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Monday, February 27, 2017

Again, Pertamina Refinery Hire Abroad

PT Pertamina through integrated supply chains or integrated supply chain will hire overseas refineries to process 7 million barrels of crude oil this year.

Senior Vice President of Integrated Supply Chain Daniel Purba said it is coordinating with the Iraqis through the State Oil Marketing Organization (SOMO) associated with the crude oil to be supplied. Therefore, he was not sure when the procurement and processing of oil can do. However, Daniel said, later crude oil to be processed as much as 1 million barrels per month.

Policy process crude oil in foreign refineries is not something new to do the oil SOEs. In 2016, Pertamina also perform the same pattern that is by renting a refinery belonging to Shell in Singapore. Cooperation of refineries or crude pmcessing lease deal (CPD), the product obtained mogas 88 and 92 with a total of 1 million barrels per month from July to December 2016. "The target this year will be in CPD-kan 7 million barrels. When did it start, still coordinating with SOMO Iraq, "said Daniel (19/2).

After that, it will conduct an auction for the company's crude oil processing services provider. He hoped that, through the process can be obtained added value procurement of fuel oil. "We hope to soon be able to confirm the Iraqi crude in order to immediately tender his L to CPD."


Earlier, after attending a coordination meeting ahead of a visit to Iran, it would receive a cargo of crude oil from Iran, which will be tested in the refinery in Cilacap, Central Java. According to Daniel, on the occasion of a visit to Iran on 25 February, there will be no new cooperation, which was signed in the procurement of crude oil and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

He said Pertamina is still in the adjustment phase with the previous collaboration that brought 600,000 tons of LPC and one cargo of crude oil from Iran. "No, no [added volume of imported LPG and crude oil. Hopefully in the future we could be additional LPG especially those who have the road now. If the crude oil we will have to test it, "he said, Friday (17/2).

In the same occasion, the Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources said IGN Wiratmaja Puja, targeted cooperation can be established through a visit to Iran, the import of LPG, crude oil, and the acquisition of two oil fields Ab Teymour and Mansouri.

Nevertheless, to import liquefied natural gas / LNG can not be done. Because, Iran does have a gas development project, but do not yet have an LNG plant to liquefy gas into LNG. "In terms of LNG, we must first discuss kanena Iran does not yet have an LNG plant," said Wiratmaja.

In addition, it also wants to offer oil refinery construction project in the ground water. As refinery project in Bontang, East Kalimantan with a capacity of 300,000 barrels per day or private refinery is expected to demand Iran. "We invite [Iran] investment for the project refinery in Bontang and also in the private sector. Both we offer" he said.


Lagi, Pertamina Sewa Kilang di Luar Negeri

PT Pertamina melalui rantai pasok terintegrasi atau integrated supply chain akan menyewa kilang di luar negeri untuk mengolah 7 juta barel minyak mentah pada tahun ini.

Senior Vice President Integrated Supply Chain Daniel Purba mengatakan, pihaknya sedang berkoordinasi dengan lrak
melalui State Oil Marketing Organization (SOMO) terkait dengan minyak mentah yang akan disuplai.  Oleh karena itu, dia belum bisa memastikan kapan pengadaan dan pengolahan minyaknya bisa dilakukan. Namun, Daniel mengatakan, nantinya minyak mentah yang akan diolah sebanyak 1 juta barel per bulan.

Kebijakan mengolah minyak mentah di kilang asing bukan sesuatu yang baru dilakukan BUMN migas tersebut. Pada 2016, Pertamina pun melakukan pola yang sama yakni dengan menyewa kilang milik Shell di Singapura. Dari kerja sama sewa kilang atau crude pmcessing deal (CPD), didapatkan produk mogas 88 dan 92 dengan total 1 juta barel per bulan sejak Juli hingga
Desember 2016. “Targetnya, tahun ini yang akan di CPD-kan 7 juta barel. Kapan mulainya, masih berkoordinasi dengan SOMO Irak,” ujar Daniel (19/2).

Setelah itu, pihaknya akan melakukan lelang bagi perusahaan penyedia jasa pemrosesan minyak mentah. Dia mengharapkan agar melalui proses tersebut bisa didapat nilai tambah pengadaan bahan bakar minyak. “Kami berharap bisa secepatnya dapat konfirmasi mengenai crude Irak tersebut supaya bisa segera tender Luntuk CPD-nya."


Sebelumnya, usai menghadiri rapat koordinasi jelang kunjungan ke Iran, pihaknya akan menerima satu kargo minyak mentah asal Iran yang akan diuji di kilang Cilacap, Jawa Tengah. Menurut Daniel, pada kesempatan lawatan ke Iran pada 25 Februari mendatang, tak akan ada kerja sama baru yang diteken dalam hal pengadaan minyak mentah maupun liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

Dia menyebutkan, saat ini Pertamina masih dalam tahap penyesuaian dengan kerja sama sebelumnya yakni mendatangkan 600.000 ton LPC dan satu kargo minyak mentah asal Iran. “Belum, belum ada tambah volume impor LPG dan minyak mentah. Mudah-mudahan ke depan kami bisa dapat tambahan LPG terutama yang sudah jalan sekarang. Kalau minyak mentahnya akan kami harus tes dulu,” katanya, Jumat (17/2).

Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM IGN Wiratmaja Puja mengatakan, kerja sama yang ditargetkan  bisa terjalin melalui kunjungan ke Iran, yakni impor LPG, minyak mentah, dan akuisisi dua lapangan minyak Ab Teymour dan Mansouri.

Kendati demikian, untuk impor liquefied natural gas/LNG belum bisa dilakukan. Pasalnya, Iran memang memiliki proyek pengembangan gas, tetapi belum memiliki kilang LNG untuk mencairkan gas menjadi LNG. “Dari sisi LNG, harus kami bahas dulu kanena Iran kan belum punya LNG plant,” kata Wiratmaja.

Selain itu, pihaknya pun ingin menawarkan proyek pembangunan kilang minyak di tanah Air. Proyek kilang seperti di Bontang, KalimantanTimur dengan kapasitas 300.000 barel per hari atau kilang swasta diharapkan bisa diminati Iran. "Kami undang [Iran] investasi untuk proyek kilang yang di Bontang dan juga di swasta. Dua-duanya kami tawarkan" katanya. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday Feb, 20, 2017

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