, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The sacking of skipper Pertamina only for the Project? - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Friday, February 10, 2017

The sacking of skipper Pertamina only for the Project?

Pertamina is currently working on a project to trillions of rupiah

Aroma bad start to appear related to the removal of PT Pertamina President Director Dwi Soetjipto and Deputy CEO Ahmad Bambang. There are allegations that the dismissal was a great scenario, because Pertamina is running huge projects. President of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Oil and Gas Indonesia (KSPMI) Faisal Yusra alarming, removal, filling, or the possibility of change of Directors Pertamina has the potential to become 'debauchery ", conspiracy and transactional. This is because Pertamina has many investment projects with a budget of trillions of rupiah that makes many people drooling . "In 14 years has been seven changes. This situation indicates a change in regime or removal of directors made rashly, "said Faisal.

He said that if an honest look, Pertamina achievement in 2016 is extraordinary. Also there is a new product innovations required by the community and government support programs or policies. Then the idea of ​​the price of fuel oil (BBM) in Indonesia. Not to mention the achievement of the highest profits in the history of this company.

Faisal Basri Former Chairman of Oil and Gas told Mafia Eradication Team, himself at the end of 2016 and then or after the position of Deputy CEO to appear, receive a short message. "Mr. Dwi shows a short message on his mobile phone that shows the arrogance of one of the directors," Faisal said in his personal blog on Friday (3/2).

Faisal said in the blog, according to the story Soetjipto, the proposed organizational structure changes submitted by the Board of Commissioners to the minister Rini Soemarno. At that time, Soetjipto had asked the new structure to the Commissioner of Pertamina Mr. Abeng. "According to Mr. Dwi, Mr. He said he concept of the new organizational structure set up by the Ministry of State Enterprises, Mr Tanri will only sign. When the draft was submitted to the Ministry of SOEs, Mr. Dwi being abroad," Faisal said on his blog.

He told us, Soetjipto also delivered one of the anomalies in the constitutions and laws of the new Pertamina. The peculiarity related to the authority of the vice president who could hold high command Pertamina is currently the managing director is absent. Pertamina commissioners were given until 30 days looking for a new captain SOEs.

While looking for the number one; Pertamina Gas Director Yenni Andayani be the Acting Managing Director. While the position of vice president is eliminated. Commissioner of Pertamina, Mr. Abeng said, the board will search for new talent who can work together and solid at Pertamina. "Usually if from outside Pertamina, the affairs of the shareholders. If from the inside, commissioners gave the assessment," said Tanri.

Some of the names of candidates the number one Pertamina outstanding. Besides Yenni, there Rachmad Hardadi, Director of the megaproject, Processing and Petrochemical Pertamina and Syamsu Alam, Upstream Director of Pertamina. Another name for external Pertamina, former Managing Director of Bank Mandiri Budi G Sadikin. Even Ahmad Bambang former vice president director of Pertamina still featuring. Rini Soemarno, SOE Minister did not deny, problems arise after the vice president director. "It makes the leadership shake, there was teamwork, be no more," he said in the Palace complex. Rini did not answer phone calls and short messages about accusations of deliberately put that conflict with Ahmad Bambang Dwi Soetjipto.


Pencopotan Nakhoda Pertamina Hanya untuk Proyek?

Pertamina saat ini sedang mengerjakan proyek triliunan rupiah

Aroma tidak sedap mulai muncul terkait pencopotan Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto dan Wakil Direktur Utama Pertamina Ahmad Bambang. Ada dugaan skenario besar dalam pencopotan itu, karena Pertamina sedang menjalankan proyek-proyek raksasa. Presiden Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Migas Indonesia (KSPMI) Faisal Yusra mengkhawatirkan, pencopotan, pengisian atau kemungkinan pergantian Direksi Pertamina berpotensi menjadi 'pesta pora", konspirasi dan transaksional. Ini karena Pertamina memiliki banyak proyek investasi dengan anggaran triliunan rupiah yang bikin banyak pihak meneteskan air liur. "Dalam 14 tahun sudah tujuh kali pergantian. Situasi ini menunjukkan pergantian rezim atau pencopotan direksi dilakukan dengan gegabah," kata Faisal.

Dia mengatakan, jika melihat secara jujur, prestasi Pertamina di tahun 2016 terbilang luar biasa. Juga ada inovasi produk baru yang dibutuhkan masyarakat dan mendukung program atau kebijakan pemerintah. Lalu ide satu harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) di seluruh Indonesia. Belum lagi pencapaian keuntungan tertinggi sepanjang sejarah perseroan ini.

Faisal Basri Mantan Ketua Tim Pemberantasan Mafia Migas bercerita, dirinya pada akhir tahun 2016 lalu atau setelah adanya posisi Wakil Direktur Utama Pertamina muncul, menerima satu pesan singkat.  "Pak Dwi menunjukkan satu pesan singkat di telepon genggamnya yang menunjukkan arogansi salah satu direksi," ungkap Faisal dalam blog pribadinya, Jumat (3/2).

Kata Faisal di blog tersebut, menurut cerita Dwi Soetjipto, usulan perubahan struktur organisasi disampaikan oleh Dewan Komisaris kepada Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno. Saat itu, Dwi Soetjipto sempat bertanya struktur baru ke Komisaris Utama Pertamina Tanri Abeng. "Menurut Tuan Dwi, Tuan Tanri mengatakan konsep struktur organisasi yang baru disiapkan oleh Kantor Kementerian BUMN, Tuan Tanri nanti hanya menandatangani. Ketika konsep itu disampaikan ke Kementerian BUMN, Pak Dwi sedang di luar negeri," ujar Faisal di blognya.

Dia menceritakan, Dwi Soetjipto juga menyampaikan salah satu keganjilan dalam anggaran dasar dan anggaran rumah tangga Pertamina yang baru. Keganjilan tersebut terkait kewenangan wakil direktur utama yang bisa memegang komando tertinggi Pertamina saat direktur utama berhalangan. Dewan komisaris Pertamina diberikan waktu hingga 30 hari mencari nahkoda baru BUMN tersebut. 

Sembari mencari orang nomor satu; Direktur Gas Pertamina Yenni Andayani menjadi Plt Dirut. Sementara posisi wakil direktur utama dihilangkan. Komisaris Utama Pertamina, Tanri Abeng bilang, dewan komisaris akan mencari talenta baru yang bisa bekerja sama dan solid di Pertamina. "Biasanya kalau dari luar Pertamina, urusan pemegang saham. Kalau dari dalam, dewan komisaris memberi penilaian," ujar Tanri.

Sejumlah nama calon orang nomor satu Pertamina beredar. Selain Yenni, ada Rachmad Hardadi, Direktur Megaproyek, Pengolahan, dan Petrokimia Pertamina dan Syamsu Alam, Direktur Hulu Pertamina. Nama lain dari eksternal Pertamina, mantan Dirut Bank Mandiri Budi G Sadikin. Bahkan Ahmad Bambang mantan Wadirut Pertamina masih di unggulkan. Rini Soemarno, Menteri BUMN tidak menyangkal, permasalahan muncul setelah ada wadirut. "Ternyata membuat kepemimpinan goyang, tadinya ada tim kerja, menjadi tidak ada lagi," katanya di Komplek Istana. Rini tak menjawab panggilan telepon dan pesan singkat soal tuduhan sengaja memasang Ahmad Bambang agar berkonflik dengan dwi Soetjipto.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Feb, 6, 2017

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