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Friday, February 3, 2017

Government Set Price Gas Plant

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has published three Ministerial Regulation associated with power generation. One of them, set the price of gas for power generation through the Ministerial Regulation No. 11 Year 2017 Beleid it ensures the availability of gas supply at reasonable and competitive prices, both for gas pipelines and LNG.

Director General of Electricity Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Jarman said, there are two main points set out in the regulation. Namely, the development of power generation in the mouth of wells (wellhead) and the price of gas and gas pipeline tariffs. Associated with plant development at the mouth of the well when passing a direct appointment, the price of gas up to 8 percent of the Indonesia Crude Price (ICP). Also there is no guarantee gas allocation in accordance with the contract. Later, depreciable plant investment of at least 20 years. Then, there is no guarantee developers with specific fuel consumption (SFC) of oil equivalent diesel (HSD) by 0.25 liters per kWh. If through the public auction, carried out if the price is higher than 8 percent ICP. "Electricity at the delivery point substation nearby," said Jarman

The second point, concerning the price of gas and pipeline gas tariffs. For gas pipelines, adjusted economic price without escalation. If necessary escalation, the price is based on a percentage deal. Other rules are Rule Minister No. 10 of 2017 regulating the power purchase agreement (PPA) between the buyers, ie PLN, and the seller (IPP). According to Jarman, PPA rules must use the same pattern of such a build, own, operated, transfer (BOOT).

hus, if the contract runs out, it became state property. Beleid next Ministerial Regulation No. 12 of 2017 to regulate the maximum price of electricity generation sourced from renewable energy.


Pemerintah Atur Harga Gas Pembangkit

Kementerian ESDM telah menerbitkan tiga Peraturan Menteri terkait dengan pembangkit tenaga listrik. Salah satu di antaranya, mengatur harga gas untuk pembangkit listrik lewat Peraturan Menteri No 11 Tahun 2017. Beleid itu menjamin ketersediaan pasokan gas dengan harga yang wajar dan kompetitif, baik untuk gas pipa maupun LNG.

Dirjen Ketenagalistrikan Kementerian ESDM Jarman mengatakan, ada dua poin utama yang diatur dalam peraturan tersebut. Yakni, pengembangan pembangkit listrik di mulut sumur (wellhead) serta harga gas dan tarif pipa gas. Terkait dengan pengembangan pembangkit di mulut sumur apabila lewat penunjukan langsung, harga gas maksimal 8 persen dari Indonesia Crude Price (ICP). Juga ada jaminan alokasi gas sesuai dengan kontrak. Kemudian, investasi pembangkit di depresiasi sekurang-kurangnya 20 tahun. Lalu, ada jaminan pengembang dengan specific fuel consumption (SFC) setara minyak solar (HSD) sebesar 0,25 liter per kWh. Apabila melalui pelelangan umum, dilakukan jika harga lebih tinggi dari 8 persen ICP. ”Titik penyerahan listrik pada gardu induk terdekat,” kata Jarman

Poin kedua, menyangkut harga gas dan tarif gas pipa. Untuk gas pipa, disesuaikan harga keekonomian tanpa eskalasi. Jika diperlukan eskalasi, harga didasarkan kepada kesepakatan persentase. Aturan lainnya adalah Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 10 Tahun 2017 yang mengatur perjanjian jual beli tenaga listrik (PJBL) antara pembeli, yakni PLN, dan penjual (IPP). Menurut Jarman, aturan PJBL harus menggunakan pola kerja sama berupa build, own, operated, transfer (BOOT). 

Dengan demikian, jika kontrak habis, itu menjadi milik negara. Beleid berikutnya adalah Peraturan Menteri Nomor 12 Tahun 2017 untuk mengatur harga maksimal pembangkit listrik yang bersumber dari energi baru dan terbarukan.

Jawa Pos, Page-5, Friday, Feb, 3, 2017

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