A total of 57 companies expressed interest in the project following the expose of Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Bontang, East Kalimantan, which has been held on Tuesday (28/2). All 57 companies that will participate expose project was obtained through two ways, namely by invitation distributed by Pertamina and mediated through open advertisement nationally and internationally. And the process, as many as seven companies responded to expose and project participation of 50 candidates willing to participate in the selection.
Pertamina also create opportunities Saudi Aramco oil company from Saudi Arabia come to be a strategic partner in the project GRR Bontang. "We invite companies that have the competence to become strategic partners in the implementation of mega-projects GRR Bontang, either from the refinery, trading company, as well as financial institutions," said Director of Processing and Petrochemical Rachmad megaproject Hardadi.
According to him, there are four major characteristics desired potential partners Pertamina, of which have a strong track record in the oil processing industry mainly operational reliability and execution of the project.
In addition, prospective partners must adjust to the structure and business model in the desired Pertamina and has a strong desire to accelerate the project and completed it in 2023. "Until yesterday, there are over 50 companies potential partners so far as we have world class competence for mega projects processing and petrochemicals, said it would present in GRR Expose Bontang Project on Tuesday (28/2), "said Hardadi.
Pertamina expects to acquire a strategic partner of the refinery construction on April 28, 2017. After being elected Pertamina, along with strategic partners will begin the process of a bankable feasibility study (BFS) which is targeted for completion in early 2018. He rnenambahkan, Pertamina ownership in Bontang refinery project estimated to be between 5-25% given the considerable investment capabilities, ie up to USD 15 billion.
Senior Vice President of Business Development Directorate Pertamina Refining Iriawan Yulianto added, the number of companies that will expose it to follow project could still grow given project deadlines reservation made at least expose yesterday (28/2). Nonetheless, the bidders who will emerge after the project officially expose already announced on Tuesday (28/2).
Based on data from Pertamina, targeted Bontang refinery capable of processing 300,000 barrels of crude oil per day. Meanwhile, the type of fuel oil (BBM) is produced, which is as much as 60,000 bpd of gasoline, and diesel at least 124,000 bpd.
57 Perusahaan Minati Kerja Sama Kilang Bontang
Sebanyak 57 perusahaan menyatakan minat mengikuti project expose Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Bontang, Kalimantan Timur, yang sudah dilaksanakan pada Selasa (28/2). Ke-57 perusahaan yang akan ikut project expose itu didapat melalui dua cara yaitu lewat undangan yang disebar Pertamina dan melalui iklan terbuka dimedia nasional maupun internasional. Dan proses tersebut, sebanyak tujuh perusahaan merespons keikutsertaan project expose dan dari 50 calon bersedia mengikuti seleksi.
Pertamina juga membuka peluang Saudi Aramco perusahaan minyak asal Arab Saudi ikut menjadi mitra strategis di proyek GRR Bontang. "Kami mengundang perusahaan-perusahaan yang memiliki kompetensi untuk menjadi mitra strategis dalam pelaksanaan mega proyek GRR Bontang, baik dari refinery, trading company, maupun institusi finansial,” ujar Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Rachmad Hardadi.
Menurut dia, terdapat empat karakteristik utama calon mitra yang dikehendaki Pertamina, di antaranya memiliki rekam jejak yang kuat pada industri pengolahan minyak utamanya kehandalan operasional dan eksekusi proyek.
Selain itu, calon mitra harus menyesuaikan dengan struktur dan model bisnis yang di kehendaki Pertamina serta memiliki keinginan kuat untuk percepatan proyek dan menyelesaikannya pada 2023. “Hingga kemarin, terdapat lebih dari 50 perusahaan calon mitra yang sejauh pengamatan kami memiliki kompetensi world class untuk mega proyek pengolahan dan petrokimia, menyatakan akan hadir dalam Project Expose GRR Bontang pada Selasa (28/2)," kata Hardadi.
Pertamina menargetkan dapat memperoleh mitra strategis pembangunan kilang tersebut pada 28 April 2017. Setelah terpilih Pertamina bersama mitra strategis akan memulai proses bankable feasibility study (BFS) yang ditargetkan selesai awal 2018. Dia rnenambahkan, kepemilikan Pertamina dalam proyek Kilang Bontang diperkirakan antara 5-25% mengingat kemampuan investasi cukup besar, yaitu sampai USD 15 miliar.
Senior Vice President Business Development Refining Directorate Pertamina Iriawan Yulianto menambahkan, jumlah perusahaan yang akan mengikuti project expose itu masih bisa bertambah mengingat tenggat waktu reservasi project expose dilakukan paling lambat kemarin (28/2). Meskipun demikian, peserta lelang yang resmi akan muncul setelah project expose sudah diumumkan Selasa (28/ 2).
Berdasarkan data Pertamina, Kilang Bontang ditargetkan mampu mengolah minyak mentah sekitar 300.000 barel per hari. Adapun, jenis bahan bakar minyak (BBM) yang diproduksi, yaitu bensin sebanyak 60.000 bph, dan solar paling sedikit 124.000 bph.
Koran Sindo, Page-9, Saturday, Feb, 25, 2017
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