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Monday, February 13, 2017

There is no certainty, Confusion Rahayu village government Compose APBDes

    The completion of the issue of compensation for the impact of flare operator Fields Mudi, Tuban Block, the Joint Operating Body Pertamina-Petrochina East Java (JOB-PPEJ) to the present, making the Village Government (Pemdes) Rahayu, District Soko, Tuban, ask for it to be resolved before the contract expired in February 2018.

     Compensation worth billions of rupiah, the rights of citizens affected by the flare around Control Processing Area (CPA) Pad A Mudi. "We will continue to fight flare seek compensation for clear rules," said the village head Rahayu, Sukisno (6/2). For the people of Ring 1 and the local village government, before any revisions agreed compensation agreement parties, including SKK Migas Jabanusa and representatives JOB-PPEJ in 2009 ago, disbursement of compensation fixed price.

     If the operator or SKK Migas can not grant compensation because there is a new regulation, of all parties involved in the agreement in 2009 had to sit back. "Without the scheme, Pemdes could not accept it because the compensation deal with the people directly," said Sukisno. His side in the near future will also be coordinated with the Head Soko to hold a meeting back in. This was followed up instruction Vice Regent (Vice Regent) Noor Nahar Hussein, on December 14, 2016 in the presence of youth and Officials Rahayu.

     He hopes the instructions of local government leaders, Muspika Soko can move quickly. His worry when this compensation is protacted without clarity, the operator can easily ignore it as it nears the contract runs out. Because the case is protacted, Rahayu village government claimed not to know the total value of corporate social responsibility (Corporate Social Responsibility / CSR) from the JOB-PPEJ, As a result, the local village government difficulties develop empowerment programs for the community.

     Because CSR acceptance shall be adjusted to APBDes plans for education, environment, health, infrastructure and community empowerment. "Not to know how many CSR this year, especially when it enters the second month of 2017," said Sukisno.

     Explained, during the last two years the number of CSR receives reduced. Notes, CSR 2015 amounting to Rp 540 million, and in 2016 fell to USD 421 million. As for this year is predicted to receive fewer CSR which is in the range of USD 400 million. Because the number of oil and gas production from the field Mudi, and Sragen Bojonegoro down. "We hope that soon there is no certainty the number of CSR from the operator.

While; Camat Soko, Suwito, also hope there is a solution to the polemic faced by citizens since the beginning of 2016. Ideally, social polemic in sekiLar Oil and Gas Industry is not protacted, because obviously damaging PPEJ JOB- relationship with the surrounding community. "We will communicate with JOB-PPEJ to seek a meeting held temunya point," said the former Head Grabagan this.

    Keep in mind, the beginning of the termination of the compensation for the amount of oil and gas production that is processed in the CPA Pad A Mudi is reduced. The reduced production is directly evidenced by the research team of Surabaya Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya. During penilitian, the lowest rate of the exhaust gas of 2.1 Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day (MMSCFD) and a maximum of 2.6 MMSCFD. The temperature only 35 degrees Celcius felt in a radius of 50 meters, while in the 100 meter point claimed to have no impact 


Tak Ada Kepastian, Pemerintah Desa Rahayu Kebingungan Susun APBDes

Belum selesainya persoalan kompensasi dampak flare operator Lapangan Mudi, Blok Tuban, Joint Operating Body Pertamina-Petrochina East Java (JOB-PPEJ) hingga saat ini, membuat Pemerintah Desa (Pemdes) Rahayu, Kecamatan Soko, Kabupaten Tuban, meminta hal tersebut segera diselesaikan sebelum kontraknya habis pada bulan Februari 2018 mendatang.

Kompensasi senilai miliaran rupiah tersebut, menjadi hak warga terdampak flare di sekitar Control Processing Area (CPA) Pad A Mudi. "Kami akan terus berjuang meminta kompensasi flare karena jelas aturannya," kata Kepala Désa Rahayu, Sukisno (6/2). Bagi masyarakat Ring 1 dan Pemerintah Desa setempat, sebelum ada revisi perjanjian kompensasi yang disepakati beberapa pihak termasuk SKK Migas Jabanusa dan perwakilan JOB-PPEJ pada tahun 2009 silam, pencairan kompensasi harga mati.

Apabila operator maupun SKK Migas tidak bisa mengabulkan kompensasi karena ada regulasi baru, tentu semua pihak yang terlibat perjanjian 2009 harus duduk kembali. “Tanpa skema itu, Pemdes tidak bisa menerimanya karena kompensasi berurusan dengan warga langsung,"kata Sukisno.  Pihaknya dalam waktu dekat juga akan berkoordinasi dengan Camat Soko untuk menggelar pertemuan kembali. Hal itu menindaklanjuti instruksi Wakil Bupati (Wabup) Noor Nahar Hussein, pada tanggal 14 Desember 2016 di hadapan karang taruna dan Pamong Desa Rahayu.

Dia berharap adanya instruksi dari pimpinan daerah, Muspika Soko dapat bergerak cepat. Kekhawatirannya ketika kompensasi ini berlarut-larut tanpa kejelasan, operator dengan mudah mengabaikannya karena mendekati kontrak habis. Karena berlarut-larut kasus tersebut, Pemerintah Desa Rahayu mengaku belum mengetahui total nilai tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsibility /CSR) dari JOB-PPEJ, Akibatnya, Pemerintah Desa setempat kesulitan menyusun program pemberdayaan masyarakat. 

Karena penerimaan CSR tersebut akan disesuaikan dengan rencana APBDes untuk bidang pendidikan, lingkungan, kesehatan, infrastruktur dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. "Belum tau berapa jumlah CSR tahun ini, apalagi saat ini memasuki bulan kedua tahun 2017," kata Sukisno.

Diterangkan, selama dua tahun terakhir jumlah CSR yang diterimanya berkurang. Catatannya, CSR tahun 2015 sebesar Rp 540 juta, dan di tahun 2016 turun menjadi Rp 421 juta lebih. Sedangkan untuk tahun ini diprediksi menerima CSR lebih sedikit yakni di kisaran Rp 400 juta. Karena jumlah produksi Migas dari Lapangan Mudi, maupun Sukowati Bojonegoro turun. "Kami harapkan segera ada kepastian jumlah CSR dari operator.

Sementara; Camat Soko, Suwito, juga berharap ada solusi terhadap polemik yang dihadapi warganya sejak awal tahun 2016. Idealnya polemik sosial di sekiLar Industri Migas tidak berlarut-larut, karena jelas merusak hubungan JOB- PPEJ dengan masyarakat sekitar. "Kami akan komunikasi dengan JOB-PPEJ untuk diadakan pertemuan mencari titik temunya," kata mantan Camat Grabagan ini. 

Perlu diketahui, awal mula dihentikannya kompensasi karena jumlah produksi Migas yang diolah di CPA Pad A Mudi berkurang. Berkurangnya produksi ini langsung dibuktikan dengan adanya riset tim Institut Teknologi Surabaya (ITS) Surabaya. Selama penilitian, laju gas buang paling rendah 2,1 Million  Standard Cubic Feet per Day (MMSCFD) dan paling tinggi 2,6 MMSCFD. Suhu hanya 35 derajat Celcius terasa di radius 50 meter, sedangkan di titik 100 meter diklaim tidak berdampak. 

Bhirawa, Page-6, Tuesday, 7, Feb, 2017

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