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Monday, February 13, 2017

Margin Advantage Trader Will Gas Limited

MEMR up rules governing gas distribution business tight gas trader

Bad news for traders of gas, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will limit the portion of the profit margin can be enjoyed by a gas trader at 5%. Restrictions portion of the profit margin for traders of gas stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, IGN Wiratmaja Puja states, candidates for the new rules will include determining the selling price of natural gas to final consumers, the calculation formula tariff distribution and costs commerce, to incentives for gas trader who developed the gas distribution market in natural gas-Regional undeveloped

Wiratmaja rate, gas traders still enjoy the benefits of attractive although there are some restrictions here and there. "Formula is formulated by the government would still be fair to the investor who wants to build gas infrastructure downstream.

Secretary General of Indonesian Natural Gas Trader Association (INGTA), Eddy Asmanto states, INGTA indeed be consulted by the relevant government. with a discussion of the rules of this gas and provide some feedback. Unfortunately, the government seems to remain adamant in its stand and ignore the input of employers. Therefore, they objected to the gas pricing formula set by the government. "Based on current conditions, we can not operate with such constraints and margin of 5%," said Eddy

He stated that if this rule aims to reduce the price of gas at the final consumer level, the government should lower the selling price of gas upstream level. Therefore, the price component of the downstream gas accounted for 85% -90% of the total selling price of gas. While the components of gas transmission and distribution costs only sustain 10% - 15% of the total sale price. In addition, distribution costs can not be made at fixed price formula (fix). The reason, the cost of construction of gas transmission and distribution pipelines in each region is different. As a result, "Because that's the difference can not be limited to 5%.

Moreover, there are other risk factors, such as consumer collapse or other risks. So it can not Fix, "said Eddy. He said if the government continues to apply this rule, many gas trader company that will die." There's already a lot of dying.


Margin Keuntungan   Trader Gas Akan Dibatasi

Kementerian ESDM menyusun aturan distribusi gas yang mengatur ketat bisnis trader gas

Kabar tak sedap bagi para trader gas, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) akan membatasi porsi margin keuntungan yang bisa dinikmati oleh trader gas sebesar 5%. Pembatasan porsi margin laba bagi para trader gas itu akan tertuang dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM, IGN Wiratmaja Puja menyatakan, calon aturan baru itu akan memuat penentuan harga jual gas bumi ke konsumen akhir, formula perhitungan tarif penyaluran dan biaya niaga, hingga insentif bagi trader gas yang mengembangkan distribusi gas di Wilayah yang pasar gas buminya belum berkembang

Wiratmaja menilai, trader gas tetap menikmati keuntungan menarik kendati ada sejumlah pembatasan di sana-sini. "Formula yang dirumuskan oleh pemerintah masih akan tetap adil bagi para investor yang ingin membangun infrastruktur gas hilir.

Sekretaris Jenderal Indonesia Natural Gas Trader Association (INGTA), Eddy Asmanto menyatakan, INGTA memang diajak berdiskusi oleh pemerintah terkait. dengan pembahasan aturan gas ini dan memberikan sejumlah masukan. Sayang, pemerintah agaknya tetap ngotot pada pendiriannya dan mengabaikan masukan pengusaha. Oleh karena itu, mereka berkeberatan atas formula harga gas yang akan ditetapkan pemerintah. "Berdasarkan kondisi saat ini, kami tidak mungkin beroperasi dengan batasan seperti itu dan margin 5%," kata Eddy 

Dia menyatakan, jika aturan ini bertujuan untuk menurunkan harga gas di tingkat konsumen akhir, pemerintah seharusnya menurunkan harga jual gas tingkat hulu. Sebab, komponen harga gas di tingkat hulu menyumbang 85%-90% terhadap total harga jual gas. Sementara komponen biaya transmisi dan distribusi gas hanya menopang 10% - 15% terhadap total harga jual. Selain itu, biaya distribusi tidak bisa dibuat dengan formula harga tetap (fix). Alasannya, biaya pembangunan pipa transmisi dan distribusi gas di setiap daerah itu berbeda-beda. Alhasil, "Karena beda itulah tidak bisa dibatasi 5%.

Apalagi ada faktor risiko lain, misalnya konsumen yang kolaps atau risiko lain. Jadi tidak bisa Fix," kata Eddy. Dia menyatakan, jika pemerintah tetap menerapkan aturan ini, banyak perusahaan trader gas yang akan mati. "Sekarang saja sudah banyak yang sekarat.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Feb, 10, 2017

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