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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Advantages Restrictions Not Hitting Gas Prices

Government asked to reduce prices at the upstream level

Association of Indonesian Gas Trader (INGTA) asked the government to review the plans to regulate the gas trading business advantage. The regulations set a limit on profit distribution of gas by 7 percent rated the Association did not effectively lower the price.

"Restrictions margin integral not only covers commercial sector. Whereas 92 percent of the price comes from the upstream side and transmission costs, "said Chairman Jamil Amperawan Sabrun Association.

Sabrun exemplifies the distribution of gas in West Java. In this region, consumer prices reached US $ 9 per million metric British thermal unit (MMBTU). The price component coming from upstream of US $ 7.16 per MMBTU. While transportation costs to US $ 1.1 per MMBTU. The distributor gets only US $ 0.74 per MMBTU. Thus, although the distribution costs trimmed out, the price will drop to US $ 8.26 per MMBTU.

The figure was still higher than the price stipulated in Presidential Regulation No. 40 of 2016 of US $ 6 per MMBTU. Sabrun assured that gas trading businesses can not raise prices just because of the risk of reducing sales. Association noted the absorption of gas for industrial use only 50 per cent of the allocation by the government. These conditions make gas traders do not enjoy the benefits.

"In fact, in East Java, the price of gas from Block WMO (West Madura Offshore) and transmission costs of US $ 8.1 per MMBTU. But we are forced to sell US $ 8 per MMBTU. Because, if on top of that, consumers do not want to buy. "

According Sabrun, the price cuts are effective in the upstream sector. This plan ever created in 2015 by reducing the government's gas receiving countries in some oil and gas fields. However, until now, the plan has not been realized.

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources stated precisely arranged downstream sector, which does not make the price of gas is expensive. Therefore, the government considers necessary margin restrictions that gas prices can compete with fuel oil. "Prices in the upstream oil and gas only US $ 6 per MMBTU, but consumers could be US $ 14 per MMBTU. Though the distance is only 20 kilometers. That is, there is a transaction that is multi-layered, "said Director General of Oil and Gas, I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja.

He would not confirm when the regulations on gas will be completed. In addition to harming consumers, trade margin issue detrimental to the upstream oil and gas business because it makes the absorption of gas stopped. In fact, the industry has to bear the high risk and cost. While in the downstream sector, business operations only build the pipeline. "Just build the pipeline, taking advantage not too much"

Another policy to suppress the price of gas is a gas distributor require the infrastructure. The Ministry of Energy gave a deadline until 2018. If there are still companies that do not want to build the pipeline, business licenses will be revoked. Industrial gas price reduction policy into the economic policy package third. However, until now, the price of gas down just for the six companies in the steel sector, fertilizers and petrochemicals.


Pembatasan Keuntungan Tidak Menekan Harga Gas

Pemerintah diminta menurunkan harga di tingkat hulu

Asosiasi Trader Gas Indonesia (INGTA) meminta pemerintah meninjau ulang rencana mengatur keuntungan bisnis niaga gas. Regulasi yang menetapkan batas atas keuntungan distribusi gas sebesar 7 persen dinilai Asosiasi tidak efektif
menurunkan harga.

“Pembatasan margin tidak integral, hanya mencakup sektor niaga. Padahal 92 persen harga berasal dari sisi hulu dan biaya transmisi," ujar Ketua Asosiasi Sabrun Jamil Amperawan.

Sabrun mencontohkan distribusi gas di Jawa Barat. Di wilayah ini, harga di tingkat konsumen mencapai US$ 9 per million metric British thermal unit (MMBTU). Komponen harga terbesar berasal dari hulu sebesar US$ 7,16 per MMBTU. Sedangkan biaya transportasi US$ 1,1 per MMBTU. Adapun distributor hanya kebagian US$ 0,74 per MMBTU. Dengan demikian, meski biaya distribusi dipangkas habis, harga akan turun menjadi US$ 8,26 per MMBTU. 

Angka itu masih lebih tinggi dari batas harga yang ditetapkan dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 sebesar US$ 6 per MMBTU. Sabrun meyakinkan bahwa pengusaha niaga gas tidak bisa menaikkan harga begitu saja karena berisiko mengurangi penjualan. Asosiasi mencatat penyerapan gas untuk kebutuhan industri hanya mencapai 50 persen dari alokasi yang diberikan pemerintah. Kondisi ini membuat pedagang gas tidak menikmati keuntungan. 

“Bahkan, di Jawa Timur, harga gas dari Blok WMO (West Madura Offshore) dan biaya transmisi sebesar US$ 8,1 per MMBTU. Tapi kami terpaksa menjual US$ 8 per MMBTU. Sebab, kalau di atas itu, konsumen tidak mau beli."

Menurut Sabrun, pemangkasan harga yang efektif adalah di sektor hulu. Rencana ini pernah di buat pemerintah pada 2015 dengan mengurangi penerimaan gas negara di beberapa lapangan migas. Namun, hingga sekarang, rencana tersebut belum terealisasi. 

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral justru menyatakan sektor hilir yang tidak tertata membuat harga gas mahal. Karena itu, pemerintah menganggap pembatasan margin diperlukan supaya harga gas bisa bersaing dengan bahan bakar minyak. “Harga di hulu migas hanya US$ 6 per MMBTU, tapi di konsumen bisa US$ 14 per MMBTU. Padahal jaraknya hanya 20 kilometer. Artinya, ada transaksi yang berlapis-lapis,” ucap Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi, I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja.

Dia tidak mau memastikan kapan regulasi mengenai gas akan selesai. Selain merugikan konsumen, masalah margin niaga dinilai merugikan pebisnis hulu migas karena membuat penyerapan gas berhenti. Padahal, industri tersebut menanggung risiko tinggi dan biaya besar. Sedangkan di sektor hilir, operasional pebisnis hanya membangun pipa. “Hanya membangun pipa, mengambil keuntungannya jangan terlalu banyak"

Kebijakan lain untuk menekan harga gas adalah mewajibkan distributor gas memiliki infrastruktur. Kementerian Energi memberi tenggat hingga 2018. Jika masih ada perusahaan yang tidak mau membangun pipa, izin usahanya akan dicabut. Kebijakan penurunan harga gas industri masuk dalam paket kebijakan ekonomi ketiga. Namun, sampai sekarang, harga gas turun hanya untuk enam perusahaan di sektor baja, pupuk, dan petrokimia saja.

Koran Tempo, Page-20, Wednesday, March, 22, 2017

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