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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Jokowi Uninstall Dirut- Deputy CEO

SOE ballad Migas, Minister Rini Pro Bambang?

Shocking news came from Pertamina, the giant state-owned enterprises. President Director Dwi Soetjipto and Deputy Managing Director Ahmad Bambang officially removed. The sacking They decided in the General Meeting Extraordinary Shareholders (EGM) on Friday (3/2) morning. The sacking was on direct orders of President Joko Widodo. Rini Soemarno appointed Director of New and Renewable Energy Pertamina Yenni Andayani became Acting Director of replacing Dwi Sutjipto. Yenni will be the skipper for 30 days to appoint Pertamina President Director definitive.

     While the post of Deputy Director abolished. "Whereas this morning had been a handover decision letter (SK) dismissal of the Director and Deputy Director of PT Pertamina Persero. And, starting today, he dismissed the appropriate decree of the Minister of SOEs, "said the Deputy of the Ministry of State Enterprises Gatot Trihargo Services at the Ministry of SOEs. The EGM was held closed at around 10:00 to 10:30 pm on the 7th floor of the Main Building Office of the Ministry of SOEs. EGM was attended by the Commissioner of Pertamina Mr. Abeng after the AGM, representatives of the Ministry of Finance, Head of BKF Suahasil Nazra, Representative of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar and other senior state officials.

Mr. Abeng said, there are some policies regarding the project created Pertamina president director and the vice president director but not synchronous. Such dynamics can not be allowed to continue. Tanri pointed out, removal and replacement of senior officials has not been achieved. In fact, refreshment and new concepts could have been present on the the young people. Some chairs even unallocated. 'There are 20 strategic force that should be replaced or recharged not immediately taken decision. Suppose that in Pertagas many empty seats and regenerate much overdue, "said Tanri.

     Tanri added, many projects whose decisions are not taken immediately. One of them imported diesel. The decision, signed by Vice President Director Bambang Ahmad is not agreed upon by the President Director Dwi Sutjipto. "For example, yesterday the fuss was why the vice president director signed import diesel. That's not true, it should allocate the own way, but between the Managing Director and Vice President Director are not in line, among others. That is, if no action is taken to danger, " Tanri said.

In addition to the import of solar projects, related price increases PERTAMAX too many things that really do not have to happen. "Actually, they could communicate. but the fact that even at issue between them, well this is all I think the cooperation that does not support the achievement of optimal performance, "said Tanri.

He explained that there should be communication between the well formed and Ahmad Bambang Dwi Sutjipto. He said that the discrepancy between the two decisions could jeopardize the position of Pertamina. To note, the directors of the company overhaul the country's oil and gas previously conducted in October 2016. At that time, the GMS adds directors from seven to nine people. Position of Vice President Director raised again, occupied Ahmad Bambang, previously Director of Marketing. In the new structure, there is the director's seat processing megaproject and Petrochemical given to Rachmad Hardadi.

The changes contained in the revised statutes Pertamina. But the advent of the post of vice president director of Pertamina experiencing dualisme create leadership. Shareholders to change the constitution, which limits authority of the Managing Director, on the contrary increase the role of vice president director. Deputy Energy, Logistics and Tourism Region SOE Ministry Edwin Hidayat Abdullah said in the company's internal tensions occur because of communication problems.
On Demand Jokowi

Chairman of the Expert Team Vice President Sofjan said president director Dwi Soetjipto turnover and Vice President Director Ahmad Bambang is a request by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Decree of removal of both the Secretary of State-Owned Enterprises Rini Soemarno on Friday, February 3 morning. "Yes it is a direct order from the President to be replaced," said Sofyan, the Office of Apindo, Building Permata Kuningan, Jakarta.

According to him, the President's order is very unfounded because the dualism of leadership in the government-owned oil company Pertamina make performance has been stalled since the last few months. The removal of the measures are expected to give positive effects for Pertamina's performance in the future. "The government certainly has no reason to replace it and I think it is because they do not perform to the government and so he had to be replaced, there is a conflict make jam Pertamina," said business owner Gemala Group.

