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Saturday, February 25, 2017

Pertamina Start Infrastructure Balongan Refinery

PT Pertamina started to build supporting infrastructure development Balongan Refinery, Indramayu, West Java. This work is done in order to increase oil production. This infrastructure development began with the construction of underwater pipelines or submarine pipe line and the construction of a floating facility or the single point mooring (SPM) Balongan refinery.

Director megaproject Processing & Petrokinlia Hardadi Rachmat said, the existence of this facility, the effectiveness of the activities of loading or unloading is expected to increase, so the crude oil transportation costs can be reduced because the tanker lay time becomes shorter. In addition, Balongan refinery capacity will also be increased to reach 240,000 barrels per day, an increase of capacity are currently at 125,000 barrels per day.

Unfortunately, when the development of infrastructure facilities Balongan started, program development or refinery development master plan (RDMP) Balikpapan refinery have not coalesced. There are fears it could disrupt the supply of naphtha Balongan will be disrupted.

Understandably so far 35% -40% Balongan refinery naphtha supply obtained from Balikpapan refinery which is currently also in the stage of revitalization or modernization. However Rachmad sure, Pertamina can still get to the Balongan refinery naphtha without having to import. "We are trying not to import. Depending on where the failure by the refinery, we just set the material balance," he added.

Rachmat asserted, as the former head of operations planning division, he understood how to regulate the supply of naphtha to Balongan. "For example, increased capacity but not so all kinds of products due in part to Balongan," he explained.

Ignatius Jonan, Minister said he was happy with revitatalisasi Pertamina refineries. According to him, the capacity of the refinery is operating currently. This is only about 800,000 barrels per day of refining capacity installed 1.169 million barrels per day. "Under the direction of Mr. President of the refinery's capacity should be increased at least in the next 4-5 years should be the same as the national requirement," said Jonan.

Based on data from Pertamina, Indonesia only has 12 refineries, seven of which are oil refineries. The current capacity of refineries operated 800,000 barrels per day, while 1.169 million bpd refining capacity installed. To meet the fuel needs of national, planned national refining capacity was increased more than 2 million bpd in 2025 through a program RDMP and New Grass Root Refinery or NGRR.

Done Together

Rachmat added, Pertamina expects the entire project to be completed at the same oil refineries. Although funding still be obstacles Pertamina. "Completed in 2020, with the budget setting is fairly difficult because at Balikpapan refinery runs, Tuban refinery runs, Balongan refinery, Cilacap refinery is also the road," he said.

Balongan refinery into one of the oil refineries that will be developed through RDMP mega projects with an investment value of US $ 1.2 billion. This year RDMP VI Balongan refinery RU entered the stage of Basic Engineering Design targeted for completion in September 2018.

Meanwhile, the Mega Project RDMP and construction of a new refinery in Tuban refinery aims to increase national capacity to 2 million barrels per day in 2023.


Pertamina Mulai Cuatkan Infrastruktur Balongan  

PT Pertamina mulai membangun infrastruktur penunjang pengembangan Kilang Balongan, Indramayu, Jawa Barat. Upaya ini dilakukan demi meningkatkan produksi minyak. Pembangunan infrastruktur ini dimulai dengan pembangunan pipa bawah laut atau submarine pipe line serta pembangunan fasilitas terapung atau single point mooring (SPM) Kilang Balongan. 

Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan & Petrokinlia Rachmad Hardadi mengatakan, adanya fasilitas ini, efektivitas kegiatan loading atau unloading diharapkan meningkat, sehingga biaya transportasi minyak mentah bisa ditekan karena lay time kapal tanker menjadi lebih singkat.  Selain itu, kapasitas kilang Balongan juga akan ditingkatkan hingga mencapai 240,000 barel per hari atau naik dari kapasitas Saat ini sebesar 125.000 barel per hari.

Sayangnya, saat pengembangan fasilitas infrastruktur Balongan dimulai, program pengembangan atau refinery development master plan (RDMP) Kilang Balikpapan belum seirama. Ada kekhawatiran ini bisa menganggu pasokan nafta Balongan akan terganggu.

Maklum selama ini 35%-40% pasokan nafta Kilang Balongan didapat dari Kilang Balikpapan yang Saat ini juga
sedang dalam tahap revitalisasi atau modernisasi. Meski demikian Rachmad yakin, Pertamina bisa tetap
mendapatkan nafta untuk kilang Balongan tanpa harus mengimpor. "Kami upayakan tidak impor. Tergantung dapatnya dari kilang mana, kami hanya atur material balance," imbuhnya.

Rachmad menegaskan, sebagai mantan kepala divisi perencanaan operasi, ia paham bagaimana cara mengatur pasokan nafta ke Balongan. "Misal kapasitas dinaikan tapi produk tak jadi semua jenis karena sebagian
untuk Balongan," jelasnya.

Ignasius Jonan,  Menteri ESDM mengaku senang dengan revitatalisasi kilang-kilang Pertamina. Menurutnya, kapasitas kilang yang beroperasi Saat. ini hanya sekitar 800.000 barel per hari dari kapasitas kilang terpasang
1.169.000 barel per hari. "Sesuai arahan Bapak Presiden kapasitas kilang harus ditingkatkan paling tidak dalam 4-5 tahun ke depan harus sama dengan kebutuhan nasional," kata Jonan.

     Berdasarkan data Pertamina, Indonesia baru memiliki 12 kilang, tujuh di antaranya merupakan kilang Pertamina. Adapun kapasitas kilang beroperasi saat ini 800.000 barel per hari, sedangkan kapasitas kilang terpasang 1.169.000
bph. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan BBM nasional, direncanakan kapasitas kilang nasional di tingkatkan lebih dari 2 juta bph pada 2025 melalui program RDMP dan New Grass Root Refinery atau NGRR.

Selesai Bersama

Rachmad menambahkan, Pertamina berharap seluruh proyek kilang Pertamina bisa selesai bersamaan. Meski pendanaan masih jadi kendala Pertamina. "Selesai di tahun 2020, dengan pengaturan anggarannya lumayan berat karena pada saat Kilang Balikpapan berjalan, Kilang Tuban berjalan, Kilang Balongan, Kilang Cilacap juga jalan,"ujar dia.

Kilang Balongan menjadi salah satu kilang Pertamina yang akan dikembangkan melalui mega proyek RDMP dengan nilai investasi US$ 1,2 miliar. Tahun ini RDMP Kilang RU VI Balongan memasuki tahapan Basic Engineering Design ditargetkan selesai September 2018.

Adapun, Mega Proyek RDMP dan pembangunan kilang baru di Tuban ditargetkan akan meningkatkan kapasitas kilang nasional menjadi 2 juta barel per hari pada tahun 2023.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Feb, 17, 2017

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