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Friday, February 3, 2017

March TOTAL E & P Indonesie Drill 6 Well in Mahakam block

TOTAL E&P Indonesie has not shown the green light about tarawan ownership rights of participation (participating interest / PI) block, is now in the process of transition over to PT Pertamina. However, multinational oil and gas company Frenchman ensure fixed obligations including realization of drilling (drilling) six wells by March 2017. "There (on the right of participation), we still run transition priorities. Once the new well our discussions, "said President Director of TOTAL E&P Indonesie Arividya Noviyanto closed after a meeting with Coordinating Minister for Maritime Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.

 After the contract period TOTAL E&P Indonesie the Mahakam block runs at the end of 2017, Pertamina known to have the right of participation to 100%. Pertamina officially became operator per January 1, 2018, but still welcome cooperating with the existing operator, Total and Inpex Corporation by granting a 30% minority participation. However, state-owned enterprises that want to invest more energy in order to maintain the initial production rate of the gas-rich field.

 The Ministry of Energy and approve amendments to the production sharing contracts (production sharing contract / PSC) in the period from 2018 to 2038 as legal certainty for PT. Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) as a subsidiary of Pertamina to contribute in the Work Plan and Budget (WP &B) Mahakam block 2017. From there it is known, for the 2017 Pertamina will invest US $ 180 million to drill 19 wells in the Mahakam block with record gas produced newly manufactured per 2018. Meanwhile, TOTAL E&P Indonesie remain drill six wells were targeted to start March 1, 2017.

       Gas from six wells produced this year with an estimated reach 1.4 to 1.5 tcf and oil production in the range of 50 thousand boepd. "Drilling (six wells) was started in March. After that, 19 wells with Pertamina. Now we are prioritizing the transitional period so that production Mahakam not fall, "he said.

 Although not yet willing to declare what percentage interest in the Mahakam block participation rights as managed by Pertamina, TOTAL E&P Indonesie hoped ownership would be equivalent to its partner, Inpex, which is also known to be interested. "It should be 50:50. but we have not talked with Inpex, "said Noviyanto

Maret TOTAL E&P Indonesie Boro umur Blok Mahakam

 TOTAL E&P Indonesie belum menunjukkan lampu hijau soal tarawan kepemilikan hak partisipasi (participating interest/PI) Blok Mahakam yang kini dalam proses alih transisi ke PT Pertamina. Namun, perusahaan migas multinasional asal Prancis itu memastikan tetap menjalankan kewajiban termasuk merealisasikan pengeboran (drilling) enam sumur per Maret 2017. “Belum (soal hak partisipasi), kita masih prioritas jalankan transisi. Setelah lancar baru kita diskusi itu,” ujar Presiden Direktur TOTAL E&P Indonesie Arividya Noviyanto seusai rapat tertutup dengan Menko Maritim Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.

 Setelah masa kontrak TOTAL E&P Indonesie terhadap Blok Mahakam habis di akhir 2017, Pertamina diketahui mendapat hak partisipasi 100%. Pertamina resmi menjadi operator per 1 Januari 2018, tetapi tetap dipersilakan menggandeng operator eksisting, Total dan Inpex Corporation dengan memberi hak partisipasi minoritas 30%. Kendati demikian, BUMN energi itu ingin berinvestasi lebih awal demi menjaga tingkat produksi lapangan kaya gas itu.

 Kementerian ESDM kemudian menyetujui amendemen kontrak bagi hasil (production sharing contract/PSC) periode 2018-2038 sebagai kepastian hukum bagi PT. Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) selaku anak usaha Pertamina untuk berkontribusi dalam Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran (WP&B) Blok Mahakam 2017. Dari situ diketahui, untuk 2017 Pertamina menyiapkan investasi US$180 juta untuk mengebor 19 sumur di Blok Mahakam dengan catatan gas yang dihasilkan baru diproduksi per 2018. Sementara itu, TOTAL E&P Indonesie tetap mengebor enam sumur yang ditargetkan mulai 1 Maret 2017.

 Gas dari enam sumur yang diproduksi tahun ini dengan perkiraan mencapai 1,4-1,5 tcf dan produksi minyak di kisaran 50 ribu boepd. “Kegiatan pengeboran (enam sumur) itu dimulai Maret. Setelah itu, 19 sumur dengan Pertamina. Sekarang ini kita utamakan masa transisi agar produksi Mahakam tidak anjlok,” ujarnya.

 Meski belum mau menyatakan berapa persen minat terhadap hak partisipasi Blok Mahakam begitu dikelola Pertamina, TOTAL E&P Indonesie berharap porsi kepemilikan akan setara dengan mitranya, Inpex, yang juga diketahui berminat. “Harusnya 50:50. tapi kita dengan Inpex belum bicara,” ujar Noviyanto

Media Indonesia, Page-19, Thursday, 2, Feb, 2017

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