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Thursday, February 9, 2017

Stop Noise in Pertamina

President approves sacking of Managing Director and Vice President Director

The general meeting of shareholders (AGM) Pertamina on Friday (3/2) decides the removal of two important figures in the country's oil companies. Both are Managing Director (CEO) Soetjipto and Deputy Managing Director (Vice President Director) Ahmad Bambang. The decision was taken because there are issues of performance and teamwork that are not going well. And Bambang Dwi considered not able to fulfill the responsibilities given. "Sometimes in a structure that does not run in accordance with intense that structure. It would be better if you look for new talent-talent that can work together and solid teamwork her at Pertamina," said Commissioner of Pertamina Mr. Abeng

Pertamina AGM was held at the Ministry of SOEs. Besides Tanri, was also attended by the Deputy Commissioner who is also Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar Head of Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF) is also Commissioner of Pertamina Suahasil Nazara, as well as the board of directors of Pertamina. And Bambang Dwi included. However, when the news conference after the AGM, two figures that terminated it did not participate.

Twin Sun in Pertamina is Game Over

AGM also decided to change the nomenclature of the company by abolishing the position of vice president director. "Perhaps this nomenclature be part of the conditions that caused the lack of good cooperation," said Tanri. Position of Vice President Director is a new position in the structure of Pertamina. In October 2016 SOE Minister Rini Soemarno add two new positions, namely Vice President Director and director of Mega Project Processing and Petrochemicals. The goal is the division of responsibilities between the upstream and downstream sectors. However, the reality did not meet expectations.

After removal Dwi, Yenni Andayani become Pertamina chief executive duties. "We must be careful to change the policy-policy. The important thing is to do filling the positions. I think each board also already understand what to do and the message is also clear. We have to make sustainability for this in 2017," he said.

Women 51 years it served as the director of gas and renewable energy Pertamina since Nov. 28, 2014. The Parahyangan University law graduates to start a career in Pertamina in 1991. He has held the position of Managing Director of PT Nusantara Gas Company Services in Osaka, president director of PT Donggi-Senoro LNG, as well as senior VP Pertamina gas and power.

Rini Soemarno said Bambang Dwi and dismissed at the request of the board of commissioners. After interviewing the directors of Pertamina, the commissioners concluded, there is the issue of leadership. Commissioners then submit a written proposal to dismiss and Bambang Dwi. After getting these recommendations, Rini reports to the President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Thursday (2/2). "The president agreed to expeditiously implemented (dismissal) ' he said at the presidential palace complex.


Hentikan Kegaduhan di Pertamina

Presiden Setujui Pencopotan Dirut dan Wadirut

Rapat umum pemegang saham (RUPS) Pertamina hari Jumat (3/2) memutuskan pencopotan dua sosok penting di perusahaan minyak negara itu. Keduanya adalah Direktur Utama (Dirut) Dwi Soetjipto dan Wakil Direktur Utama (Wadirut) Ahmad Bambang. Keputusan tersebut diambil karena ada persoalan kinerja dan teamwork yang tidak berjalan dengan baik. Dwi dan Bambang dianggap belum mampu memenuhi tanggung jawab yang diberikan. "Terkadang dalam satu struktur itu tidak berjalan sesuai dengan intense struktur itu. Maka akan lebih baik kalau dicari talent-talent baru yang bisa bekerja sama dan solid teamwork-nya di Pertamina,” kata Komisaris Utama Pertamina Tanri Abeng

RUPS Pertamina digelar di kantor Kementerian BUMN. Selain Tanri, hadir pula Wakil Komisaris Utama yang juga Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar Kepala Badan Kebijakan Fiskal (BKF) yang juga Komisaris Pertamina Suahasil Nazara, serta jajaran direksi Pertamina. Termasuk Dwi dan Bambang. Namun, saat sesi konferensi pers setelah RUPS, dua sosok yang diberhentikan itu tidak ikut. 

RUPS juga memutuskan untuk mengubah nomenklatur perseroan dengan meniadakan posisi Wadirut. "Barangkali nomenklatur ini jadi bagian dari kondisi yang mengakibatkan tidak terjadinya kerja sama yang bagus itu," kata Tanri. Jabatan Wadirut merupakan posisi baru di struktur Pertamina. Pada Oktober 2016 Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno menambah dua jabatan baru, yakni Wadirut serta direktur Mega Proyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia. Tujuannya adalah pembagian tanggung jawab antara sektor hulu dan hilir. Namun, kenyataannya ternyata tidak sesuai dengan harapan.

Setelah pencopotan Dwi, Yenni Andayani menjadi pelaksana tugas Dirut Pertamina. "Kita harus berhati-hati untuk mengubah policy-policy. Yang penting adalah melakukan pengisian jabatan. Saya kira tiap-tiap direksi juga sudah sangat paham apa yang harus dilakukan dan pesannya juga jelas. Kita harus melakukan sustainability untuk 2017 ini," tuturnya.

Perempuan 51 tahun itu menjabat direktur gas dan energi baru terbarukan Pertamina sejak 28 November 2014. Sarjana hukum Universitas Parahyangan tersebut memulai karir di Pertamina pada 1991. Dia juga pernah menduduki posisi Dirut PT Nusantara Gas Company Services di Osaka, Dirut PT Donggi-Senoro LNG, serta senior VP gas and power Pertamina. 

Rini Soemarno menyatakan, Dwi dan Bambang diberhentikan atas permintaan dewan komisaris. Setelah menginterview jajaran direksi Pertamina, dewan komisaris menyimpulkan, ada persoalan kepemimpinan. Dewan komisaris kemudian menyampaikan usul tertulis untuk memberhentikan Dwi dan Bambang. Setelah mendapatkan rekomendasi tersebut, Rini melapor ke Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) pada Kamis (2/2). "Presiden menyetujui untuk secepatnya dilaksanakan (pemberhentian)’ ucapnya di kompleks istana kepresidenan.

Jawa Pos, Page-1, Saturday, Feb, 4, 2017

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