Minister Rini Pro-Bambang?

However, Sofyan did not want to comment on matters of removal Soetjipto for personal reasons SOE Minister Rini Soemarno. Rumors, SOE Minister to prioritize the authority of Ahmad Bambang as Vice President Director of Pertamina. "Yes I did not know asked him, infonya so, that he was more pro to Bambang," he said.

Sofyan believes, replacement Tjip, greeting familiar Dwi Sutjipto, who will be appointed by the government later is a leader who is credible. Related stopgap, Sofyan would not expect much. He said the Director of Gas and Renewable Energy (EBT) Pertamina Yenni Andayani it had not been in the company's logo of a sea horse. "It's new officials a month, can not be expected much from officials. If I see a problem here and now given untaken officials to find a definite president and vice president. It's just official while, "he said. 

Yenni  Andayani Figure 

Yenni Andayani that will lead Pertamina for 30 days, since 28 November 2014, the Director of New and Renewable Energy Pertamina. His job based on the Minister of SOEs No.SK 265 / MBU / 11/2014. He previously worked. on the basis of No.Kpts SK-051 / C00000 / 2014-S0 on Duties and Powers of Directors and Change Line Report Organization PT Pertamina (Persero). Born on March 24, 1965 ago, Yenni is a graduate of Bachelor of Laws from the University of Parahyangan in 1988. "His career began in 1991 at Pertamina and was once believed to hold the position as President Director of PT Nusantara Gas Company Services in Osaka, Japan," as quoted from the official website Pertamina.

Yenni has also been the President Director of PT Donggi-Senoro LNG in the period of 2009-2012. After that he became a Senior Vice President Gas and Power, Pertamina Gas Directorate in 2013-2014. So what Yenni program became Acting (Plt) Director of Pertamina for 30 days? Yenni said it will carry out the work plan predefined. 'There will be many changes as long as he served as the Acting Managing Director, "I think everything is clear, CBP all been approved already and I do not think there are things that need to be questioned again," said Yenni at the Ministry of SOEs.

     Yenni added, landing shareholders is that Pertamina line becomes more solid future. Pertamina is one of the giants of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs). Yenni aware of the decision taken must be based on careful study. "We must also be careful to change the policy-the policy, which The most important is the filling of the positions had been doing, "he said. "I think each board also already understand what to do and the message is clear we must do our sustainability for 2017, Keen Yenni


Jokowi Copot Dirut- Wakil Direktur Utama Pertamina

Balada BUMN Migas, Menteri Rini Pro Bambang?

Kabar mengejutkan datang dari Pertamina, raksasa BUMN. Direktur Utama Dwi Soetjipto dan Wakil Direktur Utama Ahmad Bambang resmi dicopot. Pencopotan Mereka diputuskan dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB), Jumat (3/2) pagi. Pencopotan itu atas perintah langsung Presiden Joko Widodo. Rini Soemarno menunjuk Direktur Energi Baru dan Terbarukan Pertamina Yenni Andayani menjadi Pelaksana Tugas Direktur Utama menggantikan Dwi Sutjipto. Yenni akan menjadi nakhoda selama 30 hari sampai Pertamina menunjuk Direktur Utama definitif. 

     Sementara jabatan Wakil Direktur Utama ditiadakan. “Bahwa pada pagi hari ini tadi sudah ada penyerahan Surat keputusan (SK) pemberhentian Direktur dan Wakil Dirut PT Pertamina Persero. Dan, mulai hari ini beliau diberhentikan sesuai Surat Keputusan Menteri BUMN,” ujar Deputi Bidang Usaha Jasa Kementerian BUMN Gatot Trihargo di Kantor Kementerian BUMN. RUPSLB tersebut digelar tertutup sekitar pukul 10.00-10.30 WIB di lantai 7 Gedung Utama Kantor Kementerian BUMN. RUPSLB dihadiri Komisaris Utama Pertamina Tanri Abeng usai RUPS, perwakilan Kementerian Keuangan, Kepala BKF Suahasil Nazra, Perwakilan Kementerian ESDM, Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar dan sejumlah pejabat tinggi negara lainnya.

