The Ministry of Finance will transfer the funds to the result (DBH) Bojonegoro, East Java, for the first quarter amounted to Rp 225 billion from this year's target of DBH amounting to Rp 900 billion, end of March. Head of the Department of Revenue Pemkah Herry Sudjarwo Bojonegoro, Bojonegoro, Friday (24/2), explains, a habit that has been running for this to transfer oil and gas DBH first quarter of the Ministry of Finance in late March.
"If our calculations, the amount of the acquisition of oil and gas DBH trilwuan I totaling Rp 225 billion, as long as there are no cuts," he explained. However, according to him, the possibility of allocation of quota calculation DBH Migas Rp 225 billion for the quarter l can not diterina intact. Therefore, the area still has excess residual DBH Gas Ducts Rp 78 billion in 2014.
"If cut, we only accept gas DBH first quarter amounted to Rp 147 billion," he said. In fact, according to him, the district has allocated pemerinath DBH target of oil and gas this year from Rp 900 billion in budget 2017. "If the acquisition of oil and gas DBH is reduced, obviously will affect the budget allocation in the 2017 budget," he said.
Furthermore, he explained, in the 2017 state budget envisaged are State Budget Act for the national oil lifting assumption is set at 815 thousand barrels per day. In lifting it, of which 26 per cent will come from oil-producing region Bojonegoro, with a target of 76.4 million barrels or equivalent 3 212 barrels per day.
DBH Migas Bojonegoro Ditransfer Maret
Kementerian Keuangan akan mentransfer dana bagi hasil (DBH) Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur untuk Triwulan I sebesar Rp 225 miliar dari target perolehan DBH tahun ini sebesar Rp 900 miliar, akhir Maret. Kepala Dinas Pendapatan Daerah Pemkah Bojonegoro Herry Sudjarwo, di Bojonegoro, Jumat (24/2), menjelaskan, kebiasaan yang sudah berjalan selama ini untuk transfer DBH migas triwulan I dari Kementerian Keuangan akhir Maret.
"Kalau perhitungan kami, besarnya perolehan DBH migas trilwuan I sebesar Rp 225 miliar, sepanjang tidak ada potongan," jelas dia. Hanya saja, menurut dia, kemungkinan alokasi perhitungan jatah DBH Migas sebesar Rp 225 miliar untuk triwulan l bisa tidak diterina utuh. Sebab, daerahnya masih memiliki kelebihan sisa salur DBH Migas sebesar Rp 78 miliar pada 2014.
"Kalau dipotong, kita hanya menerima DBH migas triwulan I sebesar Rp 147 miliar," ujarnya. Padahal, menurut dia, pemerinath kabupaten sudah mengalokasikan target perolehan DBH migas tahun ini sebesar Rp 900 miliar di dalam APBD 2017. "Kalau perolehan DBH migas berkurang, jelas akan mempengaruhi alokasi anggaran di dalam APBD 2017," ucapnya.
Lebih lanjut ia menjelaskan, di dalam APBN 2017 yang sudah ditetapkan menjadi Undang-Undang APBN untuk asumsi lifting minyak nasional ditetapkan sebesar 815 ribu barel per hari. Dalam lifting itu, di antaranya sebesar 26 persen akan dipenuhi dari daerah penghasil minyak Bojonegoro, dengan target 76,4 juta barel 3 atau setara 212 barel per hari.
Harian Bangsa, Page-4, Saturday, Feb, 25, 2017
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