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Thursday, February 9, 2017

Two Leader Pertamina sacked

Instead extinguished, the conflict in the state-owned oil company, Pertamina, the great blazing. There is no other way, two officials of Pertamina was removed for the sake of fighting the fire. Yesterday, Minister of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Rini Mariani Soemarno remove Soetjipto of Pertamina Managing Director and his deputy, Ahmad Bambang. The decision was consistent with the recommendation of the Board of Commissioners of Pertamina.

Commissioner of Pertamina Mr. Abeng said BOC Pertamina will seek new talent to fill the position of managing director. The candidates can be from within or from outside Pertamina. He added that consideration was due to the removal of conflicts between Bambang and  Dwi, causing the breakdown of the organization Pertamina. Even the position of Deputy Managing Director of Pertamina actually prop teamwork in Jakarta. As a result, the board of commissioners who originally proposed the position of vice president, recommends this position is removed again. Clearly, the early start of the conflict appear since the beginning Bambang held the position number two in Pertamina. There are a number of things that the indication. Konflict is obviously not only detrimental to Pertamina, but also the state. Because oil and gas company that was working on infrastructure projects in the country oil and gas field worth Rp 700 trillion.


Dua Petinggi Pertamina Dicopot

Alih-alih padam, konflik di tubuh perusahaan minyak milik negara, Pertamina, makin berkobar hebat. Tiada jalan lain, dua petinggi Pertamina dicopot demi memadamkan api. Kemarin, Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Rini Mariani Soemarno mencopot Dwi Soetjipto dari Direktur Utama Pertamina, dan wakilnya, Ahmad Bambang. Keputusan ini sesuai dengan rekomendasi Dewan Komisaris Pertamina. 

Komisaris Utama Pertamina Tanri Abeng menyatakan, Dewan Komisaris Pertamina akan mencari talenta baru untuk mengisi posisi direktur utama. Kandidatnya bisa dari dalam maupun dari luar Pertamina. Dia menambahkan, pertimbangan pencopotan itu akibat konflik antara Dwi dan Bambang, sehingga menyebabkan macetnya roda organisasi Pertamina. Bahkan posisi Wakil Dirut Pertamina justru mengganjal kerjasama tim di Jakarta. Alhasil, dewan komisaris yang semula mengusulkan posisi Wakil dirut, merekomendasikan posisi ini dihapus lagi. Yang jelas, awal mulai konflik itu tampak sejak awal Bambang menjabat posisi nomor dua di Pertamina. Ada sejumlah hal yang menjadi indikasinya. Konflik ini jelas tidak hanya merugikan Pertamina, melainkan juga negara. Sebab, perusahaan migas itu sedang mengerjakan proyek infrastruktur negara di bidang migas senilai Rp 700 triliun.

Kontan, Page-1, Saturday, Feb, 4, 2017

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