Aher promised to facilitate all licensing
West Java Provincial Government will take a 10 percent share of participation (participating interest) Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). West Java Governor Ahmad Heryawan will process immediately offer the Ministry of Energy to the local governments. "That took West Java and district / city concerned. Leader of West Java since its greatest percentage of his, "he said.
According to Aher, greeting Ahmad Heryawan provincial government has formed a government-owned enterprise PT Oil and Gas Upstream Jabar, to take participation shares ONWJ. The company is 100 percent owned by the provincial government. "The terms are met, one of which all the shares controlled by the regional government. We have met ".
Aher said that the value of 10 percent of the participation of more than Rp 1 trillion. But, he assured, PT Pertamina as a contractor ONWJ will provide loan funds. Later, the payment will be repaid by cutting a part for acceptable results area.
"Most of the reception to pay the loan, some go to the provincial government until the loan is paid off," he said. Currently, the government of West Java waited offer officially. He explained that the Oil and Gas Upstream is prepared to take participation shares ONWJ. Government of West Java has fulfilled its obligations capital basis, in accordance with Regulation (Perda) Formation of Oil and Gas Upstream enterprises PT Jawa Barat. Several areas in West Java who has the right to entrust the management stock participation stake to West Java.
"Some of them are entrusted to West Java because it has not got enterprises. But in the future you want to take, no problem, we open all the options, "said Aher. Aher promised to simplify the licensing of oil and gas projects in West Java, such as the request of the Ministry of Energy. "West Java is no licensing issues. Precisely when there is a problem, report it to us who make trouble, "he asserted.
President Director of PT Oil and Gas Upstream Begin Troys Jabar said it received confirmation from the Ministry of Energy and the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas). The company will continue the processes that have been taken to obtain the participation shares, and does not need to start from scratch. "We are just completing a document that does not exist. Average in-review process involvement, "he said.
Begin adding, PT Oil & Gas Upstream loans Jabar also received assurance from Pertamina. Its value, US $ 30 million for a 10 percent stake ONWJ participation. "Would you lend contractor in Pertamina, without interest." Oil and Gas Upstream Jabar wait for certainty about his need not bear the signature bonus upon signing the agreement later working area. Of the bonus to be paid to the government amounting to US $ 5 million, enterprises must prepare about US $ 500 thousand. We are waiting for direction Pertamina. "
According to Begin, there are four areas that are interested in obtaining shares ONWJ participation, namely Bekasi, Karawang, Subang and Indramayu. PT Oil and Gas Upstream Jabar West Java Governor awaiting instructions to set up a subsidiary with four of the region. "The portion of shares adjusted for PI-sharing agreements," he said.
Begin said that Jakarta has also offered to join since last year. But until now there has been no answer. If someday Jakarta ready, we will engage in the subsidiary.
Jawa Barat Siap Ambil Saham Blok ONWJ
Aher berjanji mempermudah semua perizinan
Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat akan mengambil 10 persen saham partisipasi (participating interest) Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). Gubernur Jawa Barat Ahmad Heryawan akan memproses secepatnya tawaran Kementerian Energi kepada pemerintah daerah itu. “Yang mengambil Jawa Barat dan kabupaten/kota terkait. Leader-nya Jawa Barat karena paling besar persentase-nya,” kata dia.
Menurut Aher, sapaan Ahmad Heryawan pemerintah provinsi telah membentuk BUMD, yakni PT Migas Hulu Jabar, untuk mengambil Saham partisipasi Blok ONWJ. Perusahaan itu 100 persen sahamnya dimiliki pemerintah provinsi. “Syarat-syarat sudah terpenuhi, salah satunya seluruh saham dikuasai Pemerintah Daerah. Kami sudah sesuai".
Aher mengatakan nilai 10 persen saham partisipasi itu lebih dari Rp 1 triliun. Tapi, ia meyakinkan, PT Pertamina sebagai kontraktor Blok ONWJ akan memberikan dana pinjaman. Nanti, pembayaran akan dicicil dengan memotong sebagian bagi hasil yang diterima daerah.
“Sebagian penerimaan untuk bayar pinjaman, sebagian masuk ke pemprov sampai pinjaman lunas," ia menambahkan. Saat ini, pemerintah Jawa Barat menunggu penawaran secara resmi. Ia menjelaskan, Migas Hulu memang disiapkan untuk mengambil saham partisipasi ONWJ. Pemerintah Jawa Barat telah memenuhi kewajiban modal dasar, sesuai dengan Peraturan Daerah (Perda) Pembentukan BUMD PT Migas Hulu Jawa Barat. Beberapa daerah di Jawa Barat yang punya hak mendapatkan saham partisipasi menitipkan pengelolaan sahamnya kepada Jawa Barat.
“Sebagian ada yang menitipkan ke Jawa Barat karena belum punya BUMD. Tapi ke depan mau diambil, tidak masalah, kami membuka semua opsi,” kata Aher. Aher berjanji mempermudah perizinan proyek migas di Jawa Barat itu, seperti permintaan Kementerian Energi. “Jawa Barat tidak ada persoalan perizinan. Justru kalau ada masalah, laporkan kepada kami siapa yang bikin masalah," dia menegaskan.
Direktur Utama PT Migas Hulu Jabar Begin Troys mengatakan sudah mendapat kepastian dari Kementerian Energi dan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas (SKK Migas). Perusahaan akan meneruskan proses yang sudah ditempuh untuk memperoleh saham partisipasi, dan tidak perlu memulai dari awal. “Kami hanya melengkapi dokumen yang belum ada. Sedang di-review Iagi prosesnya," kata dia.
Begin menambahkan, PT Migas Hulu Jabar juga mendapat kepastian pinjaman dari Pertamina. Nilainya, US$ 30 juta untuk 10 persen saham partisipasi Blok ONWJ. "Akan di pinjami kontraktor Pertamina, tanpa bunga." Migas Hulu Jabar menunggu kepastian soal perlu tidak-nya ikut menanggung signature bonus saat penandatanganan perjanjian pengelolaan wilayah kerja nanti. Dari bonus yang harus disetorkan kepada pemerintah sebesar US$ 5 juta, BUMD harus menyiapkan sekitar US$ 500 ribu. Kami menunggu arahan Pertamina.”
Menurut Begin, ada empat daerah yang berminat mendapatkan saham partisipasi ONWJ, yakni Kabupaten Bekasi, Karawang, Subang, dan Indramayu. PT Migas Hulu Jabar menunggu instruksi Gubernur Jawa Barat untuk membentuk anak perusahaan bersama empat daerah itu.“Porsi sahamnya disesuaikan dengan kesepakatan pembagian PI,” kata dia.
Begin mengatakan DKI Jakarta juga ditawari bergabung sejak setahun lalu. Namun hingga kini belum ada jawaban. Kalau suatu saat Jakarta ready, kami akan libatkan dalam anak perusahaan itu.
Koran Tempo, Page-16, Friday, Jan, 20, 2017
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