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Monday, February 13, 2017

Masela Gas Allocation Wait Basics Design Proposal

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) until now has not been able to decide the allocation of production capacity and the distribution of gas Masela. Because the government is still waiting for the start of pre-basic design engineering or Pre-Front End Engineering Design (FEED) lnpex Corp.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arcandra Tahar said the government has given two options related to the production capacity Masela is the first option consists of 7.5 million tonnes of LNG per year plus 474 MMSCFD gas pipeline and the second option of 9.5 million tonnes of LNG per year plus gas pipeline 150 mMSCFD.

The production capacity will be decided according to the results of Pre-FEED. The problem until now lnpex yet to make Pre-FEED. "Pre-FEED not yet. That will be part of the Pre-FEED been studied," said Arcandra Wednesday (8/2). With the Pre-FEED, Masela project location can be known, the production capacity, and the gas buyer.

Senior Manager of Communication and Relations lnpex, Usman Slamet not want to describe the reason for not doing Pre-FEED lnpex. "We hope that there is the best decision of the government to the project Masela, 'we continue to cooperate with the government," said Usman. To be sure, workmanship Pre-FEED takes about 6 months to 9 months so that the allocation can not be decided Masela gas.

Vice President Corporate Communications of Pertamina, Wianda Pusponegoro expect the price of gas from the Masela block can be competitive. "We hope to be able to absorb a competitive price for the domestic market," he said.


Alokasi Gas-Masela Tunggu Proposal Desain Dasar

Kementerian Energi dan Sumbper Daya Mineral (ESDM) hingga saat ini belum bisa memutuskan kapasitas produksi dan pembagian alokasi gas Blok Masela. Pasalnya pemerintah masih menunggu mulainya pre-desain dasar rancang bangun atau Pre-Front End Engineering Design (FEED) lnpex Corp. 

Wakil Menteri ESDM, Arcandra Tahar bilang pemerintah telah memberikan dua opsi terkait kapasitas produksi Blok Masela yaitu opsi pertama terdiri dari LNG 7,5 juta ton per tahun plus gas pipa 474 mmscfd dan opsi kedua LNG sebesar 9,5 juta ton per tahun plus gas pipa 150 mmscfd. 

Kapasitas produksi akan diputuskan sesuai hasil Pre-FEED. Masalahnya hingga saat ini lnpex belum juga melakukan Pre-FEED. "Pre-FEED belum. ltu bagian dari yang akan distudikan Pre-FEED," ujar Arcandra Rabu (8/2). Dengan Pre-FEED, lokasi proyek Blok Masela bisa diketahui, kapasitas produksi, dan pembeli gasnya.

Senior Manager Communication and Relation lnpex, Usman Slamet belum mau menjabarkan alasan belum dilakukannya Pre-FEED lnpex. "Kami berharap ada keputusan yang terbaik dari pemerintah untuk proyek Masela, ‘kami masih terus bekerjasama dengan pemerintah," ujar Usman. Yang pasti, pengerjaan Pre-FEED memakan waktu sekitar 6 bulan hingga 9 bulan sehingga alokasi gas Masela belum bisa diputuskan.

Vice President Corporate Communication Pertamina, Wianda Pusponégoro berharap harga gas dari blok Masela bisa kompetitif. "Kami berharap harga kompetitif supaya bisa serap untuk pasar domestik," ujarnya.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Feb, 10, 2017

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