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Monday, February 27, 2017

Rini call Candidates Coming from Outside

Pertamina CEO Succession

Minister for State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Rini Soemarno filler candidate mentions the main office of the directors are still likely to come from outside PT Pertamina. According to him, for the candidates of the internal, the board has not been handed a name that is considered the strongest candidate Pertamina-1. He also mentioned it is possible there are names outside the company's state-owned oil and gas sector which will become its new leader.

However, Rini reluctant to provide further information regarding the candidates and outside which may be included in future leaders exchange Pertamina. "Now they [commissioners] are being studied. There is internal, there and beyond, "he said after attending a coordination meeting at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Jakarta, Friday (17/2).

Deputy for Energy, Logistics, Metro and Tourism Ministry of SOEs Edwin Hidayat Abdullah said the commissioners are conducting assessment or test of competence to the Pertamina board. Meanwhile, the competency test conducted not only to the Pertamina board of directors of the subsidiary.

Currently, the board of directors of Pertamina in the content Syamsu Alam as upstream director, Rachmad Hardadi as Director Mega Refinery and Petrochemical Project, Arief Budiman as Director of Finance, Yenni Andayani as Director of Gas, Toharso as Director of Processing, M. lskandar as Director of Marketing and Dwi Wahyu Daryoto as Director of Human Resources, and Information Technology.

Edwin who also served as commissioner targeting ikompetensi test completed at the end of the month. "Not finished. Target next week, all of our assessment. "He called after the competency test done, after the commissioners held out the strongest candidate Pertamina-1 to the minister of state. After that, the minister of state will establish a list of candidates to the President.

For candidates from outside the company, Edwin said that whoever has the same chances as long as it meets the criteria and pass the competency test conducted independently. The Board of Commissioners did not intervene to choose a name from outside the Pertamina. Experience has served in the form of government-owned enterprises according to no effect. During his figure competently and passed the test of integrity, everyone has the same chance.

"There is no such provision. Clearly, they [candidates] should have a good competence, passed the assessment, pass the integrity test, he had the chance. "

As both candidates from within and from outside must go through an assessment of the minister of state and the president. "If there is another candidate, as long as he passed the assessment, in an interview by minister of state, along with the president," he said.

As is known, the SOE Ministry has issued a decree to dismiss the Minister of State Enterprises Soetjipto of the position of managing director and Ahmad Bambang from the position of vice president. Meanwhile, for 30 days to find a new chief executive, the current post of Acting Director in the content Yenni Andayani who concurrently Director of Gas.

Vice Chairman of Commission VII of the House of Representatives Satya W Yudha said that with a number of ambitious targets to be achieved, the leader should come from internal Pertamina. The reason, so that synchronization can run fast and do not result in significant changes to performance. "Ideally, from in order to quickly sync," he said



Rini Sebut Kandidat Berasal dari Luar

Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Rini Soemarno menyebut kandidat pengisi jabatan direktur utama masih berpeluang berasal dari luar PT Pertamina. Menurutnya, untuk calon dari internal, dewan komisaris belum menyodorkan nama yang dianggap menjadi kandidat terkuat Pertamina-1. Dia pun menyebut tidak menutup kemungkinan terdapat nama-nama di
luar lingkungan perusahaan pelat merah sektor migas itu yang akan menjadi pemimpin barunya.

Kendati demikian, Rini enggan memberikan keterangan lebih lanjut terkait kandidat dan luar yang mungkin masuk dalam bursa calon pemimpin Pertamina. “Sekarang mereka [dewan komisaris] sedang dipelajari. Ada internal, ada dan luar,” ujarnya seusai menghadiri rapat koordinasi di Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian, Jakarta, Jumat (17/2).

Deputi Bidang Usaha Energi, Logistik, Kawasan dan Pariwisata Kementerian BUMN Edwin Hidayat Abdullah mengatakan dewan komisaris sedang melakukan assessment atau uji kompetensi terhadap direksi Pertamina. Adapun, uji kompetensi dilakukan hanya kepada direksi Pertamina bukan direksi di anak usaha.

Saat ini, jajaran direksi Pertamina di isi Syamsu Alam sebagai Direktur Hulu, Rachmad Hardadi sebagai Direktur Mega Proyek Kilang dan Petrokimia, Arief Budiman sebagai Direktur Keuangan, Yenni Andayani sebagai Direktur Gas, Toharso sebagai Direktur Pengolahan, M. lskandar sebagai Direktur Pemasaran dan Dwi Wahyu Daryoto sebagai Direktur Sumber Daya Manusia, Teknologi dan Informasi.

Edwin yang juga menduduki jabatan sebagai komisaris menargetkan uji ikompetensi tuntas pada akhir bulan. “Belum selesai. Target minggu depan, semua kita assesment.” Dia menyebut setelah uji kompetensi dilakukan, setelah itu dewan komisaris menyodorkan calon terkuat Pertamina-1 kepada menteri BUMN. Setelah itu, menteri BUMN akan menetapkan daftar nama kandidat kepada Presiden.

Untuk calon dari luar perseroan, Edwin menuturkan siapapun memiliki peluang yang sama asalkan memenuhi kriteria dan lolos dalam uji kompetensi yang dilakukan secara independen. Dewan komisaris tidak campur tangan memilih nama dari luar kalangan Pertamina. Pengalaman berupa pernah menduduki jabatan di perusahaan milik pemerintah menurutnya tidak berpengaruh.  Selama sosoknya kompeten dan lulus uji integritas, siapapun memiliki kesempatan yang sama.

“Tidak ada ketentuan seperti itu. Yang jelas, mereka [kandidat] harus punya kompetensi yang baik, lulus assesment, lulus
uji integritas, dia punya kesempatan.”

Adapun baik calon dari dalam dan dari luar harus melalui penilaian dari menteri BUMN dan presiden. “Kalau ada calon
lain, selama dia lulus assessment, di interview oleh menteri BUMN, bersama presiden,” katanya.

Seperti diketahui, Kementerian BUMN telah mengeluarkan surat keputusan Menteri BUMN untuk memberhentikan Dwi Soetjipto dari posisi direktur utama dan Ahmad Bambang dari posisi wakil direktur utama. Adapun, selama 30 hari untuk mencari direktur utama yang baru, saat ini jabatan Pelaksana Tugas Direktur Utama di isi Yenni Andayani yang merangkap
Direktur Gas. 

Wakil Ketua Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Satya W Yudha mengatakan dengan sejumlah target ambisius yang akan dicapai, sebaiknya pemimpin Pertamina berasal dari internal.  Alasannya, agar sinkronisasi bisa berjalan cepat dan tidak mengakibatkan perubahan signifikan terhadap kinerja. “Idealnya, dari dalam agar cepat sinkronisasinya,” ujarnya

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-9, Saturday, Feb, 18, 2017

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