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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Government Wants Candidate Pertamina President Director from Outside

The Post of Vice President will be deleted.

The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises as a shareholder of PT Pertamina proposed that the position of managing director filled not by internal companies. "We would like from the outside," said Deputy of Financial Services, Services Survey, and Consultant Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises, Billy Trihargo. According to Billy, Pertamina's management should be solid to bear the responsibility of companies is bigger. "We see the internal must improved so there needs refreshment, "he said.

SOE Minister Rini Marini Soemarno remove Ahmad Bambang and Dwi Soetjipto  from the position of CEO and Deputy CEO respectively. The sacking of both Pertamina officials are due to problems of leadership and personality. Director of Pertamina Gas and Renewable Energy, Yenni Andayani, was appointed executor of the president director.

He said the dismissal decision is taken based on the recommendations BoC assess both the acute problem of leadership. Before the proposal is submitted, the Board has overseen and clarified to many parties, including to Dwi and Ahmad. When both are clarified, Rini said each Dwi and Ahmad said there was no problem. "That one answered no problem when asked anything. One more, too. But it turns out, in Pertamina, people say there is problem, "he said.

According to Rini, the source of the problem is the personality of both, not a new organizational structure Pertamina. He was sure a good leader can execute their duties in any structure. "In banking there is also a deputy director, but no problem," he said.

Commissioner of Pertamina, Mr. Abeng, said the search for a candidate from outside Pertamina is a matter for the shareholders. "We as the Board of Commissioners to provide an assessment," he said. Tanri expect the chief executive position has been filled before 30 days. Yenni was appointed as acting chief executive, said Tanri, because he is the most senior in terms of office. He said he, the shareholders decided to delete the post of vice president. The position was rated as the problem of leadership in Pertamina. "Perhaps this nomenclature part of the conditions that lead no good cooperation."

Although the position was removed, He said he would maintain the number of directors to nine people. "But, obviously, there will no longer nomenclature in the structure whose name Executive Vice President," he said in the Office of the Vice President. The Vice President Jusuf Kalla said the Pertamina board replaced to improve the professionalism of state-owned enterprises that. Kalla hope shareholders later lifted people who are professional and have strong leadership.


Pemerintah Inginkan Calon Direktur Utama Pertamina dari Luar

Jabatan wakil direktur utama akan dihapus.

Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara sebagai pemegang saham PT Pertamina mengusulkan agar posisi direktur utama diisi bukan oleh orang internal perusahaan. “Kami ingin dari luar," kata Deputi Bidang Usaha Jasa Keuangan, Jasa Survei, dan Konsultan Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara, Gatot trihargo. Menurut Gatot, manajemen Pertamina harus solid untuk menjalankan tanggungjawab perusahaan yang makin besar.  “Kami melihat internal harus ditingkatkan sehingga perlu ada penyegaran,” ujarnya.

Menteri BUMN Rini Marini Soemarno mencopot Dwi Soetjipto dan Ahmad Bambang dari posisi Direktur Utama dan Wakil Direktur Utama Pertamina. Pencopotan kedua pejabat Pertamina tersebut karena masalah kepemimpinan dan personalitas. Direktur Gas dan Energi Terbarukan Pertamina, Yenni Andayani, ditunjuk menjadi pelaksana tugas direktur utama.

Dia mengatakan keputusan pemberhentian diambil berdasarkan usul Dewan Komisaris yang menilai masalah kepemimpinan keduanya sudah akut. Sebelum usul diajukan, Dewan telah mengawasi dan mengklarifikasi ke banyak pihak, termasuk kepada Dwi dan Ahmad. Saat keduanya di klarifikasi, Rini mengatakan masing-masing Dwi dan Ahmad mengatakan tidak ada masalah. “Yang satu kalau ditanya menjawab tidak masalah. Satu lagi juga begitu. Tapi ternyata, di dalam pertamina, orang ngomong ada masalah,” tuturnya.

Menurut Rini, sumber masalah adalah kepribadian keduanya, bukan struktur organisasi baru Pertamina. Dia yakin pemimpin yang baik bisa tugasnya menjalankan dalam struktur apa pun. “Di perbankan juga ada wakil direktur, tapi tidak ada masalah,” kata dia.

Komisaris Utama Pertamina, Tanri Abeng, mengatakan pencarian calon dari luar Pertamina menjadi urusan pemegang saham. “Kami sebagai Dewan Komisioner memberikan penilaian,”ujarnya. Tanri berharap posisi direktur utama sudah terisi sebelum 30 hari. Yenni ditunjuk sebagai pelaksana tugas direktur utama, kata Tanri, karena ia paling senior dari segi jabatan.

     Tanri mengatakan, pemegang saham memutuskan menghapus jabatan wakil direktur utama. Jabatan tersebut dinilai sebagai sumber masalah kepemimpinan di Pertamina. “Barangkali nomenklatur ini bagian dari kondisi yang menyebabkan tidak terjadinya kerja sama yang bagus."

Meski jabatan itu dihapus, Tanri mengatakan jumlah direktur akan dipertahankan sembilan orang. "Tapi, yang jelas, tidak akan ada lagi nomenklatur dalam struktur yang namanya Wakil Direktur Utama,” kata dia di Kantor Wakil Presiden. Adapun Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla mengatakan direksi Pertamina diganti untuk memperbaiki profesionalisme perusahaan milik negara itu.  Kalla berharap pemegang saham nanti mengangkat orang yang profesional dan memiliki kepemimpinan yang kuat.

Koran Tempo, Page-3, Saturday, Feb, 4, 2017

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