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Monday, February 13, 2017

After the plant, now Rota Industry

After opening the taps of imported liquefied natural gas or LNG for power generation, the government gave permission for some industries to optimize gas from abroad.

In fact, today Indonesia become an exporter of liquefied natural gas liquefied natural gas / LNG. Approximately 50% of LNG is exported. However, the LNG exports has contracted long term. On the other hand, the price of gas in the country is relatively high when compared with prices in the global market. The government has opened import LNG to PT PLN and private Iistiik developer for generator fuel. Import it to the requirements when the price of LNG in the country of more than 11% of Indonesian crude price (ICP).

However, the industrial sector will be given permission to import LNG it should contribute significantly to the gross domestic product (gross domestic / GDP) of Indonesia. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said it will issue a regulation that would open up the import of gas for industry in order to reduce the price of gas that foster competitiveness.

However, there are several requirements that must be met in the industry to ship liquefied natural gas / LNG from overseas. According to him, the industry must contribute to the GDP of Indonesia. LNG imports is intended that the production cost of industrial sector in the country down, so that industry revenue contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) will rise. "The industry is the contribution to GDP, for example, contributed Rp 10 trillion, and there we see how the component gas per one MMSCFD, how much money is generated," he said during the 8th International-Indonesia Gas Conference & Exhibition 2017, Tuesday (7/2 ).

Arcandra added that it hoped would lead to a multiplier effect for the derivatives industry. According to him, when in the Ministry of Energy is studying LNG import rules for the industrial sector. He stressed that the rules were made to get the price of gas more competitive so that the industry can increase competitiveness. "However, fixed priority [domestic gas] is in, if the inside does not meet the terms of import will be opened."

Another factor, he said, about the readiness of the gas infrastructure is the reason for the limitation of gas imports. Because the infrastructure that is currently not able to meet the overall gas import quotas. "If the LNG import infrastructure is built first, so get in," he said.

According to him, the government plans to build gas storage regasification facilities and floating (floating storage and regasification unit / FSRU) in the next few years. However, it has not been able to determine how long it takes to prepare the gas infrastructure as a whole.


Vice Chairman of Indonesia Gas Society Djohari Angga Kusumah said, the price of gas in the country, especially when it reached the consumer yet competitive. LNG prices in the country for long-term contracts currently around US $ 7 per MMBtu at the consumer level. He called in West Java in consumer gas prices at $ 9 per MMBtu, in East Java to US $ 7.6 per MMBtu, and in North Sumatra worth about US $ 12 per MMBtu. Meanwhile, the price of LNG on the spot market is only US $ 5 per MMBtu. "It's clear domestic prices compared with spot LNG is higher," he said.

He emphasized that import options can raise the price of gas in the country more competitive. However, in addition to price reasons, gas imports must be done considering the demand in the country continues to rise. Based on the calculation of the gas demand in 2030 is estimated at 10 000 MMSCFD, whereas domestic supply provided only 6,000 MMSCFD so that the deficit of 4,000 MMSCFD or equivalent to 32 tons of LNG.

Fact President of Global Energy (FGE), consulting companies engaged in the energy field, Jeff Brown said, the gas demand in Indonesia is indeed continues to climb, especially to meet the needs of the power plant. "It is estimated that the portion of LNG in the supply of gas to rise and 25% in 2015 to 65% in 2025.


Setelah Pembangkit, Kini Giliran Industri

Setelah membuka keran impor gas alam cair atau LNG untuk pembangkit listrik, pemerintah segera memberikan izin bagi sekitar industri untuk mengoptimalkan gas dari luar negeri.

Padahal, saat ini Indonesia menjadi eksportir gas alam cair liquefied natural gas/LNG. Sekitar 50% LNG diekspor. Namun, ekspor LNG tersebut telah terikat kontrak jangka panjang. Di sisi lain, harga gas di Tanah Air relatif tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan harga di pasar global. Pemerintah telah membuka impor LNG kepada PT PLN dan pengembang Iistiik swasta untuk bahan bakar pembangkit. Impor itu dengan persyaratan ketika harga LNG di dalam negeri lebih dari 11% harga minyak mentah Indonesia (ICP).

