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Monday, February 13, 2017

Cheap Gas Not Enjoyed Entire Industry

The government continues to evaluate the reduction in industrial gas prices. However, so far only three industry sectors are enjoying a decrease in gas prices, the fertilizer industry, steel, and petro-chemical. Whereas, pursuant to Presidential Decree (Decree) No. 40/2016 on Natural Gas Pricing, set seven industry sectors are entitled to a decline in gas prices, the fertilizer industry, steel, petrochemicals, oleokima, ceramics, glass, and rubber gloves.

Efforts to suppress the price of gas for the seven was considered very important industry to boost the competitiveness of the industry while encouraging more labor absorption by the domestic industry. "Currently only realized for the three industry first, the rest being evaluated. The evaluation concerns the contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) or the multiplier effect in the country," said Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar, on the sidelines of Indonesia gas Society in 2017.

Arcandra said, to realize the price of cheap gas for industry, the government plans to allow the import of gas directly by the industry to the producers. Regulations related to gas imports, according to him, is being prepared by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. In addition to allowing imports, the government also continues to accelerate the development of gas infrastructure. "Domestic demand continues to grow higher than the domestic supply. Because, in addition to allowing imports, we continue to accelerate the development of gas infrastructure, he said.

Secretary General of Chemical Industry Federation Adiputra Indonesia Ridwan said the decline in gas prices that has been enjoyed by most sectors of the industry still does not meet expectations. According to him, for the fertilizer industry, the price of gas is still above USD 6 per million metric British thermal unit (MMBTU). In fact, it is expected gas prices could fall to $ 4 per MMBTU. "The decline in gas prices is also not evenly distributed for other industries. In fact, the decline in the price of gas needed to keep the product in the country capable of competitiveness, both domestically and for export abroad, "he said.

The same thing is said to Chairman of the Association of Food and Beverage Indonesia (Gapmmi) Adhi Lukman. Currently the price of gas for the food and beverage sector, according to him, is still quite expensive, ranging from USD 9-12 per MMBTU. "Actually, the price of gas has been around USD 6-9 per MMBTU, but taxable distribution costs. I wish the President was USD 6 already in place. It is yet to be realized," he said.

According to him, ideally in gas prices as a neighboring country if it wants the industry more competitive. In Singapore, industrial gas prices around USD 3-5 per MMBTU. Vice Chairman of the Indonesia Gas Society Djohari kusumah Angga said gas imports and infrastructure development is the key to accelerate the creation of a competitive gas prices. He projected that average gas consumption in the country for up to two years ahead rose 4-5%, or about 3000-3500 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) or as much as 32 million tonnes of LNG per year. While in 2030 estimated domestic gas demand shot up to 10,000 MMSCFD.

While Indonesia Gas Society Chairman Andayani Yenni said, by 2030 Indonesia is estimated to require investment of USD 70-80 billion for the construction of gas infrastructure in order to meet domestic energy needs are growing at about 4-5% per year, the Acting Director of PT Pertamina said the increasing energy needs this is caused by the growing domestic middle class population and rising GDP. The growth rate, far higher than the growth in global energy consumption. Approximately 15% of energy consumption, according to him, will be supplied by gas.

While the rest is filled with petroleum, coal and other primary energy sources. As a country which has the gas resources are relatively abundant, the role of natural gas for the future economic ascertained quite prominent. The main gas demand growth will be driven by the needs of PT PLN power plants for a total capacity of about 14 GW, which is part of 35,000 MW program and project Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) at four refineries and two new grass root refinery owned by Pertamina.

In addition, growth will also be boosted by the addition of a fertilizer plant capacity and the transport sector. "Investing in gas infrastructure is a long-term investment for 30 years and to become an investment destination, Indonesia to compete with other countries. Therefore, the necessary coordination at all stakeholders, incentives, competitive prices, and ensure the investment climate in the country the good one.


Gas Murah Belum Dinikmati Seluruh Industri

Pemerintah masih terus melakukan evaluasi terhadap penurunan harga gas industri. Namun, sejauh ini baru tiga sektor industri saja yang menikmati penurunan harga gas, yaitu industri pupuk, baja, dan petro kimia. Padahal, berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) No 40/2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi, ditetapkan sebanyak tujuh sektor industri yang berhak menikmati penurunan harga gas, yakni industri pupuk, baja, petrokimia, oleokima, keramik, kaca, dan sarung tangan karet. 

