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Monday, February 27, 2017

Imports not Sure Press Gas Prices

Policy import liquefied natural gas / LNG is not definitely going to make it drops in levels of users (end user). Because the gas imports it still has to go through many stages before it gets to the user. According to the Head of the Division of Natural Gas Commercialization SKK Migas, Sampe L Purba, there are a number of factors that led to the import does not necessarily lower the price of LNG at the user level.

Firstly because the overall price of LNG that compete worldwide. Second, in order to import LNG in it to the end user, there are stages sniping, regasification, transmission, and distribution.

He gave an example, the price of imported LNG relative depending on whether the country we have storage facilities. "In America cheap price because the available pipeline or facility," he said.

Infrastructure is very important in the distribution of LNG. He cited some technical problems may occur. "Merchandise No, buyer infrastructure does not exist or is not available, so it is a factor." Then, before the gas is already in liquid form it is shipped, there regasification process. "Then the gas is carried through the transmission line. So, it all must walk. Regasification facility was only three to four places, yet to reach all of Indonesia. "

Reflecting on it, Until the studies suggested that repeated over gas import plan for the industry. Therefore, the price is not much different from the domestic. According Until, there are other things that can be done so that the target of President Joko Widodo who want the gas price of US $ 6 per MMBTU for the industry realized. "The price can be indexed. In order for gas fell $ 6 to be landed its price taken into account. "

He added that soaring gas prices due to factors of supply chain provider to the end user. For example, in North Sumatra gas price was US $ 12 per MMBTU. "The reason that the cost of supply. So, cheapness of imports where? So I said imports are not necessarily lower the price, "he said.

Coordinating Minister for the Economy Nasution said the issue of gas imports will be one of the issues the talks during his visit to Iran at the end of this month. According to him, the government will find out the details of the price of imported gas Iran. Currently, the price of gas in Iran is around US $ 3-US $ 3.5 per MMBTU. "It was priced in Iran. If brought to here, so what? we need to count, "Nasution said.


Impor belum Tentu Tekan Harga Gas

Kebijakan mengimpor liquefied natural gas/LNG belum pasti bakal membuat harganya turun di level pengguna (end user). Pasalnya, impor gas itu masih harus melalui banyak tahap sebelum sampai ke pengguna. Menurut Kepala Divisi Komersialisasi Gas Bumi SKK Migas, Sampe L Purba, ada sejumlah faktor yang menyebabkan impor tidak serta merta menurunkan harga LNG pada tingkat pengguna. 

Pertama karena secara keseluruhan harga LNG itu bersaing di seluruh dunia.  Kedua, agar LNG yang diirnpor itu sampai ke end user, ada tahapan sniping, regasifikasi, transmisi, dan distribusi.

Dia mencontohkan, harga LNG impor relatif tergantung apakah negara kita memiliki fasilitas penampung. “Di Amerika harga murah karena tersedia pipa atau fasilitasnya,” ujarnya.

Infrastruktur sangat penting dalam penyaluran LNG. Ia mencontohkan beberapa persoalan teknis bisa saja terjadi. “Barangnya ada, buyer belum ada atau infrastruktur belum tersedia, jadi itu merupakan suatu faktor.” Lalu, sebelum gas yang sudah dalam bentuk cairan itu dikapalkan, ada proses regasifikasi. “Kemudian gas dibawa melalui saluran transmisi. jadi, itu semua harus berjalan. Fasilitas regasifikasi itu cuma tiga sampai empat tempat, belum menjangkau seluruh Indonesia.”

Berkaca dari hal itu, Sampe mengusulkan agar ada studi ulang atas rencana impor gas bagi industri tersebut. Sebab, harganya tidak berbeda jauh dengan domestik. Menurut Sampe, ada hal lain yang bisa dilakukan agar target Presiden Joko Widodo yang ingin harga gas US$6 per MMBTU bagi industri terwujud. “Harga itu bisa di-indeks. Supaya gas turun US$6, harus landed price-nya diperhitungkan.” 

Dia menambahkan, melambungnya harga gas akibat faktor rantai pasok dari penyedia hingga ke pengguna akhir. Contohnya, di Sumatra Utara harga gas sempat US$ 12 per MMBTU. “Penyebabnya itu biaya pasok. Jadi, murahnya impor di mana? Makanya kata saya impor tidak serta merta menurunkan harga,” kata dia. 

Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian Darmin Nasution mengatakan isu impor gas akan menjadi salah satu isu pembicaraan dalam kunjungannya ke Iran pada akhir bulan ini. Menurut dia, pemerintah akan mencari tahu detil harga gas impor Iran. Saat ini, harga gas di Iran berkisar US$3-US$3,5 per MMBTU. “Itu harga di Iran. Kalau di bawa ke sini, jadi berapa? perlu kita hitung,” kata Darmin.

Media Indonesia, Page-17, Friday, Feb, 17, 2017

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