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Monday, February 27, 2017

Central Sulawesi Charge Participatory Rights of Oil and Gas

Governor of Central Sulawesi Banggai Regent Longki Fjanggola and Herwin Yatim met Minister Ignatius Jonan for the rights of participation of the management of oil and gas for Central Sulawesi.

During the meeting conducted on the weekend, unveiling the Governor Longki investment growth mineral mining, oil and gas Sultengi Longki said that the oil and gas sector can mengdongkrak regional economic growth and provide jobs.

Even so Longki still urged the Ministry of Energy supports the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government and the Government of Banggai to get a 10 percent participatory rights of a number of oil and gas mining companies operating in Banggai district. "Thank God, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources are very appreciative to all statements and the proposal of the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government and the Government of Banggai," said Longki.

Governor of Central Sulawesi, Longki Fjanggola also reported the development of curbing the problem of Mining Permit based on the coordination and supervision of the Corruption Eradication Commission. In particular, Longki convey about the land overlapping the former necking PT Vale Indonesia, the issue of land PT Citra Palu Minerals and PT Sulawesi Mining Investment. "The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources from the beginning supported our efforts to curb the Mining Business License (IUP) which overlaps it. Although we later reap a lawsuit from several companies, "he said.

He added that the Minister of Jonan pay attention to the statements of the block Tiaka problems that have not been operating until now. "On the issue of our request on participatory rights of 10 percent of oil and gas mining company,
namely Block Matindok, Senoro and Tiaka, God willing, in the not too distant future will be met, said former Regent Parigi Moutong these two periods.


Sulawesi Tengah Tagih Hak Partisipatif Migas

Gubernur Sulawesi Tengah Longki Fjanggola dan Bupati Banggai Herwin Yatim menemui Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan untuk memperjuangkan hak partisipasi pengelolaan minyak dan gas bumi bagi Sulawesi Tengah.

Pada pertemun yang dilakukan akhir pekan lalu, Gubernur Longki memaparkan kondisi pertumbuhan investasi pertambangan mineral, minyak dan gas Sultengi Longki menyampaikan bahwa sektor migas dapat mengdongkrak pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah dan menyediakan lapangan kerja.

Meski begitu Longki tetap mendesak agar Kementerian ESDM mendukung Pemprov Sulawesi Tengah dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Banggai untuk mendapatkan hak partisipatif sebesar 10 persen dari sejumlah perusahaan pertambangan migas yang beroperasi di Kabupaten Banggai. “Alhamdulilah, Menteri ESDM sangat apresiatif atas semua Iaporan dan usulan dari Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Banggai,” kata Longki.

Gubernur Sulawesi Tengah Longki Fjanggola pun melaporkan perkembangan masalah penertiban Izin Usaha Pertambangan berdasarkan koordinasi dan supervisi Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi. Secara khusus, Longki menyampaikan soal masalah tumpang tindih lahan bekas penciutan PT Vale Indonesia, soal lahan PT Citra Palu Mineral dan PT Sulawesi Mining Investment.  “Kementerian ESDM sejak awal mendukung upaya kita menertibkan Izin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP) yang tumpang tindih itu. Meski kita kemudian menuai gugatan dari beberapa perusahaan,” kata dia.

Ia menambahkan Menteri Jonan memberi perhatian atas Iaporan masalah blok Tiaka yang belum beroperasi hingga kini. “Terkait masalah permintaan kita atas hak partisipatif sebesar 10 persen dari perusahaan pertambangan minyak dan gas, yakni Blok Matindok, Blok Senoro dan Tiaka, insya Allah dalam waktu tidak lama lagi akan dipenuhi, kata Mantan Bupati Parigi Moutong dua periode ini.

Investor Daily Page-9, Monday, Feb, 20, 2017

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