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Friday, February 10, 2017

The President Jokowi Agree Uninstall Pertamina Director

Managing Director (CEO) of Pertamina Soetjipto and Vice-President Ahmad Bambang officially removed. The sacking based on results of the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) of Pertamina, which was held on Friday (3/2).

Process for removal of directors of state-owned companies, is quite short. Minister for State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Rini Soemarno explained, and Bambang Dwi dismissal based on the proposals of the Board of Commissioners of Pertamina is looking into both inconsistent in carrying out their respective functions. In fact, Pertamina has a huge task and the required stability.

Proposed Board of Commissioner of Pertamina related issues, said Rini, receipt on Thursday (2/1) afternoon. And in the afternoon, immediately submitted to the President Joko Widodo for approval. "On the proposal of my report to the President and instructed me. And it was done. So last night I signed the dismissal of two directors, namely Pertamina president director and the vice president, "Kate explained.

Rini admitted, lack mutually agree Dwi and Bambang learned from the Board of Commissioners of Pertamina, said that there are problems in the leadership who have severe and could harm the company. "I see it. Sorry Mr Dwi and Mr. Bambang the problem is personality. "So, if one does not agree with the other, walking itself and the end is not the team work. Do not end the company used the place for the benefit of individuals," said Rini.


Jokowi Setuju Copot Dirut Pertamina

Dirut Utama (Dirut) Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto dan Wakil Dirut Ahmad Bambang resmi dicopot. Pencopotan berdasar hasil Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) Pertamina yang digelar Jumat (3/2).

Proses pencopotan direksi perusahaan milik pemerintah ini, terbilang cukup singkat. Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Rini Soemarno menjelaskan, pemberhentian Dwi dan Bambang berdasarkan usulan dari Dewan Komisaris Pertamina yang melihat ke duanya tidak sejalan dalam menjalankan fungsinya masing-masing. Padahal, Pertamina mempunyai tugas besar dan dibutuhkan kestabilan.

Usulan Dewan Kornisaris Pertamina terkait persoalan itu, kata Rini, diterimanya pada Kamis (2/1) siang. Dan sore harinya, langsung disampaikan kepada Presiden Joko Widodo untuk meminta persetujuan. “Atas usulan itu saya melapor ke Presiden dan menginstruksikan kepada saya. Dan sudah dilakukan. Makanya tadi malam saya menandatangani pemberhentian dua direksi Pertamina yaitu direktur utama dan wakil direktur utama," Rini menjelaskan.

Rini mengaku, ketidak akuran Dwi dan Bambang diketahuinya dari para Dewan Komisioner Pertamina yang menyampaikan bahwa terdapat masalah dalam kepemimpinan yang sudah parah dan bisa membahayakan perusahaan. “Saya melihatnya. maaf Pak Dwi dan Pak Bambang, masalahnya ini personality." Jadi, kalau yang satu tidak setuju dengan yang lain berjalan sendiri dan akhirnya bukan team work. Jangan akhirnya perusahaan dipakai tempat untuk kepentingan perorangan," tutur Rini.

Surya, Page-1, Saturday, Feb, 4, 2017

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