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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Chevron Remain Interested in Block Rokan and IDD Project

Chevron Indonesia is currently evaluating contract extension Rokan Block located in the province of Riau. Understandably, the contract term oil and gas blocks located in Riau Province is going to run out in 2021 later. According to Coordinating Minister for maritime Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Chevron continues to actively associated with related government contract extension that block. "It is being discussed with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Chevron Ignatius Jonan and they're counting," said Luhut, Friday (24/2).

In addition Rokan Block, Chevron, apparently still interested in continuing the project Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD). For information, in the first phase of exploration, Chevron has produced as much as 4,000 barrels of condensate per day and 110 million cubic feet of gas from the field past the Pacific in August 2016. "They (Chevron) is already selling gas to Thailand and has been reporting on progress, said Luhut. Yanto Sianipar, Senior Vice President, Policy, Government and Public Affairs Chevron Indonesia, did not say much." We have to update some of the government's decision to Chevron.


Chevron Tetap Berminat di Blok Rokan dan Proyek IDD

Chevron Indonesia sedang mengevaluasi perpanjangan kontrak Blok Rokan yang berada di Provinsi Riau. Maklum, masa kontrak blok migas yang berada di Provinsi Riau ini bakal habis pada tahun 2021 nanti. Menurut Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Chevron terus aktif berhubungan dengan pemerintah terkait perpanjangan kontrak blok tersebut. "Itu sedang dibicarakan Chevron dengan Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan dan mereka sedang menghitung," kata Luhut, Jumat (24/2).

Selain Blok Rokan, Chevron, rupanya tetap berminat untuk melanjutkan proyek Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD). Sebagai informasi, di tahap pertama eksplorasi, Chevron sudah memproduksi kondensat sebanyak 4.000 barel per hari dan 110 juta kaki kubik gas dari lapangan Bangka pada Agustus 2016 silam. "Mereka (Chevron) sudah menjual gas ke Thailand dan sudah melaporkan perkembangan pembangunan, lanjut Luhut. Yanto Sianipar, Senior Vice President, Policy, Government and Public Affairs Chevron Indonesia, tidak banyak berkomentar. "Kami harus update beberapa keputusan Chevron ke pemerintah.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Feb, 27, 2017

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