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Monday, February 27, 2017

DPR Want to Form Special Body Oil and Gas

House of Representatives proposed the establishment of a special business entity (BUK) of oil and gas. The filing revealed in the discussion process of the revision of the Law on Oil and Gas (Oil and Gas Law) in internal Commission VII. Member of Commission VII Kurtubi revealed, in this period, policy changes will be made referring to the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) which essentially prohibits the government-run national oil and not allowed the government to make the signing of the contract with the investor. "The revised law is in fact already done by the Parliament earlier, but did not produce results," he said.

In that decision, the Court also decided the price of fuel should not be left to the market and the oil and gas industry should not be split between the upstream and downstream. In order not to violate this decision, the management of oil and gas should not be from the government, the management of business entities should a business entity. He admitted his side had agreed later manager of oil and gas is no longer BP Migas, no SKK Migas, but handed over to the state company. "We called a special business entity (BUK) oil and gas, and this point has been agreed."

Currently, Kurtubi admitted, the board is still discussing in the Commission's internal VII of whom later holding that particular business entity. "BUK who later defined it, we call it, for example PT Pertamina plus SKK Migas. We recommend this particular business entity former Pertamina assets, if any, or if there is oil and gas assets of SKK, "he said.

Vice Chairman of Commission VII Satya Widya Yudha added, later, at the BUK parent there will be a supervisory board, which may be chaired by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, and could consisted of the Minister of Finance and others. It is intended to be implemented good governance were clean.

"The regulator remains in the Ministry of Energy. Thus, the EMR still have the right to manage jumiah of reserves and business prospects of reserves that can be capitalized, "he said.

Satya also thinks the formation of oil and gas BUK does not conflict with the establishment of the holding company (holding) SOE energy sector. According to him, the spirit and the BUK-oil state-owned holding the same, namely to promote national oil and gas industry.


DPR Ingin Bentuk Badan Khusus Migas

DPR mengajukan pembentukan badan usaha khusus (BUK) migas. Pengajuan tersebut terungkap dalam proses pembahasan revisi Undang-Undang Minyak dan Gas (UU Migas) di internal Komisi VII. Anggota Komisi VII Kurtubi mengungkapkan, pada periode ini, perubahan kebijakan yang akan dilakukan mengacu ke keputusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) yang intinya melarang migas nasional dikelola pemerintah dan tidak diperbolehkan pemerintah untuk melakukan penandatanganan kontrak dengan investor. “Revisi UU Migas ini sebenarnya sudah dikerjakan oleh DPR periode sebelumnya, tapi memang belum membuahkan hasil,” ujarnya.

Dalam putusan itu, MK juga memutuskan harga BBM tidak boleh diserahkan kepada pasar dan industri migas tidak boleh dipecah antara hulu dan hilir. Agar tidak melanggar putusan tersebut, pengelola migas tidak boleh dari pemerintah, pengelola entitas bisnis harus badan usaha. Ia mengakui pihaknya sepakat nanti pengelola migas bukan lagi BP Migas, tidak SKK Migas, melainkan diserahkan kepada perusahaan negara. “Kami sebut badan usaha khusus (BUK) migas, dan poin ini sudah disepakati.”

Saat ini, Kurtubi mengakui, dewan masih membahas dalam internal Komisi VII tentang siapa nanti induk badan usaha khusus itu. “BUK itu siapa nanti didefinisikan, kami sebut saja misalnya PT Pertamina plus SKK Migas. Kami sarankan badan usaha khusus ini bekas aset Pertamina kalau ada, atau aset SKK migas kalau ada,” ujarnya.

Wakil Ketua Komisi VII DPR Satya Widya Yudha menambahkan, nantinya, pada induk BUK tersebut akan ada dewan pengawas, yang mungkin akan diketuai Menteri ESDM, dan beranggotakan bisa dari Menteri Keuangan dan lainnya. Hal tersebut dimaksudkan agar bisa terlaksana good governance yang  bersih.

“Regulator tetap berada dalam Kementerian ESDM. Jadi, ESDM masih punya hak untuk kelola jumiah dari cadangan-cadangan dan prospek bisnis dari cadangan-cadangan yang bisa dikapitalisasi,” katanya.

Satya pun menilai pembentukan BUK migas tidak bertentangan dengan pembentukan perusahaan induk (holding) BUMN bidang energi. Menurutnya, semangat holding BUMN dan BUK migas sama, yakni memajukan industri migas nasional.

Media Indonesia,page-17, Monday, Feb, 20, 2017

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