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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Lifting Oil Sustains Growth in East Java

East Java's economy at the end of 2016 grew 5.5 percent. That is, economic growth in East Java is better than the national growth rate of 5.02 percent. Head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Java Teguh Pramono said East Java's economy last year grew better than in 2015 amounted to 5.44 percent. Although there has been growth on an annual basis, a quarterly basis slowing growth. In the fourth quarter of 2016, the economy grew only 5.48 percent of East Java. Meanwhile, in the fourth quarter of 2015, economic growth reached 5.71 percent of East Java.

On the production side, the highest growth occurred in mining and quarrying by 14, 18 percent. The positive performance of the sector supported the lifting of oil in Bojonegoro, which increased from 30.8 million barrels to 67.6 million barrels. Other sectors are also experiencing increased production is the provision of accommodation and food and beverage 8,49 percent; Information and communication 7.57 percent; insurance and financial services 6.99 percent; as well as educational services 5.97 percent. "The communications sector rose due to the increase of data traffic and the tariff war (between mobile operators)," kataTeguh.

From the field of business, processing industry contributed 28.92 per cent as well as a large trade - retail and car-repair of motorcycles reached 18 percent. Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries in East Java also still contribute greatly to the economic structure of East Java, which reached 13.31 percent. "Processing industry became a source of the highest growth with a performance of 1.33 percent. On the expenditure side, the highest growth in overseas exports amounted to 12.83 percent. Followed by inter-regional components of net exports 9.58 percent, meanwhile, components of government consumption to contract by 7.01 percent.


Lifting Minyak Topang Pertumbuhan Jatim

Perekonomian Jawa Timur pada akhir 2016 tumbuh 5,5 persen. Artinya, pertumbuhan ekonomi di Jatim lebih baik dibandingkan pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional sebesar 5,02 persen. Kepala Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Jatim Teguh Pramono menyatakan, perekonomian Jatim tahun lalu juga tumbuh lebih baik dibandingkan 2015 sebesar 5,44 persen. Meski secara tahunan terjadi pertumbuhan, secara kuartal terjadi perlambatan pertumbuhan. Pada triwulan keempat 2016, ekonomi Jatim hanya bertumbuh 5,48 persen. Sementara itu, pada kuartal keempat 2015, pertumbuhan ekonomi Jatim mencapai 5,71 persen. 

Dari sisi produksi, pertumbuhan tertinggi terjadi pada sektor pertambangan dan penggalian sebesar 14, 18 persen. Kinerja positif sektor tersebut ditopang lifting minyak di Bojonegoro yang meningkat dari 30,8 juta barel menjadi 67,6 juta barel. Sektor lain yang juga mengalami peningkatan produksi adalah penyediaan akomodasi dan makan-minum 8,49 persen; informasi dan komunikasi 7,57 persen; jasa keuangan dan asuransi 6,99 persen; serta jasa pendidikan 5,97 persen. "Sektor komunikasi naik karena peningkatan data traffic dan perang tarif (antar operator seluler)," kataTeguh.

Dari sisi lapangan usaha, industri pengolahan berkontribusi 28,92 persen serta perdagangan besar - eceran dan reparasi mobil-sepeda motor mencapai 18 persen. Sektor pertanian, kehutanan, dan perikanan di Jatim juga masih berkontribusi besar terhadap struktur ekonomi Jatim, yakni mencapai 13,31 persen. ”Industri pengolahan menjadi sumber pertumbuhan paling tinggi dengan capaian 1,33 persen. Dari sisi pengeluaran, pertumbuhan tertinggi terjadi pada komponen ekspor luar negeri sebesar 12,83 persen. Disusul komponen net ekspor antar daerah 9,58 persen, Sementara itu, komponen pengeluaran konsumsi pemerintah mengalami kontraksi sebesar 7,01 persen.

Jawa Pos, Page-6, Tuesday, Feb, 7,2017

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