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Monday, February 13, 2017

LNG imports Can Lower Gas Prices

The government's promise to lower gas prices for industry still seems to be difficult to realize. The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) No. 40/2016 on Gas Prices for Industry Specific fact not include the promised industry could enjoy a decrease in gas prices. The decline in gas prices can only be felt by the fertilizer industry, petrochemical and steel. While the price of gas for industrial ceramics, glass, and rubber gloves oleochemical still under study by the government.

Djohardi Angga Kusumah, Senior Vice President Gas and Power Gas Directorate of Pertamina, said the domestic gas price in the plant gate to consumers in West Java US $ 9 per mmbtu, in East Java reached US $ 7.6 per mmbtu. While in North Sumatra is still around US $ 12 per mmbtu.

While the price of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the spot market currently only about US $ 5 per mmbtu. "It's clear domestic price is higher than the price of LNG on the spot market, between US $ 5 per mmbtu compared to US $ 9 per mmbtu. If imports can be made neutral, but depends on the international market situation," said Djohardi, Tuesday (7/2). Elisa Sinaga, Chairman of the Association of Ceramic Industry Aneka Indonesia (Asaki), said the decline in the price of gas for the LNG import dependent, the government.

The price of gas and gas-related rules is a government authority. "The progress of the country, including the industry, strongly linked government efforts to manage energy, possessed or acquired," said Elisa. According to Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar, the government continues to try to make gas prices more competitive. But the government also consider domestic gas supply.

lmpor will be opened if the domestic LNG supply is not sufficient to meet the domestic industry. "The rule is being discussed. In essence, we hope that we get a competitive gas prices. But we put that in, if the inside does not meet, we are opening up import and this takes time," said Arcandra, Tuesday (7/2).

The government also wants LNG imports when gas infrastructure, such as regasification facilities already built. "If the import of LNG, the infrastructure is built first. The development is needed annually. Well, how do I import LNG without infrastructure?" He said


Impor LNG Bisa Turunkan Harga Gas

Janji pemerintah menurunkan harga gas untuk industri nampaknya masih sulit terealisasi. Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) No. 40/2016 tentang Harga Gas untuk Industri Tertentu nyatanya belum mencakup industri yang dijanjikan bisa menikmati penurunan harga gas. Penurunan harga gas baru bisa dirasakan oleh industri pupuk, petrokimia dan baja. Sementara harga gas untuk industri keramik, kaca, oleochemical dan sarung tangan karet masih dalam kajian pemerintah.

Djohardi Angga Kusumah, Senior Vice President Direktorat Gas dan Power Gas Pertamina, mengatakan, harga gas domestik di plant gate untuk konsumen di Jawa Barat US$ 9 per mmbtu, di Jawa Timur mencapai US$ 7,6 per mmbtu. Sedangkan di Sumatra Utara masih sekitar US$ 12 per mmbtu. 

Sementara harga liquified natural gas (LNG) di pasar spot saat ini hanya sekitar US$ 5 per mmbtu. " Sudah jelas harga domestik lebih tinggi dibanding harga LNG di pasar spot, antara US$ 5 per mmbtu dibandingkan US$ 9 per mmbtu. Kalau impor bisa menjadikan netral, tapi tergantung situasi pasar internasional," ujar Djohardi, Selasa (7/2). Elisa Sinaga, Ketua Umum Asosiasi Aneka Industri Keramik Indonesia (Asaki), menyatakan, penurunan harga gas karena impor LNG itu tergantung, pemerintah. 

Harga gas dan aturan terkait gas merupakan kewenangan pemerintah. "Kemajuan negara termasuk industrinya, sangat terkait upaya pemerintah mengelola energi yang, dimiliki atau didapat," kata Elisa. Menurut Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar, pemerintah terus berusaha membuat harga gas semakin kompetitif. Namun pemerintah juga memperhatikan pasokan gas dalam negeri.

lmpor akan dibuka jika suplai LNG domestik tidak mampu mencukupi kebutuhan industri dalam negeri. "Aturannya sedang kami bahas. Intinya, kami berusaha agar kita mendapatkan harga gas yang kompetitif. Tapi kami mengutamakan yang di dalam, kalau di dalam tidak memenuhi, kami membuka impor dan ini membutuhkan waktu," kata Arcandra, Selasa (7/2).

Pemerintah juga menginginkan impor LNG ketika infrastruktur gas, seperti fasilitas regasifikasi sudah terbangun. "Kalau impor LNG, infrastruktur dibangun dulu. Pembangunan ini perlu tahunan. Nah, bagaimana cara impor LNG tanpa infrastruktur? " katanya

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, 8, Feb, 2017

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