Plans for the opening tap gas import industry always raises two contradictions, which is about the infrastructure is not yet ready and a cargo of gas production in the country that have not been sold. As irony. Moreover, this discourse appears at the time of realization policy to reduce gas prices have stalled. We know, in May 2016, issued Presidential Decree (Decree) No. 40 of 2016 on Natural Gas Pricing.
Essence of this rule is to lower the price of natural gas for certain industrial sectors, namely fertilizer, petrochemical, oleochemical, steel, ceramics, glass, and rubber gloves. Benchmark, the industry did not get economical with gas prices above 6 dollars per million metric British thermal unit (MMBTU).
The President declared applicable regulations effective as of January 1, 2016 apply to this new fertilizer sector, steel, and petrochemicals. The fate of four other sectors unclear. Some parties mention, it is not easy to realize a decrease in the price of gas is calculated backwards from the date of issuance of the presidential regulation. The price of domestic gas is touted too expensive and difficult to compete with neighboring industries.
According to Pertamina, the price of gas in the eastern part of Java, an average of 7.6 dollars per MMBTU and in the western part of Java 9 dollars per MMBTU Meanwhile, in North Sumatra, more expensive, which is 12 US dollars per MMBTU. On the cash market (spot) international gas price of US $ 5 per MMBTU.
Then, if the import is always associated with high gas prices? Pertamina estimates, in 2020 there will be a deficit of gas in Indonesia as many as 500 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). Figures increasingly wide deficit in 2030, became 3000-3500 MMSCFD. So, there is the problem of gas supply in the future.
Another problem, Indonesia had constraints in domestic gas infrastructure, such as terminals and regasification and the floating storage unit (FSRU). Currently there are two FSRU in the country, namely FSRU West Java, Lampung FSRU, and a floating regasification unit (FRU) Benoa in Bali.
Causes of low domestic gas absorption, according to the Head of Public Relations Unit Special Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) Taslim Z Jonah, because gas infrastructure provided was minimal. The gas that has been produced to be immediately released into the market. If not, the storage terminal can be full and may interfere with the gas production process itself.
To build gas infrastructure was not cheap. Quoting Chairman of Indonesia Gas Society Yenni Andayani, need investment of 70-80 billion US dollars to build gas infrastructure in the country until 2030. Then, if the imported gas could solve the problem? Not necessarily. Seeing the fact that the infrastructure is still minimal, then the realization of imports still need time.
The price of gas is influenced conditions of supply sources, distance distribution, and other things that go into deciding the price component. By counting growth of domestic gas consumption by 5 percent per year, inevitably, gas infrastructure must be built and strengthened as soon as possible.
In the book of Natural Gas Policy Roadmap published National 2014-2030 Ministry of Energy, the gas becomes an important option to replace petroleum reserves are expected to run out in the next 10-12 years, if no new reserves are found.
Impor VS Infrastruktur
Rencana pembukaan keran impor gas untuk industri selalu memunculkan dua pertentangan, yakni soal infratruktur yang belum siap dan sejumlah kargo gas produksi dalam negeri yang belum laku terjual. Seperti ironi. Apalagi wacana ini muncul di saat realisasi kebijakan penurunan harga gas yang tersendat. Kita tahu, pada Mei 2016, terbit Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi.
Intisari dari aturan ini adalah menurunkan harga gas bumi bagi sektor industri tertentu, yaitu pupuk, petrokimia, oleochemical, baja, keramik, kaca, dan sarung tangan karet. Patokannya, industri tersebut tidak mendapat keekonomian dengan harga gas di atas 6 dollar AS per juta metrik british thermal unit (MMBTU).
Peraturan Presiden yang dinyatakan berlaku efektif per 1 Januari 2016 ini baru berlaku bagi sektor pupuk, baja, dan petrokimia. Nasib keempat sektor lainnya belum jelas. Sejumlah pihak menyebutkan, memang tak mudah merealisasikan penurunan harga gas yang dihitung mundur dari tanggal penerbitan perpres itu. Harga gas dalam negeri disebut-sebut terlampau mahal dan sulit bersaing dengan industri negara tetangga.
Menurut catatan Pertamina, harga gas di Jawa bagian timur rata-rata 7,6 dollar AS per MMBTU dan di Jawa bagian barat 9 dollar AS per MMBTU Sementara, di Sumatera Utara lebih mahal lagi, yaitu 12 dollar AS per MMBTU. Di pasar tunai (spot) internasional, harga gas 5 dollar AS per MMBTU.
Lalu, apakah impor selalu dikaitkan dengan harga gas yang mahal? Pertamina memperkirakan, pada 2020 akan terjadi defisit gas di Indonesia sebanyak 500 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD). Angka defisit kian lebar pada 2030, menjadi 3.000-3.500 MMSCFD. Jadi, ada masalah pasokan gas di masa mendatang.
Masalah lain, Indonesia punya kendala infrastruktur gas di dalam negeri, seperti terminal regasifikasi serta unit penyimpanan dan regasifikasi terapung (FSRU). Saat ini baru ada dua FSRU di dalam negeri, yaitu FSRU Jawa Barat, FSRU Lampung, dan satu unit regasifikasi terapung (FRU) Benoa di Bali.
Penyebab serapan gas dalam negeri rendah, menurut Kepala Humas Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Taslim Z Yunus, lantaran infrastruktur gas yang tersedia sangat minim. Gas yang sudah diproduksi harus segera di lepas ke pasar. Bila tidak, terminal penyimpanan bisa penuh dan dapat mengganggu proses produksi gas itu sendiri.
Untuk membangun infrastruktur gas pun tidak murah. Mengutip Ketua Indonesia Gas Society Yenni Andayani, perlu investasi sebanyak 70-80 miliar dollar AS untuk membangun infrastruktur gas di dalam negeri hingga 2030 mendatang. Lalu, apakah impor gas bisa menyelesaikan masalah? Belum tentu. Melihat fakta infrastruktur yang masih minim, maka realisasi impor masih perlu waktu.
Harga gas sangat dipengaruhi kondisi sumber pasokan, jarak distribusi, dan hal lain yang masuk dalam komponen penentu harga. Dengan menghitung pertumbuhan konsumsi gas dalam negeri sebesar 5 persen per tahun, mau tidak mau, infrastruktur gas harus dibangun dan diperkuat sesegera mungkin.
Dalam buku Peta Jalan Kebijakan Gas Bumi NasionaI 2014-2030 yang diterbitkan Kementerian ESDM, gas menjadi pilihan penting untuk menggantikan minyak bumi yang cadangannya diperkirakan akan habis dalam 10-12 tahun mendatang, jika tidak ditemukan cadangan baru.
Kompas, Page-17, Saturday, Feb, 25, 2017
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