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Monday, February 27, 2017

Cracked soil away from the Bojonegoro Oil Operations

     Bojonegoro Regency plans to move the four heads of household with 11 people on the ground Perhutani.

Pertamina EP Cepu Field Asset 4, Central Java, stating the location of cracked ground in the village Wonocolo, District Kedewan, Bojonegoro, who entered the working area far from the location of the oil operations. "None of our operating activities in the area (the location of cracked ground), while the two existing oil wells located far away, "said Manager of Pertamina EP Cepu Field Asset 4, Central Java, Agus Amperiyanto, Saturday (18/2).

He was speaking after receiving the results of geodetic survey (mapping) conducted Tim 4 Field Asset Pertamina EP Cepu, Central Java, on the location of cracked ground in the village Wonocolo, District Kedewan, Friday (17/2). From the results of geodetic surveys, according to him, the location of active wells operation (KSO) Kw.55 nearby, within 966 meters (straight line) to the southeast. One more DDG.P1 oil wells within 1,360 meters (straight line) to the northwest of the scene. "The land is cracked and decreased consists of valleys, slopes and hills beneath which there is a river, "he explained.

Still according the geodetic survey results, he said, the local soil in some sort of loose soil / porous, thereby potentially decrease of ground fault / syncline bottom. Moreover, on top of it there is a load (number of homes) supported by weather conditions often rains. He estimated the vast reduction / crack in the local area of ​​about 7.5 hectares with a height of elevation of the mouth of the river about 20 and located at an altitude of 186 meters above sea level. "Land area of ​​the case of almost 1 meter underground decline will lead to a roar, also pounding due to noise caused by ground cracks of the house foundation and plants," he explained.

According to the calculation, according to him, the decline in soil at local locations could happen for a long time. "We expect people to remain calm and vigilant, because far from the location of the operation," he added.

Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Bojonegoro Andik Sudjarwo, said that as many as four families (KK) consisting of 11 people, who occupied the seven houses will be relocated. "Relocation is done because of the location-owned land was prone to landslides aftershocks," he added.

No casualties in the incident also cracked ground subsidence which preceded the explosion in the village of Wonocolo, District Kedewan, on Thursday (16/2). But as many as 11 people (4 families) who inhabit the seven houses on the ground cracked in the local site were evacuated to a safe place with a distance of 1 kilometer from the scene, even the houses should be demolished.

Meanwhile, the Government Kabupatcn Bojonegoro planning to move four families with 11 people to Perhutani land for land owned by the victim in the village Wonocolo, District Kedewan prone to landslides aftershocks. "Expert Team Human Resource Development Centre Migas Cepu, recommend the location of settlements on land cracked up to be emptied as prone to landslides aftershocks," said Chief BPBD Bojonegoro Andik Sudjarwo. Moreover, based on the testimony of local residents landslides have happened some time ago.

Therefore, according to him, the government district and village governments will immediately relocate residents to use the system Perhutani land swap with the crack-owned land. "The district government will provide compensation for the cost of relocating residents of the village government budget is supported by post disaster response," he said.

According to him, The Social Welfare Office also will conduct training for the victims of cracked ground, because the agricultural land they have broken also affected in the event of cracked ground in the local village. "Threatened the residents can not work because of his farm damaged by landslides. Pemerinath district will monitor the health of residents affected as many as 11 people, of whom there were elderly and pregnant women," he said.

Furthermore, he explained, the Expert Team of Human Resource Development Centre Migas Cepu who conducted the research with a team BPBDs last day, also recommend the cracked ground in that location must be in the content of clay. The goal is that the soil becomes dense, so that rainwater does not seep into the soil in an attempt to avoid subsequent landslides.


Tanah Retak Bojonegoro jauh dari Operasi Minyak

     Pemkab Bojonegoro berencana  memindahkan empat Kepala Keluarga dengan 11 orang ke tanah Perhutani.

Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu, Jawa Tengah, menyatakan lokasi tanah retak di Desa Wonocolo, Kecamatan Kedewan, Kabupaten Bojonegoro, yang masuk wilayah kerjanya jauh dari lokasi operasi minyak. "Tidak ada kegiatan operasi kita di daerah tersebut (lokasi tanah retak), sedangkan dua sumur minyak yang ada lokasinya jauh," kata Manager Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu, Jawa Tengah, Agus Amperiyanto, Sabtu (18/2).

la menyampaikan hal itu setelah menerima hasil survei geodetik (pemetaan) yang dilakukan Tim Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu, Jawa Tengah, di lokasi tanah retak di Desa Wonocolo, Kecamatan Kedewan, Jumat (17/ 2). Dari hasil survei geodetik, menurut dia, lokasi sumur aktif kerja sama operasi (KSO) terdekat Kw.55, berjarak 966 meter (garis lurus) ke arah tenggara. Satu sumur minyak lainnya DDG.P1 berjarak 1.360 meter (garis lurus) ke arah barat laut dari lokasi kejadian. "Tanah yang retak dan mengalami penurunan terdiri dari lembah, lereng dan perbukitan yang di bawahnya ada sungai," jelas dia.

Masih sesuai hasil survei geodetik, kata dia, tanah di lokasi setempat semacam tanah lepas/berpori, sehingga berpotensi terjadi penurunan tanah dari patahan/sinklin bagian bawah. Apalagi, di atasnya ada beban (sejumlah rumah warga) didukung dengan kondisi cuaca yang sering turun hujan. Ia memperkirakan luas penurunan/retakan di kawasan setempat sekitar 7,5 hektare dengan ketinggian elevasi dari bibir sungai sekitar 20 dan berada di ketinggian 186 meter dari permukaan air laut. "Tanah seluas itu apabila terjadi penurunan tanah hampir 1 meter akan menimbulkan suara gemuruh, juga dentuman akibat bunyi yang ditimbulkan dari retakan tanah dari pondasi rumah maupun tanaman," paparnya.

Sesuai perhitungan, menurut dia, terjadinya penurunan tanah di lokasi setempat bisa terjadi dalam kurun waktu lama. "Kami harapkan masyarakat tetap tenang dan waspada, sebab jauh dari lokasi operasi," ucapnya menambahkan.

Kepala Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Bojonegoro Andik Sudjarwo, sebelumnya menjelaskan sebanyak 4 kepala keluarga (KK) yang terdiri dari 11 orang, yang menempati tujuh rumah akan direlokasi. "Relokasi dilakukan karena lokasi tanah milik warga itu rawan terjadi longsor susulan," katanya menambahkan.

Tidak ada korban orang dalam kejadian tanah retak juga ambles yang didahului ledakan di Desa Wonocolo, Kecamatan Kedewan, pada Kamis (16/2). Namun sebanyak 11 orang (4 KK) yang menghuni tujuh rumah di atas tanah retak di lokasi setempat dievakuasi ke tempat yang aman dengan jarak 1 kilometer dari lokasi kejadian, bahkan rumah warga harus dibongkar. 

Sementara itu, Pemerintah Kabupatcn Bojonegoro berencana memindahkan empat KK dengan 11 orang ke tanah Perhutani karena tanah milik korban di Desa Wonocolo, Kecamatan Kedewan rawan terjadi longsor susulan. "Tim Ahli Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Migas Cepu, merekomendasikan lokasi permukiman di atas tanah retak harus dikosongkan karena rawan terjadi longsor susulan," kata Kepala BPBD Bojonegoro Andik Sudjarwo. Apalagi, berdasarkan keterangan warga setempat longsor sudah pernah terjadi beberapa waktu lalu. 

Karena itu, menurut dia, pemerintah kabupaten dan pemerintah desa akan segera merelokasi warga ke tanah Perhutani menggunakan sistem tukar guling dengan tanah milik warga yang retak. "Pemerintah kabupaten akan memberikan santunan untuk biaya relokasi warga didukung anggaran pemerintah desa melalui pos tanggap bencana," ujarnya.

Menurutnya, Dinas Sosial setempat juga akan melakukan pelatihan bagi warga korban tanah retak, karena tanah pertanian yang mereka miliki juga rusak terkena dampak dalam kejadian tanah retak di desa setempat. "warga terancam tidak bisa bekerja karena tanah pertaniannya rusak akibat terkena longsoran tanah. Pemerinath kabupaten akan melakukan pemantauan kesehatan warga terdampak sebanyak 11 orang, di antaranya ada yang lanjut usia dan sedang hamil," katanya.

Lebih lanjut ia menjelaskan, Tim Ahli Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Migas Cepu yang melakukan penelitian dengan tim BPBD sehari lalu, juga merekomendasikan tanah retak di lokasi itu harus segera di isi tanah lempung. Tujuannya agar tanah menjadi padat, sehingga air hujan tidak meresap ke dalam tanah sebagai usaha menghindari longsor susulan.

Republika, Page-21, Monday, Feb, 20, 2017

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