Tanri Abeng mengatakan, ada beberapa kebijakan yang menyangkut proyek Pertamina yang dibuat Dirut dan Wadirut tapi tak sinkron. Dinamika seperti itu tidak bisa terus dibiarkan. Tanri mencontohkan, pengangkatan dan pergantian para pegawai senior tidak kunjung dilakukan. Padahal, penyegaran dan konsep baru bisa saja hadir dari para orang-orang muda. Beberapa kursi bahkan tidak terisi. ‘Ada 20 tenaga strategis yang mestinya diganti atau diisi tidak segera diambil keputusannya. Misalkan dalam Pertagas banyak kursi kosong dan regenerasi banyak terlambat,” ujar Tanri.

Tanri menambahkan, banyak proyek yang keputusannya tidak segera dilakukan. Salah satunya impor solar. Keputusan yang ditandatangani oleh Wadirut Ahmad Bambang tersebut tidak disepakati oleh Dirut Dwi Sutjipto. “Misalnya kemarin yang ribut itu kenapa Wadirut teken impor solar. Itu tidak benar, seharusnya pengalokasian itu ujar Tanri. sudah jalan, tapi antara Dirut dan Wadirut tidak sejalan, itu antara lain. Itu kalau tidak diambil tindakan bisa bahaya,”

Selain proyek impor solar, terkait kenaikan harga Pertamax juga banyak hal yang sebenarnya tidak harus terjadi. “Sebetulnya mereka bisa berkomunikasi. tapi justru malah dipermasalahkan di antara mereka, nah ini semua menurut saya kerja sama yang tidak mendukung tercapainya kinerja yang optimal,” ujar Tanri.

Dia menjelaskan, harusnya ada komunikasi yang terbentuk dengan baik antara Dwi Sutjipto dan Ahmad Bambang. Ia menilai, ketidak sesuaian keputusan antara keduanya bisa membahayakan posisi Pertamina.  Untuk diketahui, perombakan direksi perusahaan minyak dan gas negara itu sebelumnya dilakukan Oktober 2016. Saat itu, RUPS menambah direksi dari tujuh menjadi sembilan orang. Jabatan Wadirut dimunculkan kembali, diduduki Ahmad Bambang, yang sebelumnya Direktur Pemasaran. Dalam struktur baru, ada kursi direktur Mega Proyek pengolahan dan Petrokimia yang diberikan kepada Rachmad Hardadi. 

Perubahan tertuang dalam revisi anggaran dasar Pertamina. Namun munculnya jabatan Wadirut membuat Pertamina mengalami dualisme kepemimpinan. Pemegang saham mengubah anggaran dasar, yang membatasi kewenangan Dirut, sebaliknya memperbesar peran Wadirut. Deputi Bidang Energi, Logistik, dan Kawasan Pariwisata Kementerian BUMN Edwin Hidayat Abdullah mengatakan ketegangan di internal perusahaan terjadi karena masalah komunikasi. 

Atas Permintaan Jokowi 

Ketua Tim Ahli Wakil Presiden Sofjan Wanandi mengungkapkan, pergantian Dirut Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto dan Wadirut Ahmad Bambang merupakan permintaan Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Surat keputusan pencopotan keduanya diserahkan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Rini Soemarno pada Jumat 3 Februari pagi. “Ya itu dari Presiden langsung suruh diganti,” ujar Sofjan, di Kantor Apindo, Gedung Permata Kuningan, Jakarta.

