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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Oil and Gas Companies Wait Certainty of Taxation Rules

Gross Oil and Gas Contract Split

Oil and gas company is still waiting for tax laws used to the cooperation contract (production sharing contract / PSC) scheme for gross proceeds (gross split). This certainty is needed to enable companies to calculate the results in accordance with project economics.

Executive Director of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong said, after the issuance of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) No. 8 of 2017 concerning oil and gas contracts gross split scheme, there should be a regulation that regulates taxation scheme contract. Because the Government Regulation No. 79 Year 2010 is only dealing with the taxation of PSC cost recovery. "We are still waiting for the regulation of the Ministry of Finance Hope and maybe there will be a new beleid," he said in Jakarta, Wednesday (22/2).

Since the issuance of the norm of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources 8/2016, a new oil and gas blocks for which the contract was signed using split gross scheme, namely the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) managed by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi. The division of revenue sharing government contractors than this block is applied to 32.5: 62.5 for gas and 42.5: 57.5 for oil. President Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Mount Sardjono Hadi said the gross contract ONWJ split while still referring to the tax laws that apply today, exactly the same as the contract cost recovery both the type and magnitude. The difference, which is subject to taxation are no longer reimbursed by the government. "In making (count) economically, we use it (the tax laws applicable)," he said.

Nevertheless, it is still waiting to see whether the government will issue a new tax regulations for the PSC's gross split. Because, until now, a regulation governing this type of new oil and gas contracts limited to Regulation 8/2016 alone. He said he hopes there will be a regulation, whether government regulation or regulation of other ministries, which complements the Regulation of the Minister's Gross Split. "We hope there are more Perturan Government or other regulation to support the gross order split is running smooth," said Mount.

Today too, tax specialists Pertamina Hulu Energi continues to see the possibilities of the economic changes that affect the ONWJ. Moreover, taxation is not the only factor that can change the economics of the project. It mentions there are some regulations issued by the Ministry of Energy that allegedly would erode profit sharing stipulated in the contract ONWJ. "Kan is now no regulation about PI (participating interest / rights of participation) oil and gas producing regions, regulation of prices of industrial gas, regulation about the price of gas for power generation, and undepreciated (investment costs are not refundable). It was all of our simulations, "he said.

From the simulation, it would ensure an additional requirement for the result of various factors was that the development ONWJ still economical. On the other hand, as assigned by the Ministry of Energy, it will also calculate the efficiency that occurs after the split of gross scheme is applied and does not have to follow the Code of Labor 007 (PTK 007) of the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas). "It is our duty, in order to balance that there's anything we asked for, but there is also our job to do the efficiency of the absence of PTK 007," he said.

Need Certainty

Mount added, the PSC scheme's gross split, oil and gas companies who are members of IPA is actually only requires certainty. One was whether the tax rules gross contract this split will apply continue as it is today or will change in the course. "If we are flexible course of any changes. If it turns out simulated changes made uneconomic (oil and gas projects) we submitted appeal for improvement. After all, the principle of government was welcome, "he said.

The government's openness was referring to is seeing the Article 7 of Regulation 8/2017. In this policy is mentioned, when calculating the commercialization of the field does not reach a certain economic value, the contractor received an additional split a maximum of 5%. By contrast, in the calculation of the commercialization of the field exceeds a certain economic value, then the state may take an additional 5% split.

Marjolijn had revealed it hoped the implementation of the scheme does not lower the economic split of gross oil and gas projects will be lower than in the system PSC cost recovery. Because, when even this, oil and gas investments in Indonesia less attractive when compared to other countries in the vicinity.

He asks, for improvements in the future, to do a comprehensive study on the scheme gross PSC split. Particularly, the impact of this scheme on the development of deep-sea oil and gas projects, remote, and require further dewatering tahapi (enhanced oil recovery / EOR). Because the area is what you want targeted Indonesia in the development of oil and gas in the future.


Kontrak Migas Gross Split

Perusahaan Migas Tunggu Kepastian Aturan Perpajakan

Perusahaan migas masih menunggu kepastian peraturan perpajakan yang digunakan untuk kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/PSC) skema bagi hasil kotor (gross split). Kepastian ini diperlukan agar perusahaan dapat menghitung bagi hasil yang sesuai dengan keekonomian proyek.

Direktur Eksekutif Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong mengatakan, setelah diterbitkannya Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) No 8 Tahun 2017 mengenai kontrak migas skema gross split, seharusnya ada beleid yang mengatur soal perpajakan kontrak skema. Pasalnya, Peraturan Pemerintah No 79 Tahun 2010 hanya mengatur perpajakan untuk PSC cost recovery. “Kami masih menunggu peraturan dari Kementerian Keuangan Semoga dan mungkin akan ada beleid baru,” kata dia di Jakarta, Rabu (22/2).

