, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Gas consumption in East Java in Reach 1230 MMSCFD - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Gas consumption in East Java in Reach 1230 MMSCFD

Penetration of natural gas in East Java is quite good. Until yesterday PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) recorded consumption of natural gas to penetrate the 130 billion British thermal units per day (BBTUD). PGN Trade Director Danny Praditya said, PGN has been supplying natural gas to 26 676 customers in East Java, which are mostly located in Surabaya, 19,334 customers. 

   The rest is divided to as many as 6,866 customers Sidoarjo and Pasuruan as many as 476 customers. "The addition of natural gas consumption can not be separated from PGN strategic partners who have become loyal customers. We continue to innovate to improve service to customers to take advantage of good energy gas, said Danny.

Danny said, consumption of natural gas in East Java, was a pioneer of gas distribution at the national level. Nationally PGN has been supplying natural gas to 1,652 large industrial and power plants, as well as 1,929 commercial customers such as hotels, restaurants, hospitals, and micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs). While household customers reached 204,000 connections. 

   Looking ahead, continued Danny, PGN still developing the infrastructure network in East Java and other potential areas. This year, PGN is currently completing several infrastructure-Lamongan Gresik distribution pipe-Tuban along the 141 kilometer (km). To improve the reliability of supply, PGN is also completing a receiving station and a divider Semare order to deliver natural gas from Husky to Pasuruan.

"Java is one of the potential areas that we continue to boost infrastructure development. We are also actively opening new markets users of natural gas, "he said, distribution pipes PGN East Java in Surabaya along 552 km, in Sidoarjo along 404 km, and Pasuruan reach 199 km. 

     The total length of the pipeline is 1,156 km, up more than 150 km compared to the achievements of 2016 along 996.15 km. "PGN's gas pipeline infrastructure in East Java increased by 16% over the previous year. PGN gas pipelines nationwide total reach of more than 7278 km. This amount is equivalent to 80% of the downstream natural gas pipeline network throughout Indonesia, "said Danny.

Meanwhile, Group Head Business Unit Gas Product PGN Anas said Wahyudi, industrial customers are also given a positive response in the last year. Moreover, East Java, the most potential for development of gas supply for the industry.


Konsumsi Gas di Jatim Tembus 1230 MMscfd

Penetrasi gas bumi di Jawa Timur cukup baik. Hingga kemarin PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) mencatat konsumsi gas bumi menembus 130 billion british thermal unit per day (BBTUD). Direktur Perdagangan PGN Danny Praditya menuturkan, PGN telah memasok gas bumi kepada 26.676 pelanggan di Jawa Timur yang sebagian besar berada di Surabaya yaitu 19.334 pelanggan. Sisanya terbagi untuk Sidoarjo sebanyak 6.866 pelanggan dan Pasuruan sebanyak 476 pelanggan. 

“Penambahan konsumsi gas bumi ini tak bisa lepas dari mitra strategis PGN yang telah menjadi pelanggan setia. Kami terus berinovasi untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kepada pelanggan untuk memanfaatkan energi baik gas bumi, ucap Danny.

Danny mengatakan, konsumsi gas bumi di Jawa Timur menjadi pionir sebaran gas di tingkat nasional. Secara nasional PGN telah memasok gas bumi kepada 1.652 industri besar dan pembangkit listrik, serta 1.929 pelanggan komersial seperti hotel, restoran, rumah sakit, dan usaha mikro, kecil, menengah (UMKM). 

     Sementara pelanggan rumah tangga mencapai 204.000 sambungan. Ke depan, lanjut Danny, PGN tetap mengembangkan jaringan infrastruktur di wilayah Jawa Timur dan daerah potensial lain. Tahun ini PGN sedang menyelesaikan beberapa infrastruktur pipa distribusi Gresik-Lamongan-Tuban sepanjang 141 kilometer (km). Untuk meningkatkan keandalan pasokan, PGN juga sedang menyelesaikan stasiun penerima dan pembagi Semare untuk dapat menyalurkan gas bumi dari Husky ke Pasuruan.

“Jatim memang salah satu daerah potensial sehingga kami terus menggenjot pembangunan infrastruktur. Kami juga aktif membuka pasar baru pengguna gas bumi," ucapnya, Pipa distribusi PGN di Jawa Timur tersebar di Surabaya sepanjang 552 km, di Sidoarjo sepanjang 404 km, dan Pasuruan mencapai 199 km. 

     Panjang keseluruhan jaringan pipa adalah 1.156 km, naik lebih dari 150 km dibandingkan capaian 2016 sepanjang 996,15 km. "Infrastruktur pipa gas PGN di Jawa Timur meningkat 16% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. Secara nasional pipa gas PGN total mencapai lebih dari 7.278 km. Jumlah ini setara dengan 80% jaringan pipa gas bumi hilir di seluruh Indonesia,” ucap Danny.

Sementara itu, Group Head Business Unit Gas Product PGN Wahyudi Anas menuturkan, pelanggan industri juga memberikan respons positif dalam setahun terakhir ini. Terlebih Jawa Timur paling potensial untuk pengembangan pasokan gas bagi industri.

Koran Sindo, Page-9, Friday, Feb, 24, 2018

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