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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Signing Delayed

The government postponed the signing of a cooperation contract oil and gas blocks to be offered in 2016 through direct deals and the regular auction is still reviewing options for the implementation of production sharing contracts (production sharing contract) gross split.

Meanwhile, since mid 2016 the government did not sign any cooperation contracts on new oil and gas blocks of 14 work areas offered to investors in the upstream oil and gas. Despite offering a new scheme to attract investors by offering revenue sharing, exploration commitments, and the signature bonus, up to now no one has announced the winner.

Seven blocks offered directly (direct offer) that the West Hill (Offshore Riau Islands), Batu Gajah Two (Onshore Jambi), Kasongan Sampit (Onshore Central Kalimantan), Powerful (Offshore Java Sea), Ebuny (Offshore Southeast Sulawesi), Onin (Onshore-Offshore West Papua) and West Kaimana (Onshore Offshore West Papua). 

     Meanwhile, seven blocks offered through the regular auction scheme, namely South CPP (Onshore Riau), Stuemana I (Offshore Makassar Strait), SE Mandar (Offshore South Sulawesi-South West), North Arguni (Onshore Papua Barat). Kasuri II (Onshore Papua Barat), Manakarra Mamuju (Offshore Makassar Strait and Oti (Offshore East Kalimantan).

Director of Upstream Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Single recognize the government needs additional time to announce the winners of a new working area. From the last target was announced in January 2017, the possibility of a new work area winners will be announced in March 2017.

According to him, with the publication of Decree No. 8/2017 on Contracts Gross Split, the course offers a new oil and gas blocks to adjust. Nevertheless, the government will offer them first to the investors who have followed direct deals and auctions, regular gross split whether to use or not.

In gross schemes split, the government determines the revenue sharing basis between the government and the contractor of 57:43 to 52:48 for the structure of the oil and gas structures. Contractors likely to receive additional split adjusted risk in the field of geographic factors to geological. "It's not [necessarily] in the award of March, because they [investors] do not necessarily want [gross disposable split]," he said recently.


With the issuance of a regulation governing the implementation of the new scheme, said Tunggal, the scheme set out in the working area of ​​the deals are no longer used, of course, upon the agreement between the government and investors. He considered at this stage schema changes can still be made for cooperation contract has not been signed. 

    Investors are allowed to weigh beforehand schemes which provide more benefits, including direct offers to the participants who have priority for doing a joint study or joint study on a particular work area. The reason, the bidding process has been started since 2016 before the advent of the options and the emergence of a regulation on gross split.

"Direct appointment that means yet a signature. Therefore, with the new split, offered by the new system. However, it should be coordinated, "he said. When compared with last year, the number of work areas that are of interest lower. Last year, there were 12 work areas that are of interest to the eight conventional oil and gas working areas.

In 2017, targeted investment in upstream oil and gas nationwide reach US $ 13 billion, up 7% from 2016 amounting to US $ 12.01 billion.


Penandatanganan Ditunda

Pemerintah menunda penandatanganan kontrak kerja sama blok minyak dan gas bumi baru yang ditawarkan pada 2016 melalui penawaran langsung dan lelang reguler karena masih mengkaji opsi penerapan kontrak bagi hasil (production sharing contract) gross split.

Adapun, sejak medio 2016 pemerintah tidak menandatangani satu pun kontrak kerja sama atas blok migas baru dari 14 wilayah kerja yang ditawarkan kepada investor hulu migas. Kendati telah menawarkan skema baru untuk menarik minat investor melalui penawaran bagi hasil, komitmen eksplorasi, dan bonus tanda tangan, hingga kini belum ada satupun yang diumumkan pemenangnya.

Tujuh blok yang ditawarkan secara langsung (direct offer) yakni Bukit Barat (Offshore Kepulauan Riau), Batu Gajah Dua (Onshore Jambi), Kasongan Sampit (Onshore Kalimantan Tengah), Ampuh (Offshore Laut Jawa), Ebuny (Offshore Sulawesi Tenggara), Onin (Onshore-Offshore Papua Barat) dan West Kaimana (Onshore Offshore Papua Barat). 

    Sementara itu, tujuh blok ditawarkan melalui skema lelang reguler, yakni South CPP (Onshore Riau) , Stuemana I (Offshore Makassar Strait), SE Mandar (Offshore Sulawesi Selatan-Sulawesi Barat), North Arguni (Onshore Papua Barat). Kasuri II (Onshore Papua Barat), Manakarra Mamuju (Offshore Makassar Strait dan Oti (Offshore Kalimantan Timur).

Direktur Pembinaan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Tunggal mengakui pemerintah memerlukan tambahan waktu untuk mengumumkan pemenang wilayah kerja baru. Dari target terakhir diumumkan pada Januari 2017, kemungkinan pemenang wilayah kerja baru akan diumumkan pada Maret 2017.

Menurutnya, dengan terbitnya Peraturan Menteri No. 8/2017 tentang Kontrak Gross Split, hasil penawaran blok migas baru tentunya mengalami penyesuaian. Kendati demikian, pemerintah akan menawarkan terlebih dahulu kepada investor yang telah mengikuti penawaran langsung dan lelang, reguler apakah akan menggunakan gross split atau tidak. 

Pada skema gross split, pemerintah menentukan bagi hasil dasar antara pemerintah dan kontraktor sebesar 57:43 untuk struktur minyak dan 52:48 untuk struktur gas. Kontraktor berpeluang mendapat split tambahan yang disesuaikan risiko di lapangan dari faktor geografis hingga geologisnya. "Belum [tentu] di award Maret, karena mereka [investor] belum tentu mau [pakai gross split],” ujarnya, baru-baru ini.


Dengan diterbitkannya beleid yang mengatur penerapan skema baru, tutur Tunggal, skema yang ditetapkan pada penawaran wilayah kerja tak lagi digunakan, tentunya atas kesepakatan antara pemerintah dan investor. Dia menilai pada tahap ini perubahan skema masih bisa dilakukan karena kontrak kerja sama belum diteken. 

    Investor diperbolehkan menimbang terlebih dahulu skema mana yang memberikan keuntungan lebih, termasuk bagi para peserta penawaran langsung yang memiliki prioritas karena telah melakukan Studi bersama atau joint study pada wilayah kerja tertentu. Pasalnya, proses penawaran sudah dimulai sejak 2016 sebelum munculnya opsi dan munculnya beleid tentang gross split.

“Penunjukan langsung itu artinya belum tanda tangan. Maka dari itu, dengan split baru, ditawarkan dengan sistem baru. Akan tetapi, perlu dikoordinasikan,” katanya. Bila dibandingkan dengan tahun lalu, jumlah wilayah kerja yang diminati lebih rendah. Tahun lalu, terdapat 12 wilayah kerja yang diminati dengan delapan wilayah kerja migas konvensional. 

Pada 2017, ditargetkan investasi di bidang hulu minyak dan gas bumi secara nasional mencapai angka US$ 13 miliar atau naik 7% dari 2016 yang sebesar US$ 12,01 miliar. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, Feb, 27, 2017

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