Upaya menekan harga gas bagi ketujuh industri tersebut dinilai sangat penting untuk menggenjot daya saing industri sekaligus mendorong serapan lebih banyak tenaga kerja oleh industri di dalam negeri. "Saat ini baru direalisasikan untuk tiga industri dulu, selebihnya sedang dievaluasi. Evaluasi menyangkut kontribusi terhadap produk domestik bruto (PDB) atau multiplier effect di dalam negeri,"ujar Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar, di sela acara Indonesia Gas Society 2017.

Arcandra mengatakan, untuk mewujudkan harga gas murah bagi industri, pemerintah berencana mengizinkan impor gas langsung oleh industri kepada produsen. Peraturan terkait impor gas ini, menurutnya, sedang disiapkan oleh Kementerian ESDM. Di samping mengizinkan impor, pemerintah juga terus berupaya mempercepat pembangunan infrastruktur gas. ”Permintaan domestik terus tumbuh lebih tinggi dari pasokan dalam negeri. Karena, selain mengizinkan impor, kami terus mempercepat pengembangan infrastruktur gas, ucapnya. 

Sekretaris Jenderal Federasi Industri Kimia Indonesia Ridwan Adiputra mengatakan, penurunan harga gas yang telah dinikmati sebagian sektor industri masih belum sesuai harapan. Menurut dia, untuk industri pupuk, harga gas masih di atas USD 6 per juta metrik british thermal unit (MMBTU). Padahal, harapannya harga gas bisa turun menjadi USD 4 per MMBTU. ”Penurunan harga gas juga belum merata untuk industri lainnya. Padahal, penurunan harga gas dibutuhkan supaya produk di dalam negeri mampu berdaya saing, baik di dalam negeri maupun untuk ekspor ke luar negeri,” katanya.

Hal senada dikatakan Ketua Umum Gabungan Pengusaha Makanan dan Minuman Seluruh Indonesia (Gapmmi) Adhi Lukman. Saat ini harga gas untuk sektor makanan dan minuman, menurutnya, masih cukup mahal, berkisar USD 9-12 per MMBTU. "Sebetulnya harga gas sudah sekitar USD 6-9 per MMBTU, namun kena biaya distribusi. Maunya Presiden itu USD 6 sudah di tempat. Ini yang belum terealisasi," ujarnya. 

Menurutnya, idealnya harga gas sama seperti negara tetangga jika ingin industri lebih berdaya saing. Di Singapura, harga gas industri sekitar USD 3-5 per MMBTU. Wakil Ketua Indonesia Gas Society Djohari Angga kusumah mengatakan, impor dan pembangunan infrastruktur gas menjadi kunci untuk mempercepat terciptanya harga gas yang kompetitif. Dia memproyeksikan rata-rata konsumsi gas di dalam negeri hingga dua tahun ke depan naik 4-5% atau sekitar 3.000-3.500 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD) atau sebanyak 32 juta ton LNG per tahun. Sementara pada 2030 diperkirakan kebutuhan gas domestik melonjak hingga mencapai 10.000 MMSCFD. 

Sementara Chairman Indonesia Gas Society Yenni Andayani mengatakan, hingga 2030 Indonesia diperkirakan memerlukan investasi USD 70-80 miliar untuk pembangunan infrastruktur gas guna mencukupi kebutuhan energi domestik yang tumbuh sekitar 4-5% per tahun, Plt Direktur Utama PT Pertamina tersebut mengatakan, meningkatnya kebutuhan energi domestik ini disebabkan oleh pertumbuhan populasi kelas menengah dan meningkatnya PDB. Angka pertumbuhan tersebut, bahkan jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan konsumsi energi secara global. Sekitar 15% kebutuhan energi tersebut, menurutnya, akan dipasok oleh gas. 

Sementara sisanya dipenuhi dengan minyak bumi, batubara, dan sumber energi primer lainnya. Sebagai negara yang memiliki sumber gas yang cukup berlimpah, peran gas alam untuk ekonomi ke depan dipastikan cukup menonjol. Pertumbuhan permintaan gas utamanya akan dipicu oleh kebutuhan pembangkit listrik PT PLN untuk kapasitas total sekitar 14 GW yang merupakan bagian program 35.000 MW dan proyek Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) pada empat kilang dan dua new grass root refinery milik Pertamina. 

Selain itu, pertumbuhan juga akan di dukung oleh penambahan kapasitas pabrik pupuk dan sektor transportasi. "Investasi infrastruktur gas merupakan investasi jangka panjang untuk 30-an tahun dan untuk menjadi tujuan investasi, Indonesia berkompetisi dengan negara lain. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan koordinasi yang baik di seluruh stake holder, insentif, harga yang kompetitif, dan memastikan iklim investasi dalam negeri yang baik.

Koran Sindo, Page-8, Wednesday, 8, Feb, 2017

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