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Monday, February 13, 2017

Realization Import Requires Time

Natural Gas Infrastructure in the Interior Not Fully Prepared

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar said, it takes time to realize the import of gas by the industry. Because the natural gas infrastructure is limited so that imports can not be realized. Import policy is expected to increase the competitiveness of the industry in Indonesia. Arcandra gas infrastructure in question is and the floating storage unit (FSRU) which are currently very limited.

In Indonesia, there are only two FSRU operation, namely FSRU West Java, Lampung FSRU, as well as a floating regasification unit (FRU) Benoa in Bali. "Imported gas will take time. Why? This, right, import, so the form of LNG (liquefied natural gas). Thus, the infrastructure must be built first. To build it would take many years, "said Arcandra after opening the International Indonesia Gas Conference and Exhibition 2012 Tuesday (7/2), in Jakarta.

Arcandra denied this gas import policy because the Presidential Decree (Decree) No. 40 Year 2016 on. Pricing of Natural Gas can not be fully realized. Of the seven industry sectors are entitled to enjoy the fall in prices, three new industrial sector enjoyed, namely steel, petrochemicals, and fertilizers.

Senior Vice President Gas and Power at PT Pertamina Djohardi Angga Kusumah said pemrintah decision to allow the industry to import gas directly not just because of the price factor. However, in the future, Indonesia overshadowed gas deficit in the country. In 2030, the deficit of gas in Indonesia estimated 3000-3500 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). "In 2019, Indonesia is estimated to be around 500 MMSCFD gas deficit. There is an imbalance between the needs of supply. Moreover, on average, domestic gas demand to grow by about 5 percent per year, "said Djohardi.


Regarding the price, Djohardi not deny, international gas prices are currently cheap because the supply of gas is abundant in the market. For the gas futures market, prices range from seven dollars per million metric British thermal unit (MMBTU) and 5 dollars per MMBTU for the cash market (spot). The price of gas for the domestic industry about 8-12 dollars per MMBTU.

Lecturer at Trisakti University, Jakarta, Pri Agung Rakhmanto, said the LNG import policy did not necessarily make the price of gas for industry to become cheaper. Therefore, the price would follow the prevailing price in the international market. With oil prices at around 50 dollars per barrel, LNG prices are up at the port (landed price) in the Asia Pacific region to around 8 dollars per MMBTU "with imported LNG-matter, the Presidential Decree 40/2016 does not mean that would be more easily realized , Wherever, gas prices are so affected by many factors, such as volume, source of supply, infrastructure, or the policy of a country. Moreover, if you buy them in a small volume, "said Pri Agung.


Realisasi Impor Butuh Waktu 

lnfrastruktur Gas Bumi di Dalam Negeri Belum Sepenuhnya Siap

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, perlu waktu untuk merealisasikan impor gas oleh industri. Pasalnya, infrastruktur gas bumi terbatas sehingga impor tidak bisa segera direalisasikan. Kebijakan impor diharapkan bisa menaikkan daya saing industri di Indonesia. Infrastruktur gas yang dimaksud Arcandra adalah unit penyimpanan dan regasifikasi terapung (FSRU) yang saat ini jumlahnya sangat terbatas. 

Di Indonesia, baru ada dua FSRU yang beroperasi, yaitu FSRU Jawa Barat, FSRU Lampung, serta satu unit regasifikasi terapung (FRU) Benoa di Bali. ”Impor gas perlu waktu. Kenapa? Ini, kan, impor, jadi berupa LNG (gas alam cair). Maka, infrastruktur harus dibangun terlebih dahulu. Untuk membangunnya perlu waktu bertahun-tahun,” kata Arcandra seusai membuka International Indonesia Gas Conference and Exhibition 2012 Selasa (7/2), di Jakarta. 

Arcandra membantah kebijakan impor gas ini lantaran Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 tentang. Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi tak bisa direalisasikan sepenuhnya. Dari tujuh sektor industri yang berhak menikmati penurunan harga, baru tiga sektor industri yang menikmati, yaitu baja, petrokimia, dan pupuk.

Senior Vice President Gas and Power pada PT Pertamina Djohardi Angga Kusumah mengatakan, keputusan pemrintah memperbolehkan industri mengimpor gas secara langsung bukan hanya karena faktor harga. Namun, di masa mendatang, Indonesia dibayangi defisit gas di dalam negeri. Pada 2030, defisit gas di Indonesia diperkirakan 3.000-3.500 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD). ”Pada 2019, Indonesia diperkirakan bakal defisit gas sekitar 500 MMSCFD. Ada ketidakseimbangan antara kebutuhan dengan pasokan. Apalagi, secara rata-rata, permintaan gas di dalam negeri tumbuh sekitar 5 persen per tahun,” ujar Djohardi. 


Mengenai harga, Djohardi tak memungkiri, harga gas internasional saat ini sedang murah lantaran pasokan gas yang melimpah di pasaran. Untuk pasar gas berjangka, harganya berkisar 7 dollar AS per juta metrik british thermal unit (MMBTU) dan 5 dollar AS per MMBTU untuk pasar tunai (spot). Adapun harga gas untuk industri di dalam negeri sekitar 8-12 dollar AS per MMBTU.

Pengajar pada Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Pri Agung Rakhmanto, mengatakan, kebijakan impor LNG belum tentu membuat harga gas bagi industri menjadi lebih murah. Sebab, harga tersebut akan mengikuti harga yang berlaku di pasar internasional. Dengan harga minyak di kisaran 50 dollar AS per barrel, harga LNG yang sampai di pelabuhan (landed price) di kawasan Asia Pasifik menjadi sekitar 8 dollar AS per MMBTU ”Dengan impor LNG-pun, Peraturan Presiden 40/2016 bukan berarti bakal lebih mudah direalisasikan. Di mana pun, harga gas sangat dipengaruhi banyak faktor, seperti volume, sumber pasokan, infrastruktur, atau kebijakan sebuah negara. Apalagi, kalau membelinya dalam volume kecil,” kata Pri Agung. 

Kompas, Page-20, Wednesday, 8, Feb, 2017

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