel Filling Station, so every month the same.

Excess diesel oil stocks? First diesel was excessive because we were forced to seize the market. Once the rose industry, diesel oil drained again. Estimates of its 2 million barrels for three months.


Kami Punya Standar Operasional

Wakil Direktur Utama Pertamina Ahmad Bambang membawahkan dua bagian penting sekaligus di perusahaan minyak dan gas milik negara itu pengolahan dan pemasaran. Ia pun harus mengurus pemadaman berturut-turut yang berpotensi merugikan keuangan perusahaan Rp 1 triliun lebih. Robby Irfany dari Tempo mewawancarai orang nomor dua di Pertamina itu kemarin.

       Benarkah potensi kerugian akibat gangguan kilang Selama Desember 2016-Januari 2017 lebih dari Rp 1 triliun? Menghitung kerugian itu bukan dengan melihat potensi pendapatan yang hilang. Dalam pendapatan ada biaya. Hitungan Direktur Pengolahan Toharso, potensi kerugian sepanjang 2016 US$ 70 juta (sekitar Rp 900 miliar).

       Itu di semua kilang? Iya. Ketika tidak optimum, margin-nya negatif. Pada 2015 dan 2016 juga ada. Seperti Kilang Kasim, mau bagaimanapun pasti negatif, kalau cuma beroperasi 15 ribu barel per hari. Kapasitas 10 ribu barel per hari, tapi operasi 9.000 barel, itu pun 15 hari. Belum lagi biaya perjalanan dinas-nya tinggi.

    Mengapa kilang sering rusak? Dulu masalah unplanned shutdown-stop beroperasi tanpa rencana tidak terbuka sama sekali. Saya juga kaget, tadi pagi baca Koran Tempo. Data yang dimuat itu sebetulnya tidak dibuka. Tapi kok ya tahu, khusus Desember - Januari? Kenapa tidak tahu yang sebelumnya? Itu yang hebat. Berarti Koran Tempo punya sumber khusus di dalam Pertamina.

     Apa penyebab gangguan Kilang Balikpapan? Pasokan listrik terganggu dari power generator. Hal itu karena pipa steam bocor Itu dikenal sebagai black out. Solusinya keputusan impor solar mendadak? Keputusan impor solar karena permintaan industri naik. Itu hasil rapat optimasi. Kami punya standar operasional. Kalau Premium, kami bisa operasi selama 17 hari, kenapa solar tidak bisa? Karena Premium disalurkan ke Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Umum, jadi tiap bulan sama.

     Stok solar berlebih? Dulu solar sempat berlebih karena kami paksa merebut pasar. Begitu industri naik, diesel oil terkuras lagi. Estimasi-nya 2 juta barel untuk tiga bulan.

Koran Tempo, Page-4, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

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