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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Potential Open Price Decline

Potential reduction in industrial gas prices in North Sumatra, which is still 12.22 US dollars per MMBTU still open. Prices can be lowered as the decline in distribution costs Pangkalan Susu-field pipelines and the influx of gas wells of Block B and Block North Sumatra Offshore in Lhokseumawe, Aceh. This was raised during a hearing of Commission B DPRD North Sumatra with stakeholders drop in gas prices in North Sumatra in Medan, Monday (6/2).

Attending the meeting were representatives of the Provincial Government of North Sumatra, Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas), PT Pertagas Niaga and PT Perusahaan Gas Negara. Head of Geology Department of Mines and Energy of North Sumatra Province Sumintarto say, the cost of gas distribution pipeline or toll fee Pangkalan Susu-Wampu already 30 years old can be lowered, the gas pipeline is 70 kilometers it is no longer burdened with the cost of a return on capital that left only the cost of maintenance. Thus, the toll fee of 0.92 US dollars per MMBTU Pangkalan Susu-Wampu can be derived.

The decline in gas prices can also be realized as a result of the supply of gas wells of Block B and Block North Sumatra Offshore (NSO) which will increase the volume of gas wells, which are cheaper than liquefied natural gas (LNG). Currently in North Sumatra gas derived from LNG shipped from Bontang, Kalimantan, then diregasifikasi in Arun and channeled to Medan with 270 kilometer pipeline.

The gas is mixed with the gas wells of Pangkalan Susu. Langkat, with a composition of 50-50 resulted in the price of 10.87 US dollars per MMBTU. Plus distribution costs, the price paid users be 12.22 US dollars per MMBTU. "The entry of gas wells of Block B and Block NSO cheaper than LNG has the potential to lower gas prices," said Sumintarto. The composition of the gas will be two-thirds of the gas wells (Aceh and Langkat) and a third of LNG. When the price of cheaper gas industry, the industry is expected to be more competitive in North Sumatra.

Gas "trucking"

Commercial and Technical Director of PT Niaga Melaton Pertagas Ganap said, there are now two companies in the field who subscribe LNG trucking in governance Pertagas PT Niaga worth 10.50 US dollars per MMBTU. The two companies are a glassware manufacturer PT Kedaung and glove manufacturer PT Mark Dynamic. However, Deputy Chairman of Commission B DPRD North Sumatra Riany Jenny L Bemtu question the principle permits the trucking LNG. Melaton said, the price of gas could cost precisely because distribution costs can be reduced. Trucking LNG sale decision was taken after a hearing with Commission VII of the House of Representatives, the North Sumatera Province, Director General of Oil and Gas, SKK Migas, BPH Migas and Pertamina. It also has a permit No. 621.K LNG Business Activities dated July 24, 2015 and has filed a permit to the Governor of North Sumatra, although not yet responded. Melaton said, if the price of gas down, trucking LNG can be closed.


Potensi Penurunan Harga Terbuka

Potensi penurunan harga gas industri di Sumatera Utara yang hingga kini masih 12,22 dollar AS per MMBTU masih terbuka. Harga dapat diturunkan seiring penurunan biaya distribusi pipa Pangkalan Susu-Medan serta masuknya gas sumur dari Blok B dan Blok North Sumatera Offshore di Lhokseumawe, Aceh. Hal itu mengemuka dalam rapat dengar pendapat Komisi B DPRD Sumatera Utara dengan para pemangku kebijakan penurunan harga gas di Sumut di Medan, Senin (6/2). 

Hadir dalam rapat itu perwakilan dari Pemerintah Provinsi Sumut, Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas (SKK Migas), PT Pertagas Niaga, dan PT Perusahaan Gas Negara. Kepala Bidang Geologi Dinas Pertambangan dan Energi Provinsi Sumatera Utara Sumintarto mengatakan, biaya distribusi gas pipa atau toll fee Pangkalan Susu-Wampu yang sudah berumur 30 tahun dapat diturunkan, Pipa gas sepanjang 70 kilometer itu tidak lagi terbebani biaya pengembalian modal sehingga hanya tertinggal biaya pemeliharaan. Dengan demikian, toll fee 0,92 dollar AS per MMBTU Pangkalan Susu-Wampu dapat diturunkan.

Penurunan harga gas juga dapat terealisasi akibat pasokan gas sumur dari Blok B dan Blok North Sumatera Offshore (NSO) yang akan memperbesar volume gas sumur yang harganya lebih murah dari gas alam cair (LNG). Saat ini gas di Sumatera Utara berasal dari LNG yang dikapalkan dari Bontang, Kalimantan, kemudian diregasifikasi di Arun dan disalurkan ke Medan dengan pipa sepanjang 270 kilometer. 

Gas dicampur dengan gas sumur dari Pangkalan Susu. Langkat, dengan komposisi 50-50 menghasilkan harga 10,87 dollar AS per MMBTU. Ditambah biaya distribusi, maka harga yang dibayarkan pengguna menjadi 12,22 dollar AS per MMBTU. ”Masuknya gas sumur dari Blok B dan Blok NSO yang lebih murah dari LNG berpotensi menurunkan harga gas,” kata Sumintarto. Komposisi gas akan menjadi dua pertiga dari gas sumur (Aceh dan Langkat) dan sepertiga dari LNG. Ketika harga gas industri lebih murah, diharapkan industri di Sumut lebih berdaya saing. 

Gas ”trucking”

Direktur Komersial dan Teknik PT Pertagas Niaga Melaton Ganap mengatakan, kini ada dua perusahaan di Medan yang berlangganan LNG trucking yang di kelola PT Pertagas Niaga seharga 10,50 dollar AS per MMBTU. Dua perusahaan itu adalah produsen barang pecah belah PT Kedaung dan produsen sarung tangan PT Mark Dynamic. Namun, Wakil Ketua Komisi B DPRD Sumut Jenny Riany L Bemtu mempertanyakan izin prinsip LNG trucking itu. Melaton mengatakan, harga gas bisa murah justru karena biaya distribusi bisa ditekan. Keputusan penjualan LNG trucking pun diambil setelah ada rapat dengar pendapat dengan Komisi VII DPR, Pemprov Sumut, Dirjen Migas, SKK Migas, BPH Migas, dan Pertamina. Pihaknya juga telah mengantongi izin Usaha Niaga LNG Nomor 621.K tertanggal 24 Juli 2015 dan telah mengajukan izin kepada Gubernur Sumut meski belum ditanggapi. Melaton mengatakan, jika harga gas turun, LNG trucking dapat ditutup.

Kompas, Page-22, Tuesday, Feb, 7,2017

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