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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Swell Fuel Imports

PT Pertamina recognize the import of fuel oil (BBM) this year will rise following a routine maintenance throughout refineries managed by the company in turn. For example, Pertamina add fuel import about 4.2 million barrels, with details of the type Premium Pertamax 3 million barrels and 1.2 million barrels as a result of treatment Balongan refinery located in Indramayu, West Java.

Treatment plant with a capacity of 125,000 barrels per day (bpd) that will take place on January 23 to February 23, 2017. The Director of Pertamina Processing Toharso said, the company will perform refinery maintenance interchangeably throughout this year. If not treated, the engine plant will be problematic, causing shutdowns planned or unplanned shutdown.

"All refineries do maintenance, until Refinery Kasim in Sorong, Papua. All done on schedule, "he said.

The first treatment will be carried out in the refinery Balongan, West Java. The treatment has been ongoing since January 23, 2017 and will be completed by February 23. After Balongan refinery, the company begun treatment Balikpapan refinery that will begin in late February or early March and lasts for 34 days. Dumai Refinery Maintenance will be held in April, while the Cilacap refinery in the second half of this year.

Meanwhile, Kasim refinery maintenance will be done by the end of this year so hopefully by the end of 2017 the entire refinery had been repaired. "With a record of all the spare parts engine should be ready for use," he said. As a result of the refinery maintenance, Toharso admitted,
a decrease in oil production.

However, the decline will not be too significant, given the treatment is only done on a particular machine, not the entire plant stops operating. Pertamina has also calculated the impact of a decrease in oil production.

"If TA [turn around / maintenance routine refinery], the decline in oil production is planned. Few, probably around 3%, "he said. Moreover, refinery maintenance carried out alternately so that the production of fuel does not drop significantly. Once the treatment process is completed, the production of fuel from the refinery can be increased.


Senior Vice President of Integrated Supply Chain (ISC) Pertamina Daniel Purba explained, although there will be care of the entire refinery, the company also plans to increase the capacity of the refinery this year. This was done to maintain the balance of the decline in production
Fuel from refineries.

"Overall the increase in fuel imports is not significant." Daniel did not want to specify how much additional fuel imports this year as the impact of treatment throughout the oil refinery in the country.

Currently, the refinery capacity of Dumai, Riau 170,000 bpd, Plaju refinery, 118,000 bpd of South Sumatra, Cilacap, Central Java 348,000 bpd refinery in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan 260,000 bpd refinery in Balongan, West Java 125,000 bpd, and refinery Kasim, West Papua 10,000 bpd.

Production of fuel from the entire refinery had not been able to close national requirements so that Pertamina was forced to still bring in and abroad. In the absence of treatment delays, Toharso hopes that will no longer happen refinery shutdowns are not planned on.

He acknowledged that last year had been 35 unplanned shutdown events throughout the refinery managed by Pertamina. One cause of refinery shutdowns are not planned for the postponement of maintenance activities.


Impor BBM Membengkak

PT Pertamina mengakui impor bahan bakar minyak (BBM) pada tahun ini akan naik menyusul adanya perawatan rutin seluruh kilang minyak yang dikelola perseroan secara bergiliran. Sebagai contoh, Pertamina menambah impor BBM sekitar 4,2 juta barel dengan rincian untuk jenis Premium 3 juta barel dan Pertamax 1,2 juta barel sebagai dampak perawatan Kilang Balongan yang berlokasi di Indramayu, Jawa Barat.

Perawatan kilang yang berkapasitas 125.000 barel per hari (bph) itu akan berlangsung pada 23 Januari-23 Februari 2017. Direktur Pengolahan Pertamina Toharso mengatakan, perseroan akan melakukan perawatan kilang secara bergantian sepanjang tahun ini. Jika tidak dilakukan perawatan, mesin kilang akan bermasalah sehingga terjadi penghentian operasi yang tidak direncanakan atau unplanned shutdown.

“Semua kilang dilakukan perawatan, sampai Kilang Kasim di Sorong, Papua. Semua dilakukan sesuai jadwal,” katanya.

Perawatan pertama akan dilakukan di Kilang Balongan, Jawa Barat. Perawatan tersebut telah berlangsung sejak 23 Januari 2017 dan akan selesai pada 23 Februari. Setelah Kilang Balongan, perseroan mulai melakukan perawatan Kilang Balikpapan yang akan dimulai pada akhir Februari atau awal Maret dan berlangsung selama 34 hari. Perawatan Kilang Dumai bakal dilaksanakan pada April, sedangkan Kilang Cilacap pada semester kedua tahun ini.

Sementara itu, Kilang Kasim bakal dilakukan perawatan pada akhir tahun ini sehingga diharapkan pada akhir 2017 seluruh kilang sudah diperbaiki. “Dengan catatan semua spare part engine harus ready for use,” ujarnya. Sebagai dampak dari perawatan kilang tersebut, Toharso mengakui,
adanya penurunan produksi BBM.

Namun, penurunan itu tidak akan terlalu signifikan, mengingat perawatan hanya dilakukan pada satu mesin tertentu, bukan seluruh kilang berhenti beroperasi. Pertamina juga telah menghitung dampak penurunan produksi BBM.

“Kalau TA [turn around/perawatan rutin kilang], penurunan produksi BBM direncanakan. Sedikit saja, mungkin sekitar 3%,” katanya. Apalagi perawatan kilang dilakukan secara bergantian sehingga produksi BBM tidak turun signifikan. Setelah proses perawatan selesai, produksi BBM dari kilang tersebut bisa dinaikkan.


Senior Vice President Integrated Supply Chain (ISC) Pertamina Daniel Purba menjelaskan, meskipun akan ada perawatan seluruh kilang, perseroan juga merencanakan peningkatan kapasitas kilang pada tahun ini. Hal itu dilakukan untuk menjaga keseimbangan penurunan produksi
BBM dari kilang.

“Overall kenaikan impor BBM tidak terlalu signifikan.” Daniel tidak mau merinci berapa tambahan impor BBM pada tahun ini sebagai dampak dari perawatan seluruh kilang minyak di Tanah Air.

Saat ini, kapasitas Kilang Dumai, Riau 170.000 bph, Kilang Plaju, Sumsel 118.000 bph, Kilang Cilacap, Jateng 348.000 bph, Kilang Balikpapan, Kaltim 260.000 bph, Kilang Balongan, Jawa Barat 125.000 bph, dan Kilang Kasim, Papua Barat 10.000 bph.

Produksi BBM dari seluruh kilang itu belum bisa menutup kebutuhan nasional sehingga Pertamina terpaksa masih mendatangkan dan luar negeri. Dengan tidak adanya penundaan perawatan, Toharso berharap agar tidak akan lagi terjadi penghentian operasi kilang yang tidak direncanakan pada. 

Dia mengakui, pada tahun lalu sempat terjadi 35 kejadian unplanned shutdown di seluruh kilang yang dikelola Pertamina.  Salah satu penyebab penghentian operasi kilang yang tidak direncanakan itu karena ditundanya kegiatan perawatan.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, Feb, 13, 2017

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