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Saturday, February 25, 2017

Domestic Gas Allocation Defined Around 70%

Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) committed to continue to improve the allocation of gas to meet the domestic needs. This year the portion of gas for domestic set by 70%, while 30% are exported. "The allocation of domestic gas will continue to be improved. This year a greater allocation of domestic gas last year at 65%. Overall it has taken a lot of domestic, while the produce is sold to the spot market is less than 10 Cargo, "said Head of Public Relations Division of Oil and Gas SKK Taslim Yunus.

According to him, the allocation of gas for domestic certainly still enough so no need to import from abroad. Moreover, next year the export of gas from the Mahakam block, Sanga-sanga, and Block East Kalimantan to Japan and South Korea have been terminated concurrent expiration of the contract amount of the block in 2018. In addition it began operation in 2020 Tangguh Train 3 will also further strengthen supply gas in the country.

"At the beginning of next year will no longer export to Japan and South Korea. With the end of the contract, the gas supply will be more into the country, he said.

Taslim said, seeing the condition of the gas supply in the country basically does not need to import gas. Because, with imports is not necessarily the price of gas will be cheaper than gas produced in the country. "The price of gas depends on the individual contract. But clearly, the price of domestic gas is cheaper than imports, ".

He said gas prices are determined by the condition of the oil and gas field so different. The more difficult field conditions, the price of gas would be more expensive. However, on average, the price of liquefied natural gas (/ LNG) in the country is still more competitive.

Based on Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 11/2017, a limit on the price of imported gas is set to 11.5% of the price of oil Indonesia (Indonesian Crude Price / ICP). With oil prices were in the range of USD 50 per barrel, the upper limit of the price of LNG imports approximately USD 5.75 per MMBTU. Certainly still plenty of gas in the country that cost under USD5,75 per MMBTU. As for gas in the country that has flowed into the pipe in the form of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), in the upstream price is also still relatively cheap, which is an average of USD 6 per MMBTU.

Member of House of Representatives Commission VII Harry Purnomo better assess the needs of the domestic gas is met from within the country. However, if the price of gas imports cheaper in the country, there is no harm to import from abroad. "If the condition is less expensive, it does not matter imports. Import option does not matter if the consideration is cheaper, "he said.

Meanwhile, an energy expert from Trisakti University Pri Agung Rakhmanto assess the government should accelerate the development of gas infrastructure in the country prior to import. According to him, by developing the gas infrastructure in the domestic supply will be absorbed optimally. In addition, the gas import policy could disrupt oil and gas upstream business activities in the country. Upstream oil and gas industry will be difficult to develop if required to compete with imported gas.

"Better prioritized infrastructure development in order to optimize the absorption of gas in the country before the government to import," said Pri Agung.


Alokasi Gas Domestik Ditetapkan Sebesar 70 %

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) berkomitmen terus meningkatkan alokasi gas untuk mencukupi kebutuhan di dalam negeri. Tahun ini porsi gas untuk domestik ditetapkan sebesar 70%, sedangkan yang diekspor 30%. “Alokasi gas domestik akan terus ditingkatkan. Tahun ini alokasi gas domestik lebih besar tahun lalu sebesar 65%. Secara keseluruhan sudah banyak diambil domestik, sedangkan yang di jual ke pasar spot tidak sampai 10 Kargo,” kata Kepala Divisi Humas SKK Migas Taslim Yunus.

Menurutnya, alokasi gas untuk dalam negeri dipastikan masih cukup sehingga tidak perlu melakukan impor dari luar negeri. Apalagi, tahun depan ekspor gas dari Blok Mahakam, Blok Sanga-sanga, dan Blok East Kalimantan ke Jepang dan Korea Selatan dari telah dihentikan bersamaan berakhirnya kontrak sejumlah blok tersebut pada 2018. Selain itu mulai beroperasinya Train 3 Tangguh pada 2020 juga akan semakin memperkuat pasokan gas di dalam negeri.

“Pada awal tahun depan tidak lagi ekspor ke Jepang dan Korea Selatan. Dengan berakhirnya kontrak, maka pasokan gasnya akan lebih banyak ke dalam negeri, katanya.

Taslim mengatakan, melihat kondisi pasokan gas di dalam negeri pada dasarnya tidak perlu melakukan impor gas. Karena, dengan impor belum tentu harga gas akan lebih murah dibandingkan gas yang dihasilkan di dalam negeri.
“Harga gas tergantung dengan masing-masing kontraknya. Tapi yang jelas, harga gas di dalam negeri lebih murah dibandingkan impor,".

Dia mengatakan, harga gas ditentukan berdasarkan kondisi lapangan migasnya sehingga berbeda-beda. Semakin sulit kondisi lapangannya, harga gas pun akan semakin mahal. Namun, secara rata-rata, harga gas alam cair (/ LNG) di dalam negeri masih lebih kompetitif.

Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 11/ 2017, batas maksimal harga gas impor ditetapkan 11,5% dari harga minyak lndonesia (Indonesia Crude Price/ICP). Dengan harga minyak berada di kisaran USD 50 per barel maka batas atas harga LNG impor sekitar USD 5,75 per MMBTU. Dipastikan masih banyak gas di  dalam negeri yang harganya di bawah USD5,75 per MMBTU. Sementara untuk gas di dalam negeri yahg sudah dialirkan ke pipa dalam-bentuk Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), di hulu harganya juga masih tergolong murah, yaitu rata-rata USD 6 per MMBTU.

Anggota DPR Komisi VII Harry Purnomo menilai lebih baik kebutuhan gas di dalam negeri dicukupi dari dalam negeri.  Meski demikian, jika harga gas impor lebih murah   dalam negeri, tidak ada salahnya melakukan impor dari luar negeri. “Jika kondisinya memang lebih murah, tidak masalah impor. Pilihan impor tidak jadi masalah jika pertimbangannya lebih murah," ujarnya.

Sementara itu, pakar energi dari Universitas Tri Sakti Pri Agung Rakhmanto menilai sebaiknya pemerintah mempercepat pengembangan infrastruktur gas di dalam negeri sebelum melakukan impor. Menurutnya, dengan mengembangkan infrastruktur gas maka pasokan di dalam negeri akan terserap secara optimal. Di samping itu, kebijakan impor gas dapat mengganggu kegiatan usaha hulu migas di dalam negeri. Industri hulu migas akan sulit berkembang jika diharuskan berkompetisi dengan gas impor. 

“Lebih baik memprioritaskan pembangunan infrastruktur guna mengoptimalkan serapan gas di dalam negeri sebelum pemerintah melakukan impor,"tutur Pri Agung.

Koran Sindo, Page-8, Thursday, Feb, 16, 2017

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