Menurut dia, perintah Presiden sangat berdasar lantaran dualisme kepemimpinan di perusahaan minyak  milik pemerintah itu membuat kinerja Pertamina macet sejak beberapa bulan terakhir. Adapun langkah pencopotan diharapkan memberi efek positif bagi kinerja Pertamina di masa mendatang.  “Pemerintah pasti mempunyai alasan untuk mengganti itu dan menurut saya itu adalah karena mereka tidak perform ke pemerintah karenanya dia harus diganti, memang ada konflik bikin macet Pertamina,” kata pemilik bisnis Gemala Group.

Menteri Rini Pro-Bambang?

Namun demikian, Sofyan tidak mau mengomentari ikhwal pencopotan Dwi Soetjipto atas alasan pribadi Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno. Beredar kabar, Menteri BUMN lebih memprioritaskan kewenangan Ahmad Bambang selaku Wadirut Pertamina. “Ya itu saya tidak tahu tanya sama dia, infonya begitu, bahwa dia itu lebih pro ke Bambang,” katanya.

Sofyan meyakini, pengganti Tjip, sapaan akrab Dwi Sutjipto, yang akan ditunjuk pemerintah nantinya adalah sosok pemimpin yang kredibel. Terkait pengganti sementara, Sofyan tidak mau berharap banyak. Dia mengatakan, Direktur Gas dan Energi Baru Terbarukan (EBT) Pertamina Yenni Andayani itu belum lama berada di perusahaan berlogo kuda laut ini. “Ini kan pejabat baru sebulan, tidak bisa diharapkan banyak dari pejabat. Kalau saya melihat masalah Kegagalan ini dan sekarang dikasih pejabat untuk cari yang pasti dirut dan wadirutnya. Ini cuma pejabat sementara,” tuturnya.

Sosok Yenni Andayani

Yenni Andayani yang bakal memimpin Pertamina selama 30 hari, sejak 28 November 2014, menjabat Direktur Energi Baru dan Terbarukan Pertamina. Tugasnya berdasarkan SK Menteri BUMN No.SK 265/MBU/11/2014. Ia sebelumnya juga bekerja. dengan dasar SK No.Kpts-051/ C00000/2014-S0 tentang Tugas dan Wewenang Direksi dan Perubahan Garis Lapor Organisasi PT Pertamina (Persero). Lahir pada 24 Maret 1965 silam, Yenni merupakan lulusan Sarjana Hukum dari Universitas Parahyangan tahun 1988. “Perjalanan karir-nya dimulai sejak 1991 di Pertamina dan pernah dipercaya memegang posisi sebagai Direktur Utama PT Nusantara Gas Company Services di Osaka, Jepang,” seperti dikutip dari situs resmi Pertamina.

Yenni juga pernah menjabat Direktur Utama PT Donggi-Senoro LNG pada periode 2009-2012. Setelah itu ia menjadi Senior Vice President Gas and Power, Direktorat Gas Pertamina pada 2013-2014. Lalu apa programnya Yenni menjadi Pelaksana Tugas (Plt)  Dirut Pertamina selama 30 hari? Yenni mengatakan akan menjalankan rencana kerja yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya. 'Tidak akan banyak perubahan selama dia menjabat Plt Dirut, “Saya kira semua sudah jelas, RKAP semua sudah disetujui sudah ada dan saya kira tidak ada hal yang perlu dipertanyakan lagi,” kata Yenni di Kementerian BUMN.

Yenni menambahkan, arahan para pemegang saham adalah agar jajaran Pertamina menjadi lebih solid ke depannya. Pertamina merupakan salah satu raksasa Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN). Yenni menyadari keputusan yang diambil harus berdasarkan kajian yang matang. “Kita juga harus berhati-hati untuk mengubah policy-policy, yang terpenting adalah tadi melakukan pengisian jabatan,” paparnya. “Saya kira masing-masing direksi juga sudah sangat paham apa yang harus dilakukan dan pesannya jelas kita harus melakukan sustainability kita untuk 2017 ini, tegas Yenni

Duta Masyarakat, Page-1, Saturday, Feb, 4, 2017

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