Sejak diterbitkannya Peratuan Menteri ESDM 8/2016, baru satu blok migas yang kontraknya diteken menggunakan skema gross split, yakni Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) yang dikelola PT Pertamina Hulu Energi. Pembagian bagi hasil pemerintah dibanding kontraktor blok ini diterapkan 32,5:62,5 untuk gas dan 42,5:57,5 untuk minyak. Presiden Direktur PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Gunung Sardjono Hadi mengatakan, kontrak gross split Blok ONWJ ini sementara masih mengacu pada undang-undang perpajakan yang berlaku saat ini, sama persis dengan kontrak cost recovery baik jenis maupun besarannya. Bedanya, perpajakan yang dikenakan tidak lagi diganti oleh pemerintah. “Dalam membuat (hitungan) keekonomian, kami menggunakan itu (undang-undang perpajakan yang berlaku) ,” ujarnya. 

Meski demikian, pihaknya juga masih menunggu apakah pemerintah akan mengeluarkan peraturan perpajakan baru untuk PSC gross split ini. Pasalnya, sampai saat ini, beleid yang mengatur kontrak migas jenis ini baru sebatas Peraturan Menteri 8/2016 saja. Pihaknya berharap akan ada beleid lain, apakah Peraturan Pemerintah atau Peraturan Menteri dari kementerian lain, yang melengkapi Peraturan Menteri Gross Split ini. “Kami berharap ada lagi Perturan Pemerintah atau Peraturan Menteri lain untuk menunjang supaya gross split ini berjalan dengan smooth,” jelas Gunung.

Saat ini pun, ahli perpajakan Pertamina Hulu Energi terus melihat kemungkinan-kemungkinan perubahan yang berpengaruh pada keekonomian Blok ONWJ. Apalagi perpajakan bukan satu-satunya faktor yang dapat mengubah keekonomian proyek. Pihaknya menyebut terdapat beberapa peraturan yang diterbitkan Kementerian ESDM yang disinyalir akan menggerus bagi hasil yang ditetapkan dalam kontrak Blok ONWJ. “Kan sekarang sudah ada Peraturan Menteri soal PI (participating interest/ hak partisipasi) daerah penghasil migas, Peraturan Menteri soal harga gas industri, Peraturan Menteri soal harga gas untuk pembangkit listrik, dan undepreciated (biaya investasi yang belum dikembalikan). Itu semua kami simulasi,” paparnya.

Dari simulasi itu, pihaknya akan memastikan kebutuhan tambahan bagi hasil dari berbagai faktor tadi agar pengembangan Blok ONWJ tetap ekonomis. Di sisi lain, sebagaimana ditugaskan oleh Kementerian ESDM, pihaknya juga akan menghitung efisiensi yang terjadi setelah skema gross split diterapkan dan tidak harus mengikuti Pedoman Tata Kerja 007 (PTK 007) dari Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Migas (SKK Migas). “Ini tugas kami, supaya balance bahwa ada sesuatu yang kami minta, tetapi ada juga tugas kami lakukan efisiensi dari tidak adanya PTK 007,” kata dia.

Butuh Kepastian

Gunung menambahkan, dari PSC skema gross split ini, perusahaan migas yang tergabung dalam IPA sebenarnya hanya membutuhkan kepastian. Salah satunya apakah aturan perpajakan kontrak gross split ini akan berlaku terus seperti saat ini atau akan berubah dalam perjalanan. “Kalau kami fleksibel saja setiap ada perubahan. Kalau perubahan itu ternyata disimulasi membuat tidak ekonomis (proyek migas) kami ajukan appeal untuk perbaikan. Toh, prinsipnya pemerintah itu welcome,” kata dia. 

Keterbukaan pemerintah yang dimaksudnya ini melihat adanya Pasal 7 Peraturan Menteri 8/2017. Dalam beleid ini disebutkan, ketika perhitungan komersialisasi lapangan tidak mencapai keekonomian tertentu, kontraktor mendapat tambahan split maksimal 5%. Sebaliknya, dalam perhitungan komersialisasi lapangan melebihi keekonomian tertentu, maka negara boleh mengambil tambahan split 5%.

Marjolijn sempat mengungkapkan, pihaknya berharap penerapan skema gross split tidak menurunkan keekonomian proyek migas menjadi lebih rendah dari yang ada dalam sistem PSC cost recovery. Pasalnya, saat inipun, investasi migas di Indonesia kurang menarik jika dibandingkan negara lain di sekitarnya.

Dia meminta, untuk perbaikan ke depannya, dilakukan kajian komprehensif atas skema PSC gross split. Terutama, dampak skema ini terhadap pengembangan proyek migas laut dalam, terpencil, dan membutuhkan pengurasan tahapi lanjut (enhanced oil recovery/EOR). Pasalnya, wilayah inilah yang ingin disasar Indonesia dalam pengembangan migas ke depannya.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Feb, 23, 2018

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