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Friday, February 3, 2017

March, Total E & P Drill Six Wells Mahakam block

President & General Manager of Total E & P Indonesie (TEPI) Arividya Novianto said it will drill six wells in the Mahakam block in East Kalimantan starting in March 2017. "March (start drilling). Six wells by us, after which 19 wells by Pertamina, "said Novi. He came to the Coordinating Ministry for joint maritime President & GM Total E & P Indonesie previously, Hardy Pramono, met the Coordinating Minister for maritime Luhut Binsar Panjaitan.

However, Novi admitted to the meeting only to discuss the development of the transition process over the governance of the Mahakam block from the French contractor to PT Pertamina. 'We want to' update 'just a matter of transition with Pertamina, we want' drilling 'to do the drilling) and so forth, "he explained briefly. When asked about your bids right to manage a maximum of 30% along with Inpex Corporation, Novi admitted it was not yet decided. Because the company is still the focus in order to manage the transition process over the Mahakam block is running smoothly.

Currently, the TEPI as the operator of the Mahakam block has a 50% participating interest and 50% controlled by Inpex Corporation Ltd. "Not (covered). Our priority transition goes smoothly, then we go into the discussion. Because of this transition is more important, so that the production Mahakam not fall, "he said. "EDGES" will terminate his contract on December 31, 2017, after nearly 50 years operate the Mahakam block. PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam has been appointed by the government as a new operator per January 1, 2018.

For the transition process, TEPI has Establishing a special unit in December 2015 was named Transition Mahakam operatorship (TMO). The main priority TEPI in 2017 was the fall in production and ensure the transfer process to the Mahakam Block operator PT Pertamina can take place smoothly. The company is targeting gas production in 2017 reached 1,430 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). There is nothing to crude oil and condensate production is planned at 53,000 barrels per day. However, in investment, its value is admittedly lower than in 2016 due to the situation in world oil prices and the block, before the contract expires.


Maret, Total E&P Bor Enam Sumur Blok Mahakam

President & General Manager Total E&P Indonesie (TEPI) Arividya Novianto mengatakan pihaknya akan mengebor enam sumur di Blok Mahakam, Kalimantan Timur mulai Maret 2017. “Maret (mulai mengebor). Enam sumur oleh kita, setelah itu 19 sumur oleh Pertamina,” kata Novi. Ia datang ke Kementerian Koordinator Kemaritiman bersama President & GM Total E&P Indonesie sebelumnya, Hardy Pramono, menemui Menko Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Panjaitan.

Namun, Novi mengaku pertemuan tersebut hanya membahas perkembangan proses transisi alih kelola Blok Mahakam dari kontraktor asal Prancis itu kepada PT Pertamina. ‘Kami mau ‘update’ saja soal transisi dengan Pertamina, kami mau ‘drilling’ dilakukan pengeboran) dan sebagainya,” jelasnya singkat. Saat ditanyai terkait tawaran hak pengelolaan maksimal 30% bersama Inpex Corporation, Novi mengaku hal itu belum diputuskan. Pasalnya, perusahaan masih fokus agar proses transisi alih kelola Blok Mahakam berjalan lancar.

Saat ini, TEPI selaku operator Blok Mahakam memiliki 50% hak partisipasi dan 50% lainnya dikuasai Inpex Corporation Ltd. “Belum (dibahas). Prioritas kami transisi berjalan lancar, baru kita masuk ke diskusi tersebut. Karena transisi ini lebih penting, supaya produksi Mahakam tidak anjlok,” ujarnya. TEPI akan mengakhiri kontraknya pada 31 Desember 2017, setelah hampir 50 tahun mengoperasikan Blok Mahakam. PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam telah ditunjuk pemerintah sebagai operator baru per 1 Januari 2018.

Untuk proses transisi, TEPI telah Membentuk unit khusus pada Desember 2015 bernama Transition Mahakam Operatorship (TMO). Prioritas utama TEPI pada 2017 adalah menahan penurunan produksi dan memastikan proses transfer operator Blok Mahakam ke PT Pertamina dapat berlangsung mulus. Perusahaan itu menargetkan produksi gas 2017 mencapai 1.430 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD). Ada pun untuk produksi minyak mentah dan kondensat direncanakan sebesar 53.000 barel per hari. Namun, secara investasi, nilainya diakui memang lebih rendah dibandingkan 2016 karena situasi harga minyak dunia dan kontrak Blok Mahakam yang menjelang berakhir.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Feb, 2, 2017

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