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Friday, February 3, 2017

PLN and IPP May lmpor Gas

MINISTRY OF EMR allows PLN and Private Power Producers (IPP) to import liquefied natural gas (LNG) if the price of gas exceeded reasonable levels. It was written in the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 11/2017 published recently. There arranged that PLN and IPP can buy gas at the highest price of 11.5% of ICP / mmbtu during the plant away from the mouth of wells (wellhead). "Regulation of the Minister's order PLN or IPP can best gas prices for electricity generation," said Director General of Electricity Jarman.

So the price of natural gas exceeds 11.5% ICP / mmbtu, PLN or IPP can wear LNG. If the price of domestic LNG over 11.5% ICP / mmbtu, they may import origin of imported LNG price was up 11.5% on the ICP / mmbtu in regasification terminals buyer.


PLN dan IPP Boleh lmpor Gas

KEMENTERIAN ESDM memungkinkan PLN dan Produsen Listrik Swasta (IPP) mengimpor gas alam cair (LNG) apabila harga gas bumi melampaui tingkat kewajaran. Itu tertuang dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 11/2017 yang baru terbit. Di situ diatur bahwa PLN dan IPP dapat membeli gas bumi dengan harga paling tinggi 11,5% dari ICP/mmbtu selama pembangkit jauh dari mulut sumur (wellhead). “Peraturan Menteri ini agar PLN atau IPP dapat harga gas terbaik untuk pembangkit Listrik,” ujar Dirjen Ketenagalistrikan Jarman.

Begitu harga gas bumi melebihi 11,5% ICP/mmbtu, PLN atau IPP dapat memakai LNG. Jika harga LNG domestik di atas 11,5% ICP/mmbtu, mereka boleh mengimpor asal harga LNG impor itu maksimal 11,5% dari ICP/mmbtu pada terminal regasifikasi pembeli.

Media Indonesia, Page-17, Friday, Feb, 3, 2017

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