Namun, sektor industri yang akan diberikan izin impor LNG itu harus memberikan kontribusi signifikan terhadap produk domestik bruto (gross domestic bruto/GDP) Indonesia. Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, pihaknya akan mengeluarkan aturan yang akan membuka impor gas bagi industri guna menekan harga gas sehingga menumbuhkan daya saing.

Namun, ada beberapa persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi industri untuk dapat mengapalkan liquefied natural gas/LNG dari luar negeri. Menurutnya, industri tersebut harus berkontribusi terhadap GDP Indonesia. Impor LNG itu bertujuan agar komponen biaya produksi sektor industri di Tanah Air turun, sehingga kontribusi pendapatan industri terhadap produk domestik bruto (PDB) akan naik. “Industri tersebut berapa kontribusi ke GDP, misalnya kontribusi Rp10 triliun, dan di situ berapa komponen gas kita lihat per satu MMscfd, berapa rupiah yang dihasilkan,” katanya dalam acara The-8th International Indonesia Gas Conference & Exhibition 2017, Selasa (7/2). 

Arcandra menambahkan, hal itu diharapkan bakal menimbulkan efek berganda bagi industri turunannya. Menurutnya, saat in Kementerian ESDM sedang mempelajari aturan impor LNG untuk sektor industri. Dia menekankan aturan tersebut dibuat untuk mendapatkan harga gas yang lebih kompetitif sehingga daya saing industri dapat meningkat. “Namun, tetap mengutamakan [gas domestik] yang di dalam, kalau di dalam tidak memenuhi akan dibuka term impor.”

Faktor lain, katanya, soal kesiapan infrastruktur gas yang menjadi alasan dibatasinya impor gas. Pasalnya, infrastuktur yang ada saat ini belum mampu memenuhi kuota impor gas secara keseluruhan. “Kalau impor LNG infrastruktur dibangun dulu, supaya bisa masuk," katanya. 

Menurutnya, pemerintah berencana membangun fasilitas regasifikasi dan penampungan gas terapung (floating storage and regasification unit/FSRU) dalam beberapa tahun ke depan. Namun, pihaknya belum dapat menentukan berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyiapkan infrastruktur gas secara menyeluruh.


Vice Chairman Indonesia Gas Society Djohari Angga Kusumah mengatakan, harga gas di dalam negeri terutama ketika sampai di konsumen belum kompetitif. Harga LNG dalam negeri untuk kontrak jangka panjang saat ini berkisar US$ 7 per MMBtu di tingkat konsumen. Dia menyebut di Jawa Barat harga gas di konsumen US$ 9 per MMBtu, di Jawa Timur US$ 7,6 per MMBtu, dan di Sumatra Utara harganya mencapai US$ 12 per MMBtu. Sementara itu, harga LNG di pasar spot hanya US$ 5 per MMBtu. “Sudah jelas harga domestik dibandingkan dengan spot LNG lebih tinggi,” katanya.

Dia menegaskan, opsi impor dapat menjadikan harga gas dalam negeri lebih kompetitif. Namun, selain alasan harga, impor gas harus dilakukan mengingat kebutuhan di dalam negeri terus meningkat. Berdasarkan perhitungan kebutuhan gas pada 2030 diperkirakan mencapai 10.000 MMscfd, sedangkan pasokan dalam negeri yang tersedia hanya 6.000 MMscfd sehingga defisit 4.000 MMscfd atau setara dengan 32 ton LNG.

President of Fact Global Energy (FGE), perusahaan konsultasi yang bergerak di bidang energi, Jeff Brown mengatakan, kebutuhan gas di Indonesia memang terus merangkak naik terutama untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pembangkit listrik. “Diperkirakan porsi LNG pada suplai gas meningkat dan 25% pada 2015 menjadi 65% pada 2025.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Wednesday, 8, Feb, 2017

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